P485 Vol. 1 Chapter 2 Material Identification Flashcards
What is Chapter 2 in the P-485 Vol. 1
Material Identification
What does FSC stand for?
Federal Supply Classification
What was the FSC desgined to do?
To permit the classification of all items of supply used by the federal government
How many digits is the FSC made up of?
What is FSC group 10?
What is FSC group 28?
Engines, turbines and components
What is FSC group 51?
Hand tools
What is FSC group 65?
Medical, dental, veterinary equipment and supply
What is FSC group 75?
Office Supplies and devices
What is FSC group 84?
Clothing, individual equipment and insignia
What is FSC group 91?
Fuels, lubricants, oils and waxes
What is Class I Supplies?
Rations, food, free health and comfort items
What is Class II Supplies?
Expendables Individual equipment, tentage, organizational tool sets and kits, hand tools
What is Class III Supplies?
POL (Petroleum, oil and Lubricants
What is Class IV Supplies?
Construction Materials
What is Class V Supplies?
What is Class VI Supplies?
Personal Demand Items
What is Class VII Supplies?
Major End Items Ex. Launchers, tanks, mobile machine shops
What is Class VIII Supplies?
Medical Material
What is Class IX Supplies?
Repair Parts
What is Class X Supplies?
Material to support nonmilitary programs
How many digits in a NSN?
What parts make up an NSN?
What is the code called for the first two digits in a NIIN?
NCB (National Codification Bureau)
What does NSN stand for?
National Stock Number
What does NIIN stand for?
National Item Identification Number
How many digits make up a NIIN?
What position are the two digit alpha code in a NICN?
5th & 6th position
What is a NICN?
A 13 character number that is assigned to monitor non-nsn items by NAVSUP WSS & item mangers
What does LICN stand for?
Local Item Control Number
What country is NCB code 01?
United States
What country is NCB code 99?
United Kingdom
What is the NCB code for Germany?
What country is NCB code 21?
What Navsup publication provides US Navy activities, afloat and ashore, with a complete listing of non-nuclear ammunition components and related material?
What does COSAL stand for?
Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
A Technical and Supply document that tells the ship what equipment and components can go into the ship and what parts and material is required to maintain the ship.
______ is a numerical sequence listing, by identification number, of all APLs/AELs/ACLs that apply to the ship
What does HM&E stand for?
Hull Mechanical & Electrical
In SOAPL if the page number starts with an A what does that mean?
NAVSUP WSS-Philadelphia Managed
What does APL stand for?
Allowance Part List
What does AVCAL stand for?
Aviation Consolidated Allowance list
_____ lists the items and quantities of aeronautical material authorized to be stocked by CV/CVN/LHD ship types to support the maintenance and operations of embarked aircraft
The _____ is a consolidated allowance list specifying end items and computed authorized quantities of SE required for maintaining the material readiness of an aircraft maintenance activity
What is used to report APL deficiencies?
Fleet COSAL Feedback Report
A List designed to meet high use material requirements for resupply support of all deployed forces of the Atlantic and Pacific fleet
Fleet Issue Load List
How often is the Fleet Issue Load List issued and who issue it ?
What ships are FILL material positioned on?
Combat Store Ships (T-AKE)
What cylinder color is Flammable materials?
What cylinder color is Toxic and poisonous materials?
What does CRIPL stand for?
Consolidated Remain in Place Listing
List of repairables that need to remain in place until a replacement is received
What does ASI stand for?
Automated Shore Interface
_______ is the process for updating an activity’s configuration and logistics database and to aid in synchronization of configuration and logistics data between the ships database and the weapons system file
Why is the ASI important to a LS?
It captures allowance changes.
What is COSAL Type Code Q-COSAL?
What is COSAL type code HME/O?
Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, Ordance and Electronic
What do you do when the part listed in technical manual is not listed on APL?
Submit Fleet COSAL Feedback Report
What Navsup Pub contains requisitioning procedures and sources of supply to assist in the determination of how and where cog symbol 1 material may be obtained?
What instruction gives policy and procedures for ICRL?
What does ICRL stand for?
Individual Component Repair List
_____ identifies fixed allowance items capable of being repaired locally, targeted for future repair or for which future repair is not planned
What NAVSUP Pub is used by afloat requisitioners to order stock from the combat logistics force?
What is the NAVSUP P-4998 also called?
How often will tenders conduct physical inventory of 2S COG/X1 SMIC components?
What code is a two-position alpha or alphanumeric code that is assigned by the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command to certain NSN items which require a source of quality control, technical design or configuration control, and/or special controls for procurement, receipt, inspection, test, storage and/or an issue?
SMIC (Special Material Identification Code)
What is NICN code LD?
COG 0I Directives
What is NICN code LF?
COG II stock number for forms
What is NICN code LP?
COG 01 and 0P stock number for publications
If the first four digits of the NICN are not known and FSC cannot be determined what will you put for the FSC?
Who is the item manage for COG 2C material?
Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center(NFELC)
What is listed in Part 1 of the HMEO&E COSAL?
SOAPL (Summary of Allowance Parts/Equipage/Component Lists)
In Part 1 of the HMEO&E COSAL what is listed at the bottom of the page?
Ship Type & Hull Number
COSAL Publication Date
Page Number
At the bottom of the SOAPL what do A, E, H, and Z stand for?
A (Navsup WSS - Philadelphia Owned)
E (Electronic)
Z (Ordance)
What is Part I Section A of the COSAL?
Index (Sequenced by APL Noun Name)
How is Part I Section A index sequenced alphabetically by?
APL/AEL/ACL noun name
What is Part I Section B of the COSAL?
How is Part I Section B index sequenced alphabetically by?
Service Application to APL
What is Part I Section C of the COSAL?
How is Part I Section C index sequenced?
APL/AEL to the EIC
The ______ is used to identify, for maintenance purposes, the functional location, or relative position, of equipment or assembly within a weapon system or subsystem hierarchy?
EIC (Equipment Identification Code)
What is Part 1 Section D of the COSAL?
How is Part 1 Section D Index sequenced?
What is Part 2 Section A of the COSAL?
An ____ lists all the repair parts installed in the equipment/component to which it applies, as well as other pertinent data?
APL numbers for CIA equipment have ___ digits.
APL numbers for electronic equipment have ___ digits.
What is Part 2 Section B of the COSAL?
Electronics APL
What is Part 2 Section C of the COSAL?
The ______ is a technical document prepared for various categories of equipage for mechanical, electrical, electronic and ordance systems.
_______ are identified by a nine-digit identification number, preceded by either an alpha or numeric character and a dash(-).
What is Part 3 Section A of the COSAL?
SNSL of storeroom items (SRI) or Integrated Stock List (ISL)
____ contains the authorized allowance quantities of repair parts and equipment-related consumables required to be stocked on board to support the equipment listed in Part 1?
Part 3 Section A
What is Part 3 Section B of the COSAL?
_____ consolidates, in NIIN/NICN sequence, all OSIs listed in the AELs and APLs in Part 2 of the COSAL?
Part 3 Section B
What is Part 3 Section CF of the COSAL?
MAMs (Maintenance Assist Modules)
MAMs are assigned an allowance note code _____
What is Part 3 Section D of the COSAL?
Alternate Number Cross Reference to NIIN/NICN
____ is a list of alternate numbers arranged in alphanumeric sequence and cross-reference to the applicable NIIN/NICN in the COSAL
Part 3 Section D
What is Part 3 Section F of the COASL?
Forms and Publications
What is SMIC X1?
The ______ identifies the latest known test equipment required to perform preventative and corrective maintenance at the organizational and intermediate levels on a total shipboard basis
SPETERL(Ship Portable Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment Requirements List)
Who prepares the SPETERL?
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Picatinny Detachment
______ is the title of the overall program which provides the data required for effective management of support equipment at the organizational and intermediate levels of aircraft maintenance
What does AMMRL stand for?
Aviation Maintenace Material Readiness List
____ encompasses the review and verification of fleet inventory reporting, production and distribution of IMRLs, associated AMMRL program SE inventory management reports, submission and processing of Fleet IRRs and SODARRs
The COSAL is generated from the ships configuration status stored in ______
Configuration Changes to a ship is reported on what form?
What form is used to request allowance change for a DLR stocked item?
Allowance Change Request Fixed
The _____ identifies and quantifies the basic material and equipment required by Navy Expeditionary Forces to carry out operational requirements under a range of anticipated operational environments in contingency, wartime, and disaster recovery operations
Who approves the TOA?
What does HULL stand for?
High Usage Load List
Where is the HULL listed?
The ______ is prepared by NAVSUP WSS-Mechanicsburg and reflects the material authorized to be stocked by tenders and shore-based activities in support of their assigned missions.
TLL (Tender Load List)
Tenders will promptly requisition replacement ____ COG _____ SMIC components directly from _______ to replenish components issued from TLL.
What is the deadline for tenders to submit their annual inventory of 2S/X1 components?
What cylinder color is blue?
What cylinder color is green?
Oxidizing material
What cylinder color is gray?
What cylinder color is red?
Compressed Gas
What cylinder color is black?
Combustion of Oxygen
What cylinder color is tan?
What cylinder color is orange?
The ______ is the Configuration Manager for afloat activities and is responsible for ensuring COSAL maintenance
Supply Officer
The ______ & ______ provide assistance to the Supply Officer and will normally perform automated COSAL maintenance
3m Coordinator
_____ is the data file transfer and tracking mechanism for the CDMD-OA system
The ______ & _______ shall ensure the timely processing of ASI configuration and logistics data
3M Coordinator
Leading Logistics Specialist
What is the hierarchy of a TOA?
What hierarchy for a TOA is a collection of tools, equipment, and materials, listed by stock number, which provides a capability or required to perform a specific task and is identified by a five-digit number?
What hierarchy for a TOA is a functional subdivision of a section consisting of material, equipment, and facility collateral used for a similar purpose. Is designated with a five-digit number that always starts with 0?
What hierarchy for a TOA is designated with a five-digit number starting with numbers 1-9?
What hierarchy for a TOA represents any logical subdivision of a command such as a detachment, squadron, team, module, unit, staff, or other specialized, specifically identified group usually associated with mobility requirements?