p2 Section B : The changing economic world Flashcards
What is development
-Development is the progress in economic growth , use of technology and imporving welfare that a country has made . When a country develops , it basically gets better for the people lliving there - thier quality of life imporves (e.g their welath , health and safety).
-The level of development is different in different counties (e.g france is m ore devloped then thiopia .
What is global development gap ?
The difference in development between more and less developed countries .
Measures of development .
-Development is pretty hard to measure becuase it includes so many things .
-But you can compare the development of different countries using measures of developemnt .
-Some measures look at a country’s level of conomic development , while others look at social factors that provide information about people’s life quality of life .
Way of developing measuring of development ; Gross Nationial Income
What it is - THe totala value of goods and services produced by a country in a year , including including income fromo berseas . It’s often given in us dollars .
-It is a measure of WEALTH .
-As a country develops it gets HIGHER .
Way of developing measuring of development ; GNI per head
What it is ; the GNI divided by the population of a country . It’s also often given in US dollars , and is sometimes called GNI per capita .
-A measure of WEALTH .
-As a country develops it gets HIGHER .
Way of developing measuring of development ; Birth rate
-What it is ; the number of live birth per thousand of the populaiton per year .
-A measure of Education
-As a country develops , it gets Lower
Way of developing measuring of development ; Death rate
What it is ; the number of deaths per thousand of the population per year .
- A mesure of HEALTH .
-As a country develops it gets lower .
Way of developing measuring of development ; Infant mortality rate .
What it is ; the number of babies who die before they are one year old , per thousand babies born .
-A measure of health .
-As a country develops it gets lower .
Way of developing measuring of development ; People per doctor .
What it is l the average number of people for each doctor .
- A measure of Health .
-As a counry develops , it gets lower .
Ways of measuring of developemnt - Lieracy rates .
What i is 0 the percentgae of adults that can read and wrtie .
-As a country develops , it gets higher .
Ways of measuring of development - Acess to safe water .
What it is - the percentgae of people who can get clean drinking wter .
-A measure of Health
-As a country develops it gets higher
Wyas of development - life expectancy
-What it is - the average age a person an expect to live to .
-A measure of health .
-As a country develops , it gets higher .
Limitiations of Gni Per head ..
-Gni per head can be isleading when used on its own becuase it is an average - variation within the country don’t show up .
-EXAMPLE - th GNI per person in Quatar is a high as some HICs , but wuatar actually has a small number of extremely welathy people and a lot of relatiely poor people .
-Social indiacotrs can also be misleading if they are used on their ownbecause , as a country develops some aspects evelops befoe others . So it might seem loike a countr is more developed than it is actually is .
-EXAMPLE - Cuba has a low birth rate , which is suggests thaat it is more developed , but relatvely high death rate , which suggests that is less developed .
Counties are often Classified based on HOW WELATHy they are …
-Despite the problems with using one measure of development on its on , the msot common wy of classifying a country’s level of development is by looking at its welath .
-HICS are the welathiest countires in the world ,w here the GNI per head is high . EXAMPLES ; UK , Usa , Canada , France.
-Lics are the poorest countires in the wolrd , where the GNI per head is very low .
-Examples Afghanitan , Somalia and Uganda .
-A country’s wealth dosen’t stay te same . Some countires (NEEs) are rapidly getting richer , as thier ecno moves from being based on primary industry (e.g agriculture to secondary industry (manufactueing) .
-Examples ; the BRICS (Brazil , RuSSIA , INDIA , China and SOuth Africa)
-+THe MINT COUNTIRES (Mexico , Indonesia , Nigeria nd Turkey .)
-However , not all countires fit into this classification - many countires have a medium - GNI per head , this puts them somewhere between LICs and NEEs in the classificatio e,g Namibia .
The human development Index combines different measures .
-One way to avoid some of the problems of using indiviudls measures is to use Human Development Index (HDI)
The HDI (1)
-The HDI is calculated using income (GNI per head ) , life expectancy and education lvel , (e.g average numbers of years of schooling ). Every country has an HDI valu between 0 (least dveloped) and 1 (most developed).
The HDI (2)
-The ocmbination of measures means that a country’s HDI value tells you about both the country’s level of economic development and the quality of lie for people who live there .
The HDI (3)
-The classification of countrie by HDI mostl looks similar to GNI per head , but there are some differences - e,g Nigeria is an NEE according to its welath but it has a low HDI .
Development is linked to the Demogrpahic Transition Model .
-The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) shows how birth rates and death rates affect population growth .
-When the birthrate is hgher than the death rate , the population grows - this is called natural icnrease . It’s called natural decrease when the death rate is higher than the birth rate .
-Birth rate and deths rate differ from country to coutnry depending on level of development They als change within a countryo vertime as it develops .