4200.99C GCPC Flashcards
What executive order brought the GCPC program to life? And what year was it issued?
Executive order 12352
What acquisition policy outlines use of the GCPC?
FAR 13.301 DFARS 213.270 & 213.301
What instruction list the financial management policy for the GCPC?
DOD 7000.14-R
Can a DAO(Departmental Accountable Official) be held pecuniary liable?
What policy established legal requirements for the management of GCPCs, safeguards, internal controls, and penalties for violations of GCPC misuse?
10 USC 2784
What appointed NAVSUP as the DON Executive Agent for GCPC policy?
Navy Marine Corps Acquisition Regulation Supplement Subpart (NMCARS) 5201.6
NAVSUP assigned GCPC program management responsibility to?
DON Consolidated Card Management Division (CCPMD)
Whos responsibilty is to issue and maintain the DON GCPC task order under the GSA Smartpay2 contract?
Whos responsibilty is to establish and update DON GCPC Policy, training and communication with all DON GCPC program participants?
Who issues GCPC contract authority to DON component commands and activities?
Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)
Who is accountable for the performance and management of their command or activities purchase card program?
Head of Activity (HA)
Who does the HA need to forward their DON HA training to?
Who is responisble for identifiying program participants for the GCPC program duties and are responsible for the implementing appropriate disciplinary action for the negligence of duites, misuse, or abuse for the program participants under thier supervison?
Who approves the IOP for their activity?
Head of Activity (HA)
Who ensures proper seperation of duties among personnel?
Head of Activity (HA)
Who manages the GCPC program on behalf of the HA at the command level?
Hierarchy Level 3 A/OPC (HL3)
Who serves as the command liaison to the DON CCPMD?
Who manages the GCPC program on behalf of the HA at the organizational level?
Hierarchy Level 4 A/OPC (HL4)
Who manages the GCPC program on behalf of the HA at the Activity Level?
Heirarchy Level 5 A/OPC (HL5)
Who appoints and documents GCPC program participants?
How many years after transfer or retirment should admin documents be retained?
Three years
Which role can also be perfomed by the CO(Certifying Officer)?
Approving Official
Who validates transactions to ensure they meet legal requirments for authorized purchase card purchases prior to certification?
Certifying Officer
Who seeks advance decisions from the responsible office for questionable charges that may be illegal, prohibited by law, or an improper obligation under the funding or appropriation involved?
Certifying Officer
Who is the first line of defense to minimize abuse and/or fraudulent use of the GCPC?
Approving Official
Who reviews and approves all CH statements and reconcile when the CH fails to do so?
Approving Official
Who tracks purchases paid for, but not received?
Approving Official
Who uses the GCPC to aquire authorized supplies or services per thier delegated authority?
Who authorizes funding and provides financial management support and expertise to A/OPCs, AOs/COs and CHs?
Resource/ Financial Manager (R/FM)
Who assists the AO/CO with resolution of AO account payment/disbursing problems? ie. overpayments or underpayments
Who provides legal advice interperting acquistion, appropriation, financial management and GCPC laws governing the use of the GCPC and ethical behavior?
Local Legal/ General Counsel
Whos is responsible for paying the amount the AO/CO certifies to the bank?
Disbursing/Paying Office
Who cannot be appointed to CO position?
Foreign National employees (direct or indirect) who cannot be pecuniarily liable and Contractors
True or False/ If operating overseas can a Foreign National employees (direct or indirect) who cannot be pecuniarily liable be appointed to CH duities?
Who is not authorized to perform CH, AO or CO duties?
What requirments must be met for a contractor to assit in the administrative responsibilties of the A/OPC?
- The primary A/OPC must provide direct oversight
- The contractor must sign a non-disclosure statment
- The contractor’s PWS must be explicit regarding the functions to be performed
- Contractor support access to the bank’s EAS shall not allow chane/maintenance functionality
- The HA shall approve requests for contractor support
True or False / AOs/COs can be assigned as CHs or as A/OPCs within the same hierarchy?
True or False / A/OPCs shall not be CHs within the same hierarchy?
True or False / Personal Property managers and responsible officers / custodians, or equivalents can be CHs with the authority to purchase accountable items?
True or False / R/FMs, budget managers or equivalents will not be CHs or AOs/COs with responsibilty for executing their own funds to the maximum extent possible?
What is the max amount of carholders an AO account can manage?
An HL5 A/OPC will not oversee how many CHs and AO accounts?
How many years till a A/OPC, AO/CO, and CHs have to complete refresher training?
2 years
Which trainings needs to be completed annually for A/OPCs, AO/CO, and CHs?
Ethics Training
Which training needs to be complete annually by COs and DAOs?
CLG 006 Certifying Officer Legislation Training
What document authorizes a person to assume the HL3 and HL4 A/OPC position and who appionts them?
A/OPC Letter of Appointment / Head of Acitivity
What document authorizes a person to assume the HL5 A/OPC position and who appoints them?
A/OPC Letter of Appointment / Head of Acitivty
What DD Form needs to be submitted to DFAS Indianaplois for a CO to perform their duities?
DD Form 577
What DD Form needs to be submitted to rescind CO authority?
DD Form 577
What document shall give authority to an AO?
AO appointment Letter
What document shall give authority to a CH?
Letter of Delegation (LOD)
What SF form gives authority to a CH to use the GCPC above the micro purchase threshold?
SF-1402 Certification of Appointment
Pecuniary liability shall be documented and acknowledged using what DD Form?
DD Form 577
What three accounts does an A/OPC setup?
AO Account
CH Account
Convenience Check Account
AO account controls shall include a cycle spending limit of no more than ________ the sum of the cycle spending limits of CH accounts that fall under the AO account?
Two Times
True or False / A CH account can be transferred from one AO account to another?
True or False / An AO account cannot be transferred from one HL5 hierarchy to another?
How many days should a CH account be inactive before porjected date of transfer, retirement or removal?
30 days
Who does the CH turn in all their GCPC files to before transfering?
True or False / AO accounts shall not be closed until all CH accounts billed to the account have been closed and the invoices have been paid?
Who gives permission to a command to issue a Card to a member not part of their command?
HCA Head of Contracting Activity
Who submits requests for waviers to DON CCPMD?
Purchase of electronic and information technology items must be in compliant with Section 508 of what act?
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Advance payments are prohibited except for?
Tuition, post office boxes and subscriptions for publications or electronic/data services.
How many years are finacial documents retained?
10 Years
All purchases in support of DOD declared contingency operations as defined in _________ will need to be recorded using the banks online purchase log within 30 days of the statement date on which the transaction appeared.
10 U.S.C. 101(a) (13)
CHs are required to ensure separation of the purchasing function per what instruction?
NMCARS 5203.101-1
How many days from the statement date does an account become delinquent when bank has not received payment?
30 days
How many days delinquent of payment does the bank suspend the AO account?
60 Days
How many days past due does an AO account have to be for the bank to suspend the enitre HL5 activity heirarchy?
150 days
When an account reaches ____ days past due, the bank will request payment for the undisputed principal amount in writing or by document telephone call to the A/OPC and AO/CO.
45 days
If payment for the undisputed principal has not been received _____ days past due, the bank will notifiy the A/OPC and AO/CO electronically or in writing that a supension will take place if the payment is not received by the 5th calendar day after notification
55 days
Requests for account exemptions for AOs/COs with operational emergencies may be granted on case by case basis. Exemption requests must be submitted in writing from the_____ to the _____?
At the end of which billing cycles are the Semi annual reviews conducted?
March and September
How many calendar days does a HL5 A/OPC have to complete thier monthly review of a billing cycle?
30 days
How many calendar days does a HL3 & 4 A/OPC have to complete their monthly review?
10 days
Which days of the year does the HL3 have to submit their semiannual review to CCMPD?
15 June and 15 December
How many days suspension for the second offense?
14 days
How many days suspension for the third offense?
30 days