P2-Urban challenges Flashcards
What is urbanisation ?
The increasing percentage of people living in towns or citires .
What is the cuase of urbanisation in HICS ?
-Tows in HICS became urbanised during the 18th and 19th cenntury .
-As people migrated from rural areas due to mechanisation in farming and availability of employment in the new area .
-The inner city was also developed - terrace housing for poeple who worked there . aND THEREFORE WILL LHAVE LESS URBANISATION IN FUTURE ,A S EVEYRTHING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED .
How is the UK in terms of urbanisation ?
-Alrhtough the UK is an urban society , more and more pople want ot live want to live in the country side - this is knonwn as COUNTER URBANISATION
(Less noise /air pollution
-bigger /cheaper hosues ).
What is one ONE cause of urbanisation in LICS ?
-natural increase - a higher birth rate than deathh rate .
-People who mitiage tend to be young , which results in naturally high levels of increase , meaning in high levels of birth .
-Falling death rate due to medicine , healthcare .
What is ANOTHER cause of urbanisation in LICS ?
Rural to ubran migration - movement of people from the countryside to the city .
What is a PUSH factor ?
A BAD thing that makes you want to oleave that location .
What is a PULL factor ?
-Things that make you want to leave , good tihngs that attract you .
PUSH Factors for urbanisation ?
Natural disasters - can damage property and farmland , which is costly , Rural areas can find it harder to recover as they tend to hav fewer resources .
-Mechanised agricultrual equipment , needs fewer workers so fewer jobs .
PULL factors for urbanisation
-There are more jobs in urban aeas that are often beter paid .
-There’s access to better healthcare and education opportunities .
-Other famialies might have already moved to an urban area .
-People think they will have a better quality life .
What is a megacity ?
-Urban areas with more than 10 million residents .
-As of 2018 there are 33 megacities ,
with more than 27 located in LICS AND NEES ,
-By 2043 number of megacities epxted to increase to 43.
Lagos - a city in the SOUTH WEST of NIGERIA .
-On the coasto fguinea
-North of the equator and North of the Prime Merdian .
Quick Facts about Lagos .
-Nigeria is a NEE , and has the highest GDP of any country in Africa .
-The citiies population is to be over 14 million , one of the fastest growing areas in the world , with an anual growth rate of 3.2 % .
How is Lagos important REGIONALLY ?
-The large migran population increases CULTURAL DIVERSITY .
-It is also very wellc onnected to other major towns , making it an important center for regional trade .
How is Lagos important NATIONALLY ?
-Lagos is homet o 80% of Nigeria’s industry , as well as many global companies .
-Lagos was also the capital of Nigeria until ABUA became capital in 1991 .
How is Llagos important INTERNATIONALLY ?
-Lagos is the main financial center , fr the whole of WEST AFRICA ,aand the 5th largest economy on the continent .
-The international port and airport are important for global trade .
One factor that has cuased lagos to grow rapidly
-The british colonised Llagos in the 1869s making it a center for trade and attracitng many merchants .
-Lagos Lagoon if a map was given .
Another factor that has causes Lagos to grow rapdily ?
-Many ex slaves returned home to Lagos in the 1800s (eg from Brazil) as slavery wa abolished .
-When NIgeria gained independance in the 1960s , there was a rapi economic development , as Nigeria;s resources no logner controlled by birithsh .
lat factor that caused Lagos to grow rapidly ?
-THe governemnt financed lots of construction projects
e,g oil refineries ,s ea ports and factories , creatimg many jobs and rapid urbanisaiton .
-Lagos recent growth is cuased by natural increase and migration
What is migration ?
-People moving fromo ne area to anogther 9usually rural to urban)
What is Eko Atlantic ?
-Theyw ant it to be aplace witha formal economy - popele have to work for wages and payt axes .
–Have holidayr ights
-New fiancial hub for West Africa
What is Eko Atlntic ? (2)
-Inspire dby DUbai - n like hong kong - designed for poeple highlye ducated tht left Lagos to com back .
-Will be home to 250 , ooo popele and employ 150,000 poepple .
What is the informal sector ?
-Part of the economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by any form of government .
-Activites of the informal economy are not included in the gross domestic porducts or a country (street vendor).
Benefits of the informal sector .
-Beneficial services , like car washing shoe hsining
-enterpirse city , peole are willing to do antyhing .
-Wate recylicng is a major job in the informal sector .
Problems with the informal sectoe ?
-People do not pay taxes - that is problematic for the government .
-Dangeorus jobs are whaazrdous for health . Working 12 hrs some
-Limits the number of jobs Lagos can create .
What is Olusosun ?
-A huge landfill site near the hear of Lagos . THe city has grown up around the site .
-A place where people in Lagos find solutions to problems - seeing an opportunity where others might just see junk .
Benefits of Olusosun
-Around 500 people work there .
-Rubbish can be turned into enegry by harnessing methane gas , emitted from rottnew aste .
-Without dump , a lot of reusable itemrs would go to waste , people in LAgos cns ave moenby by buying recyled goods .
Benefit and problem for Olusosun
-Municpal governments collect 40% of 10,000 tonnes of waste produced in Lagos everyday . This 40% is taken to landfill sites like Olusosun .
-BUT only 13% of the waste is recyled , better if people separate their own waste for recycling .
Problems with Olusosun ?
-Officers breathe in ansty fumes fromt he rubish which can be very bad for their health .
-Electric waste , imported to Nigeria, is brought to thessite , and trated with chfemicals ,,, but toxic fumes re realsed.
Problems with Olusosun ? (2)
-A lot of workers wer no shoes or have no gobes meaning shar obects can cut worers .
-Natural gases build up especially udner decomposing aste especially when its dry , Leading to fires that are diffcult toe xitnguish .
Social opportunities in Lagos ?
Lagos has better access to services and resources than rural Nigeri ;
1. There are more healthcare centers , hospitals , and a better range of medicines in Lagos .
2.Almost 90% of Nigerian children in urban areas atend primary school-only around 60% in rural areas attend school . The state in Lagos is in has almost 20,000 schools .
Social opportuntiies in Lgaos (2) ?
3.Lagos has better access to electricity than much of Nigeria - the city uses about 40 % of the country’s electricity supply . Many people can light their homes and cook more esily .
4.Water treatment plants provide sae water that is piped directly to some areas of the city .
Economic Opportunties (1)
Incomes can be four times higher in Lagos than in rurla Nigeria , so many people migrate in search of better paid jobs .
2.lAGOS IS HOME TO MANY OF HE COUNTRY’S BANKS , GOVERNMENTS and manufacturing industeirs , aslo there are two major ports for growing fishing industry .
Economic Opportunities
3.Lagos is also having a thriving film and music industry - ‘Nollywood; films are very popular .
One of the problems Lagos is facing due to rapid growth ?
1.House contruction can’t keep up with Lagos’ popuaiton growth , increasing house prices and making them too costyly for many opele .
-As a result 67& of people in Lagos live in illegal settlements (SLUMS).
-HouSES IN SLUMS ARE OFTEN FLIMSY WOODEN HUTS . They are built illgeally , people face eviction if slums are demolished to clean up the city .
Another problem Lagos is facing due to rapid growth ?
1.Water - only about 40 % of the city is connected to the state water supply . Water is in such short supply that people pay hugely inflated prices ,t o get water from informal sellers .
2.Sanitition - up to 15 households can share a toliet , and waste often goes striaght into locl water ssources . Contaminated water cn cause health care problems , e.g cholera .
3.Energy - Lagos dosen’t have enough eelctricity to power the whole city a one , so neighbourhoods take it in turns . SOme poeple get electricity from illgeal connections ,bbut these often cut out .
Final problem Lagos is facing due ot rapid growth ?
1.There aren’t enoguh healthcare facilities for everyone , and many people can’t afford treatment .
2.There aren’t enough schools for the growing populaiton )e.g there is only one primary school in the Makoko slum ) and mny families can’t afford to sned thier children to school .
How is unemployemnt and crime a problem due to rpid growth ?
-As many jobs are in the informal sector , there aren’t enough jobs for the growing populaiton , people have to find ways to make moeney . e.g by scavenging items to sell from rubbish dumps .
-About 60% of the opulaiton work in infromal jos without an legal protection . E.g street sellers’ stalls may be bulldoxied ot make wa for new developments .
-There are high levels of crime - many slums , e.g Makoko , are patrolled by gangs called ‘area boys ‘ who commit crimes and police the slum themselevs .
eNVRIONEMNTAL ISSUES due to rapid growth )1) ?
1.The huge population produces over 9000 tonnes of waste a day . Only about 40 % of rubbish is officially collected and there are large rubbish dumps e.g Olusosun which contain toxic waste .
2.Waste disposal and emission fromf actories are not regulated or controlled , leading to water and air pollution .