P485 Vol 1. Chapter 4 Material Receipt, Custody And Stowage Flashcards
The ______ is responsible for the receipt, identification, inspection, and distribution of all incoming stores with the exception of ______ supplies, ______ stores, bulk ______ products and _______.
Supply Officer
The ______ is responsible for the processing of receipt papers and all associated documents
Supply officer
The _______ will delegate the responsibility for physical receipt of incoming stores for which they are held responsible to the ________ who should be screened with para 1106
Supply officer
Leading LS
The ______ will ensure that incoming material is identified, inspected, receipted, sorted, and distributed to the appropriate supply department storerooms or to other departments when the material is marked for DTO.
Leading LS
After normal working hours, the ______ will ensure that incoming material is identified, inspected, receipted, sorted, and distributed to the appropriate supply department storerooms or to other departments when the material is marked for DTO.
Duty LS
The receipt of material or services from a government or commercial source and acceptance by a ship, squadron, or group representative at either the point of delivery or source of supply is known as _________
Direct delivery
Material transhipped from a government source will be classified as ________ when deliveries are combined and shipped via the DOD transportation system.
The ______ will be responsible for establishing and maintaining a list of personnel authorized to receive official mail
Supply Officer
The ______ from the local supply activity should be contacted to assist with coordination and scheduling deliveries to the ship
Logistics Support Representative (LSR)
When a ship leaves for an overseas location the supply officer will arrange for delivery of supplies to a _______, _______ or shore supply facility
Beach detachment
Transit Shed
What are the two types of UNREPS?
What is the issue/receipt release document?
The _____ will be used to verify material inspection and acceptance for items transported directly from a contractor
DD Form 250
The _____ is a multipurpose document that serves principally to provide evidence of inspection or acceptance at either the material source or its destination and to substantiate contract payments
DD Form 250
The ______ generally will be used both as a requisition and receipt document for most materials transferred between non-automated ships
DD 1348 (6 Part)
What is SF 1103?
Government Bill of Lading
Administrative receipts without a digital signature, two legible signatures and dates must be recorded within ______ hours after it has been created
________ facilities offer additional space and allow some or all of the receiving process to be performed ashore
T-Shed/Butler Hut
What form is used to report shipping discrepancies?
SF 364
Shortages or overages valued in excess of $_____ per line item, expect classified or protected items, which will be reported on an SF 364 regardless of dollar value
An SF 364 will be prepared when the material received is valued in excess of $_____ per line item for canceled requisitions
SDR report number will consist of the submitting activity’s ______, ________, and _________
UIC, Last two digits of the calendar year, 4 digit serial number
SF 364 will be submitted ______ days after CONUS shipment has been received.
SF 364 will be submitted ______ days after OCONUS shipment has been received.
Navy action activities are required to reply to customers within _____ days of receipt of the SDR.
The first follow-up should be sent to the action activity ____ days after the submission of the original SDR
After the first follow-up sent for SDR subsequent follow-ups should be sent at _____ day intervals
When no reply has been received within ____ months from submission of the SDR the submitter is authorized to close the SDR
Ant erroneous or overaged material issued by and received from a local Navy stock point may be returned to the customer service branch of the issuing activity for exchange or credit provided the material is returned within _____ days after receipt
When the total value of the shortages is less than $____ per UNREP, it will be absorbed by the _______ ship
When the total value of the shortages is $_____ over per UNREP, the Supply Officer of the _______ ship will prepare a _________
DD Form 200
Transportation Discrepancies in shipments sent through the defense transportation system and shipments within CONUS moving by commercial carrier will be reported via a __________
Transportation Discrepancy Report
Transportation Discrepancy reports are reported on a ________
DD Form 361
What are the two instructions that provide all PQDR policies and instructions?
SECNAVINST 4855.3 & 4855.5
A report of a critical defect which may cause death, injury, or severe occupational illness: would cause loss or major damage to a weapon system; critically restricts the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization is what Product Quality Deficiency Catergory?
Category I
PQDRs will be submitted to one of the three screening points within ___ days after discovery for Category I, or within ______ days after discovery for Category II
The RCN for a PQDR will be constructed beginning with ______,______,_____, and ________
Service Code
Two-digit calendar year
4 digit Serial number
Maintain copies of all PQDRs submitted for a least _____ years from the date of submittal
Identify the defective material/PQDR exhibits by completing and attaching a DD Form _____, Suspended Tag, and a DD Form ______, Product Quality Deficiency Exhibit
What form is a suspended tag?
DD Form 1575
What form is a Product Quality Deficiency Exhibit?
DD Form 2332
Defective material will be held for a minimum of ____ days or until disposition instructions are received from the PQDR screening or action point
Defective AVDLR exhibits will be held for a minimum of ____ days or until disposition instructions are received from the PQDR screening or action point
If aviation activity needs to hold a defective aviation exhibit in excess of 30 days, fleet activities should initiate an advance carcass tracking reply DOCID _____ and cite reason code _____
When requested by the Action Point, the PQDR originator shall ship exhibits using DD Form ______ with DOCID ______, and project code _______
What condition code will be used for defective material being shipped back to the action point?
Category I PQDRs will be shipped using PD ____ TP___
Category II PQDRs will be shipped using PD ____ TP___
What form is used for a PQDR?
SF 368
What division is responsible for shipping EI exhibits?
When Freshwater is received the _______ officer will inspect the water and sign the receipt document for quality
When freshwater is received the ______ will inspect for quantity received
Department Head
What Document identifier is used for receipt acknowledgment to supply source?
MRAs will be transmitted within ____ days from date material received
MRAs will be transmitted within _____ days from the DI AB__/AS__/AU___ date shipped field entry for non-receipt(CONUS)
MRAs will be transmitted within _____ days from the DI AB__/AS__/AU___ date shipped field entry for non-receipt(OCONUS)
When material is stowed in storerooms or other areas assigned to the supply department, the ______ is responsible for the storage, security, and inventory control of such material
Supply Officer
The Supply Officer will obtain the _______ written authorization for storage of materials in other departmental spaces
Commanding Officer
The ______ will exercise inventory control of material stowed in departmental spaces
Supply Officer
Permission for entry of persons not ordinarily authorized access to stowage spaces will be granted only by the ______
Supply Officer
Ordance material including all war reserve nuclear weapons stockpile items obtained through operational channels, ammunition, ammunition containers, and ammunition handling instructions will be retained in the custody of the ________
Weapons Officer
Ships will not off-load allowance list items of equipage or equipment for temporary storage ashore in excess of _____ year without the prior approval of the appropriate _______
Level ____ is the degree of preservation packaging and packing required for protection against the most severe conditions known or anticipated to be encountered during shipment
Level ____ is the degree of preservation packaging and packing required for protection under conditions less severe than Level A
Level ____ is the degree of preservation packaging and packing required for protection under known favorable conditions during shipment, handling, and stowage
Provide for aisles at least _____ inches wide between bin, rack, and/or cabinets for general stores material
What are the dimensions of a Type “J” Rack?
What are the dimensions of a Type “K” Rack?
How many inches are the shelves separated on a J rack?
How many inches are the shelves separated on a K rack?
What type of Bin has the dimensions 39 17/32”x18 11/16”x82 1/8”?
S Bin
What type of Bin has the dimensions 24” or 36”x24”
B Bin
Classified material will be stowed and handled in accordance with the ___________
Department of the Navy Information Security Program (SECNAV M-5510.36)
Drummed products will be inspected at least _______
_______ or _______ are provided for inspecting the effectiveness of the desiccant
Humidity Indicators Cards or Plugs
Humidity indicators turn from ____ to _____ color as moisture is absorbed
blue to pink
Unshielded magnetrons with permanently attached magnets must be kept at least _____ feet away from aircraft or other vehicles with electronic compasses installed
Type ____ (non-extendible shelf-life) items are those for which shelf-life action code UU is indicated.
Type I
Shelf-life items that are not marked with any date from which shelf-life can be determined and which have extended cost of $____ or more will be reported by letter to the cognizant inventory manager, via the ____
What Type code is extendible shelf life?
The ____ is responsible for the cleaniness, orderliness, material condition, and security of his assigned space(s).
LS in charge of a storeroom
The _____ and _____ are responsible for ensuring that all required storeroom maintenance and security tasks are regularly and properly performed
Supply Officer
Leading Storeroom LS
The material condition of stowage spaces will be checked ____ by LSs in charge, and ______ by the Supply Officer.
______ will be responsible primarily for checking watertight integrity and damage control equipment such as battle lanterns, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, etc
No personal gear will be stowed in supply department storerooms without the written approval of the ________
Commanding Officer
What DI is for material returned to NWCF stock?
How many barcodes appear on a 1348-1A?
What is listed under the first barcode on a 1348-1A?
Document Number
What is listed under the second barcode on a 1348-1A?
What is listed under the third barcode on a 1348-1A?
RI, U/I,QTY, condition code, COG, and unit price