P485 Vol. 1 Chapter 1 Organization and Administration Flashcards
What command is responsible for providing supply management policies and methods to activities of the Navy and Marine Corps, including provisioning, inventory management, material repair, transportation, packaging and preservation, and disposal functions?
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUPSYSCOM)
Who is responsible for performing assigned material support functions with respect to material handling equipment, special clothing, food, and other naval material for which such responsibility is not otherwise assigned?
Who is responsible for the management of assigned groups or classes of items of supply?
Supply Planners
Who has primary inventory control responsibility?
Supply Planners
Who provides a variety of logistics support services to the fleet, shore activities, and overseas bases?
FLCs (Fleet Logistics Center)
How many FLCs are there?
Name all FLCs?
Bahrain, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Pearl Harbor, Puget Sound, San Diego, Sigonella, Yokosuka
Who is responsible for providing regional contracting functions to the fleet and shore activities?
Who is responsible for designing, developing, integrating, implementing, and sustaining the Naval Tactical Command Support System (NTCSS)?
SPAWARSYSCEN (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center)
Name the two Fleet Commanders?
Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command (USFF)
Commander, Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT)
Who is overall responsible for conducting Integrated Logistics Overhauls (ILOs)
Fleet Commanders
Who is code N40/N41?
Atlantic Fleet Supply Officer
Who is the director of Ordnance and Supply/Fleet Supply Officers?
Atlantic Fleet Supply Officer
Who is the Deputy Chief of Staff for logistics, fleet supply, and ordance?
Pacific Fleet Supply Officer
Who is code N4?
Pacific Fleet Supply Officer
Who is overall responsible to provide command, operational and administrative control, planning and analysis, program management determination, and management of equipment, material, and personnel allowances and guidance policy to assigned operational units and shore support units CONUS and overseas?
Who is overall responsible for issuing supply directives to all operational forces assigned?
Who is overall responsible for providing information to the appropriate fleet on ship schedules, readiness, and other supply and ordance issues?
Who is overall responsible for providing the command or unit with the necessary equipment, parts, materials, supplies, and services required for the command to complete its mission and remain self-sufficient for a prescribed duration?
Supply Department
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for Stock Control?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for Aviation Stores?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for General stores/Materials?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for Hazardous Material?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for quality assurance?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for Food Services?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for Ships Store & Retail Clothing?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for disbursing?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for hotel services?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for MWR?
On an aircraft carrier which supply division is responsible for the CPO mess?
What is the first echelon of resupply for a deployed ship?
Combat Logistics Force ships
What are the three CLF ship types?
WHich CLF ship carries stores & ammunition?
Which CLF ship is a replenishment oiler?
Which CLF ship is a fast combat support ship?
What publication list the material carried by each CLF ship?
Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas (CARGO)
Whos primary supply mission is to support all shored-based facilities in the area during wartime?
Advance Bases
Who provides pre-deployment supply assistance to ships designated by TYCOMs?
Who provides services, such as technical library assistance and material identification assistance?
Who is overall responsible for providing fleet supply support policy and approving requirements for pre-positioned war reserve stocks?
Who is overall responsible for recommending pre-positioned war reserve stock requirements to the CNO?
Fleet Commanders
Who is overall responsible for enforcing allowance and fleet load list discipline to ensure that stocks afloat do not exceed authorized levels?
Fleet Commanders
What is an example of a Supply planner?
NAVSUP WSS Mechanicsburg
How does a requisition flow through the Navy Supply System?
Unit>NRP(Navy Enterprise Resource Planning)>NAVSUP WSS>NAVSUP WSS Supply Planner>Unit
What percent of Navy Supply System line items are managed by DLA?
Who manages 9Q material?
Who manages 1,3,9 COG material?
What are the four DLA supply centers?
DLA Troop Support
DLA Energy
DLA Aviation
DLA Land and Maritime
Which DLA supply center manages food, clothing, textiles, medicines, medical supplies, and construction supplies and equipment?
DLA Troop Support
Which DLA Supply Center supports the United States Humanitarian and disaster relief efforts?
DLA Troop Support
Which DLA Supply Center supports aviation parts, bombers, cargo aircraft, and helicopters, airframe, and landing gear parts?
DLA Aviation
Which DLA Supply Center supports electronic and electrical equipment and repair parts, structural material and equipment, components and repair parts?
DLA Land and Maritime
What does FOSAT stand for?
Fleet Outfitting Supply Assistance Team
Who assists the Prospective Supply Officer in attaining maximum administrative and material readiness as they establish the Supply Department on a PCU?
What publication should a PSO(Prospective Supply Officer) use for specific guidance on Fleet Outfitting Supply Assistance Team information?
Who will provide on-site waterfront-based services to support its efforts at the Navy’s fleet concentration areas and shipbuilding yards for a PCU?
Naval Sea Systems Command
On ships without a Supply Corps Officer assigned, the CO will designate who in writing to be the Supply Officer?
Line Officer
Who is responsible to the CO for the proper performance and administration of all Supply Department functions?
Supply Officer
Who is responsible for the procurement, receipt, stowage, issues, and accounting for equipage, repair parts, and consumables required to support the ship? S
Supply Officer
Who is responsible for the operation upkeep of equipment assigned to the Supply Department and the cleanliness and upkeep of assigned Supply Department spaces?
Supply Officer
What instruction is the Naval Command Inspection Program described?
Who will conduct inspection visits for subordinate commands and units?
Whose responsibility is it for the security of supply spaces?
Person in Charge of Space
All key padlocks will be how many inches?
1 1/2”
All keyless padlocks will be how many combinations?
Combinations on keyless padlocks will be changed at least every _______?
6 months
What group is General Stores Spaces?
Group I
Where will duplicate keys be kept?
Duplicate key Locker of Supply Officers safe
Who has custody of the master key for Group 1 spaces?
Supply officer
What group is Food Service Spaces?
Group II
Which spaces will not be turned into the key locker but will be pass downed between galley supervisors?
Galley, Bakeshop, breadroom, meat preparation area, and vegetable preparation area.
Who has custody of the master key for Group II spaces?
Supply officer
Ship Store, Retail clothing store, bulk storerooms, and vending machines are under what group?
Group III
Barbershop, tailor shop, dry cleaning paint, and laundry are under what group?
Group IV
When cash transactions are made or material intended for cash sale is stowed in a group IV space, it must be secured as a ______ space?
Group III
Which space group has no master key?
Group III
Who has custody of the grandmaster key?
Supply Officer
The grandmaster key will open which spaces?
Group I, Group II, Group IV
Who has custody of the duplicate grand master key?
Duty Supply Officers
Padlocks in the master series come in sets of ______?
A set of sufficient quantity of padlocks should be ordered to provide a surplus of _____ percent padlocks when installing or replacing a master set series?
The original keys to key lockers will be kept in the possession of the _______?
Supply Officer
The key or combination to the alcohol locker will be in the possession of the ______?
Supply Officer
Alcohol locker keys will be maintained in accordance with what group space?
Group III
If the two supply officers cannot do the joint inspection and letter during turnover the relieving supply officer has how many days to complete the inspection?
20 days
What type of inventory will the relieving supply officer conduct upon turnover?
Sample Inventory and Location Audit
During a relief of an Accountable Officer, how many officers will be assigned by the CO to take an inventory of vouchers, funds, and property?
Who does the CO forward the appointment letter of an accountable officer?
Naval Supply Systems Command (Director of Supply Corps Personnel)
What instruction is the DON Information Security Program Regulation?
The authority and procedures for the retention and disposal of supply afloat records are prescribed in __________?
DON Records Management Manual, SECVNAV M-5210.1
Supply Condition codes will be retained for _______?
Current and prior Two Fiscal Years
What instruction is the Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy?
_____ are responsible for maintaining training records IAW TYCOM guidance and will review at least _______ to ensure that they are accurate and current
Division Officer
Who is overall responsible for the training program of the Supply Department?
Supply Officer
Who approves the stock to be stored in other departmental spaces?
CO’s letter authorizing the Supply Officer to approve FLIPL(DD Form 200) surveys of NWCF material valued at less than _________?
______ will ensure a list of all official publications held by the Supply Department is maintained?
Supply Officer
Publications on hand will be reviewed at least ______ to ensure they are current and a valid requirement still exists?
_______ prescribes instructions for discharge of enlisted personnel?
Only one complete uniform appropriate to the season may be retained by a member who has served less than ________ months active duty?
All recovered items of uniform clothing will be turned over to the ________.
Lucky bag
In localities where no contracts are in force and no recurring demand for civilian clothing, individual purchase orders on _______ form will be placed?
DD Form 1155
The cost of clothing for discharged enlisted personnel will be charged to the operating funds for a ship or mobile construction force using what fund code?
The cost of clothing for discharged enlisted personnel will be charged to the operating funds for an Aviation force using what fund code?
7E, 7F, or 7G
What personal effect “Class” is navy-owned, organizational clothing and equipment furnished on a loan or custody basis and subject to turn-in when no longer required?
Class 1
What personal effect “Class” is uniformed clothing prescribed by U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations?
Class 2
What personal effect “Class” is money?
Class 3
What personal effect “Class” is negotiable and nonnegotiable instruments such as bonds, checks, deeds, wills, receipts, agreements, certificates, insurance policies, and bankbooks?
Class 4
What personal effect “Class” is articles of intrinsic, sentimental, and utility value?
Class 5
What instruction is the Defense Material Disposition Manual?
DOD 4160.21-M
Who is ultimately responsible for the collection, inventory, and security of personal effects?
When a command takes custody of personal effects an inventory must be complete utilizing what form?
NAVSUP Form 29
Who will appoint an inventory board for personal effects?
Who will be on the personal effect inventory board for enlisted personnel?
Division Officer and Divisions Leading Petty Officer
Who will be on the personal effect inventory board for an officer?
Two Officers
Upon receipt of personal effects from inventory boards, ______ are responsible for the custody, storage, security, shipment, disposition of personal effects, and for the maintenance of adequate records?
Supply Officer
In situations involving the personal effects of Navy personnel determined to be deceased or missing ____ is responsible to provide/determine the heir, NOK, or legal representatives of the owner.
Who is responsible for providing the appropriation to be used to ship/store personal effects?
Who is responsible for providing guidance and disposition instructions to the Personal Effects Distribution Center (PEDC) regarding personal effects, received at PEDC from afloat units with a homeport outside of CONUS or from deployed units?
The _______ is responsible to provide the following documentation to the origin Personal Property Shipping Office for shipment of personal effects:
- LOD as Command Representative for effecting personal property move.
- Letter From NOK/Legal recipient designating a delivery address
- Copy of Report of Casualty with an LOA or memo from PERS 13 w/an LOA
- Provide delivery instructions to the CACO at the delivery point
- Complete shipping documents
Command Representative
_____ is responsible for storage, record keeping, and shipment and/or disposal of personal effects determined to be:
- Lost, abandoned, or unclaimed personal effects located aboard a deployed afloat unit or an afloat unit with a homeport located outside of CONUS
- Any lost, abandoned, or unclaimed personal effects erroneously sent to PEDC
PEDC(Personal Effects Distribution Center
True or False:
You can forward items of persons whose identity or location cannot be determined to PEDC?
PEDC, upon receipt of personal effects for a deceased or missing person, shall contact _____ and provide shipment arrival notification.
How many copies of a NAVSUP Form 29 will be prepared?
5 copies
_______ will forward the original and all copies of the NAVSUP Form 29 and the personal effects to the ______.
Inventory Board, Supply Officer
____ will file one copy of the NAVSUP Form 29 in the owner’s service record.
Inventory Board
______ enters the disposition information on all copies of the NAVSUP Form 29 and will sign and distribute two copies to the inventory board and pack one copy inside each container, with the personal effects.
Supply Officer
If personal effects are those of a missing or deceased Navy member, forward a copy of the NAVSUP 29 Form to the assigned _______ and a copy to _______
How many copies of the NAVSUP Form 29 will be files in the expenditure file?
One copy
When personal effects are shipped or mailed, items of intrinsic value will be shipped in a separate container/box via ________
Registered Mail
Foreign currency and coins exceeding ________ in value will be converted to United States Currency
What type of lock will be affixed to personal effect shipment?
Brooks Model A Cable Seal Lock
If a serial number cable seal lock is not available a serial number ____ seal with a penned bolt and nut or a ____ American Wire gage wire twist may be substituted for personal effect shipment.
Ball #5
Any personal effects determined by the afloat CO (except deployed units and OCONUS homeport afloat units) to be personal effects lost, abandoned, or unclaimed will be disposed of or shipped to the owner or legal representative using which following guidelines?
Defense Material Disposition Manual
DOD 4160.21-M Chapter 4
Personal effects belonging to a missing or deceased member located aboard a deployed unit or afloat unit with homeport outside of CONUS will be shipped to ______________
PEDC, Special Material Supply Division, NAVSUP FLC Norfolk (Code 401.5) Bldg X137
What code is PEDC Special Material Supply Division, NAVSUP FLC Norfolk?
Code 401.5
Personal effects of a deceased or missing person received at PEDC without a NAVSUP Form 29, dirty and/or improperly packed will be brought to the immediate attention of the ________ and ________
When personal effects are transferred by any means to another naval activity or the PEDC, the Supply Officer will prepare a _________ form to document the transaction
DD Form 1149
The Supply Officer will remove money totaling _____ or less and donate that money to ______
Navy relief
Negotiable instruments will be deposited with the ______ Officer for safekeeping?
Lucky Bag items valued over _____ will be held for a period of _____ months before local disposition action is taken
Three Months
When it’s not possible to determine the owner of “Lucky Bag” items and the value is less than _____ local disposition action may be taken immediately
What batch number is the activation of “Cumulative Transaction Ledger (CTL)”?
What batch number is the activation of “Picking Tickets”
What batch number is Stock Control Review Listing?
What batch number is ‘Issue Pending Listing”?