Staphylococcus aureus
genus of staph aureus
cocci in clusters
staph auras gram stain
gram +
staph aureus catalase test results
catalase positive
staph aureus coagulase test results
coagulase +
Identify the test
E test
Identify the MIC
the arrow : 0.25
border of zone of inhibition touches the strip
the minimum concentration of the antibiotic which inhibits the visible growth of the organism is known as
Minimum inhibitory concentration / MIC
Identify the test
kirby- bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test
the KB test is done to test
the effectiveness of antibiotics on specific microorganism
Identify the test & its importance
DNase test
to determine an organism’s ability to hydrolyze DNA
Identify the organism & describe the colony
S. Epidermidis: white,
non-hemolytic colonies
Identify the organism & describe the colony
staph aureus
golden Yellow beta haemolytic
Identify & describe the shown Microscopic gram stained smear
gram + cocci in cluster of staphylococcus
Identify & describe the shown Microscopic gram stained smear
gram + cocci in chains of streptococcus
Identify the organism seen in the yellow colonies
staph aureus