Pharmacology of osteoarthritis
examples of topical NSAIDs
methyl saIicyIate cream
DiethyIamine saIicyIate (LIoyd’s cream)
DicIofenac cream
Topical capsaicin
Examples of intra-articular glucocorticoid injections
TriamcinoIone acetonide
MethyIprednisoIone acetate
Maximum dose of paracetamol
4 gm/day
OD of paracetamol can cause
acute liver failure
MOAs of oral NSAIDs
- non selective COX-1 & COX2 inhibitors
- selective COX2 inhibitors
common example of opioid analgesic
oral NSAIDs should be co-prescribed with
PPIs / H2 receptor inhibitor
reactive intermediate in paracetamol metabolism that in OD can lead to liver failure
NAPQI=N-acetyIe-para-benzoquinone imine
LEVELS of arachidonic acid & peroxidase in broken cells
both high
LEVELS of arachidonic acid & peroxidase in normal intact cells
both low
Intermediate in acetaminophen metabolism that crosses BBB
Mechanism in which AM404 activates CB1 receptors
by inhibition of anandamide re-uptake
CB1 & TRPV1 are involved in transmission and modulation of
PH levels in inflammation
high Ph
strongly recommended intervention for knee & hip osteoarthritis
intra-articular glucocorticoid injection