PA 17 - Search; PR 27 Flashcards
what conditions must be met for a search to take place?
A search will only be done IF
a) A preliminary exam under S15A has been done
b) the application has not been refused, withdrawn or deemed so,
i) the applicant requests a search on from PF9A (R27)
ii) the search fee is paid (plus any excess claim fees), and
d) the application includes:
i) a description, and
ii) one or more claims; AND
e) the description and claims comply with the rules on language
How do you reduce the cost of a search fee
Search fee is cheaper when paid online (and when you don’t have excess claim fees)
S17(4) when will the examiner make a reasonable attempt to identify relevant prior art
5) IF the examiner thinks it is worthwhile
a) for some or all of the application,
What happens if the examiner does not think a search is worthwhile
(b) but if not, the examiner informs the Comptroller, and the applicant is informed accordingly
What happens if the Examiner determines non-unity
If, before or during search, the Examiner determines non-unity they will search the first invention only, and the applicant is notified R37.
When should additional search fees be paid
The applicant must pay respective search fee for the or each further invention to be searched (when claims are found to be non-unified)
Supplementary searches due to amendment under S18, 19 of 117 (i.e. due to actions of the applicant) require a further fee unless waived by the Comptroller
When are updated searches performed
The comptroller can request an updated search from the Examiner at any time if thought applicable
When are excess claims fees due
Excess claim fees are due for each of the 26th and subsequent claims TOGETHER WITH the (first) search fee
How and when should you request a second invention be searched
To search a second invention, you must file a search request and pay an additional (e.g. second) search fee not later than THREE MONTHS before the end of the R30 Compliance period
When are search and examination COMBINED
IF PF9A and PF10 are submitted together
unless you specify that you DON’T want this to happen
When are searches not performed
If its a PCT(GB) application which has already had a search
What is the deadline for paying the search fee of a national phase entry for a PCT(GB) application
The later of 12 MONTHS FROM PRIORITY, TWO MONTHS FROM FILING, or Two months from national phase entry (i.e. 33 months)
When is the search fee refunded?
If the application is withdrawn after the search fee is paid but before it starts, the search fee MAY be refunded (R106)
If a search fee was paid for claims in a parent that were then divided out, then for the divisional the search fee MAY be refunded
When does voluntary amendment become possible
After the search report is issued
What is the time limit for filing a search request for a divisional
At least TWO MONTHS, except in the last six months of the R30 Compliance period, when it must be requested ON FILING
When can accelerated / early search be requested?
WITH A REASON (e.g. wishing to see results before foreign filing) - This is distinct from acceleration due to likely infringement, accelerated prosecution, or PACE etc
Are unsearched claims allowed to be used as part of amendments
Yes, unsearched claims can be reconsidered during examination (more lenient than EPC)