P2 Section C : The Challenge of Resource Management Flashcards
What is a resource
A resource is jsut something that we use - in this case it is food watee and energy
Why does everyone need foo dwate and energy
-resources such as food ,, wter and energya re needed for basic human development ,.
-Acess to these three resources afects the economiic and social well being of people and countries .
why do people need food (1)
-When people can;t acess enoguhs afe nutritous food , they can;t et the right balance of nutrients .
-This canc ause malnorusihment - which incldued undernourishmnt where pople don;t get enough food of any kind .
Why do people need food (2)
-Malnourishment can limit children;s development (e.g by causing iron deficieny .)
-It lso increases the likelihood of getting ill - gllobally , one third of all under -5s die from diseases linked to malnourishment .
Why people need Water (1)
-People need clen safe water fro drinking cooking and wasing .
-Without proer sanitation , water sources get polluted by raw sewage .
Why do people need water (2)
Waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid kill many poeple each year .
-Water is needed to produce food clothes and many other poroducts ,s oi thas a big impact on poeple’s lifestyle .
WHY DO coutnires need energy (1)
-Countires need energy for indutry and transport as wella s for use in homes .
-Electricity can allow countires to develop indsutry , creting jobs and welath .
-Lifestyles in HICS depend on a alrge stbale supply of energy .
Why do countries need energy (2)
-wIRHOUT ELECTIRICY , PEOPLE IN llics AND nees MAY USE OTHER REOSURCES . bURNING WOOD leads to local deforestation , so poeple hve to walk further to find fuel .
-electiricty can also power pumps for wells andp orvide mroe safe water for communtiies .
What can a lack of these resourced do ?
A LACK OF ANY ONE OF THESE RESOURCES CAN AFFECT A PERSONS ABILITY TO attend school or work . This can preven tpoeple from leaning and using skills needed for their coutnry;s development .
The global supply and consumption of resources is unequal (1)
-The global distirbution ofresources is very unevven .
-SOme coutnried dont; ahve thier own energy resources .
-oTHER have dry climates or environments that are not suitbale for food production .
The global supply and consumption of resources is unequal (2)
-To acess more reosurces these countires have to import them or find technological solutions to porduce more e.g building desalination plants can porduce fresh water from saltwater .This is expensive .
The global supply and consumption of resources is unequal (3)
So consumption of resources depend on a coutnrys welath as wella s resource AVAIALBILITY .
Consumption of resources is greater in HCIS because they can afford to buyt he reousrces hey neednad expect a higher standrd of lviing .
-CouNTRIES LIKE LUEXEMOURG improt mcuh of the nergy they sue .
-consumption is increasing rapildy , in NEES sucha s China . Industry is developing wuickly (which reuires lot of energy) .
-and populationw ealth is also incresingly rapidly .
-Consumption is lwoer in lics sucha s UGanda as theyc an;t afford to either
-Exploit available reosurces or .
-Import lackign resources .
Differentntypes of food are becoming more popular
-The types of food that are in demand in the UK have changed .Before the 1960s , most of the fruit and vegetvles on sale in the UK were locally produced nd seasonal , now there is a greater demand for range of prodcuts .
- Reasons for more imports into the UK
As poeple’s incomes have increased , exotic fruit , vegetables ,s pices and coffe have become more popualr .
-These foods are often grown in LICs (e.g Ethiopia and then exported to HICs, UK).
- For more imports into the UK
-Seasonal food is only available during the months that it grows .
-Fuirt and vegetables are imported to meet the demand for seasonal produce all yer round - strawberries from mexico .
- For mroe imports into the UK
-Poeple are becoming more concerned about the environmental impacts of food porduciton ,a nd how chemicals can affect their health .
-As organic food porduction is strictlyr egualted (e.g noa rtfical fertilisers used ), demand is growing .
-Some organic food is prdocued int he Uk , but has lots is imported.
The carbon footprint of our food is growing (1)
1.Thr growing , porcessing and packaging of food porduces XCO2 , and other greenhouse gases .
-up to 10% of the UK’S total grenhouse gas emissions in 2017 came directly froma griculture .
The carbon footprint of our food is growing (2)
Tranporting food from where it is grown to where it is sold also produce CO2 .
-THe distance food is transported to the market is called its food miles . More food miles means more co2 is porduced .
The carbon footprint of our food is growign (3)
The amount of greenhosue gas porduced whilst growing , packagign and transporitng a food is called its crbon foortping . A larger carbon footrpitn emans more greenhosue gases and more glbal warming .
The carbon footprint of our food is growign (4)
Imported foods have to eb tranpsorted a long way , so manny food miles and a large carbon footprint.
The carbon footprint of our food si groiwng (5)
People are beocming aware of the environmental issues cuase dby transporting over long ditances .
Farming is becoming more inudstrialised
-Since the 1960S , there has been growthin AGRIBUSINESS in the UK .
-AGRIBUSINES - is lrge scle industrial , farming where all prodcsses , fromt he production of seeds and fertilisers to the porcessing n packaging of the food , are controlledb y alrge firms . This emans tht farms in the UK have een chanign .
uk farm fact (1)
-farm size have increase d, anys mall farms have been akne over , and field sizes increased so that food can be produced more chepaly .
uk farm fact (2)
-The amount of chemicals used in food porduction has been icnresing .
-Large quantities of artifical fertilisers and pesticides are applied to crops and animals are given specil feed to encourgae growth .
uk farm fact (3)
the number of workes employed in agriculture fell to just over 1.1% of the uks total meployment in 2017 ,
-This pis partlybecuase of the greater use of machinery (planting and harvesitng . )
Problem with uk average annual rainfall
the north and west of the uk have a hihg raianfall .
-These are areas of wter supplus (greater supply than demand.)
-The Southe east and the midlands have high population densities ,s o there is a high demand for water .
-They are areas of water ddficit (greater demand than supply .)
Demand for water in the UK is icncreasing
-since 1975 , the amount of water used by households in the UK has gone up by 70 % . This is partly becuse poeple have more appliacnes thatus elots of eate rlike dishasher s.
-Uks opoulitons has predicteld to be over 73 million by 2040 .
-Population densities are also changing . There are plants to build lots of new homes in the osuth west WHERE TEHERE IS ALSREADY A WATER DEFICIT
Water pollution needs to be managed
-pollted or low quality water reduces the amount of water availabe for use , putting pressureo n water resources .
-Overall , the wuality of river water in the uk ahs been imporving but ther eis sitll prolem s.
Nitrates and phosphates from crop fertilsiers are wshed into rivers nd groundater .
-Pollutnts form vehicles re washed into water sources thourgh runoff when it rains .
-Chemicals nd oil spills formf actoires can poollute local waer osurces and ground ewater .
yer pollution needs to be managed
-up to 80 percen tof water in partso southern england come from groundwater . But pollution is ffection the water quality of near hal of groudneater used fo public supply int he uk SO many suppies hve clsoed nd exoenvie treatment is needed to amke them safe to use .
-Strategies to manage qater qulaity include imporving drainage systmes an dimpsoign regulaitons on the amount and types of fertisliers an dpesticied use d.
water transfers can help maintian supplies
one osltuion to the supplya dndemand porblem is to transger water form reas of surplus to areas of deficit . (like from brigmigham an area o deficit ) is supplied with water fromw ales 9areas of surplus )
issues with water transfers int he uk
the damsn adn queducts that are needed are expenive to build (brigmigham resilenc eporject) suppluing exrta water to brigmigham costing baout 300 million . -It can affect hte wildiflie int he rivers fish migrtion disrupted .
-politicla issues , people mn not want hier wter transferred to another area .
how has uks energy mix changed (1)
traditionally uk relied on fiossil fuels , in 1975 , most ofu ourenergy ninety percent came form coal and oil
-Disovery of large gas reserves under the north sea meant that 22 percent o the uks enery supplied by gas .
recentlt ehrehsas beena s hitft from buring fossil fules to renewbae resources os bu 2025 all coal fired power stations iwll close and wind and biornergy are the bigest sourceso f renables ut soalr and hep has also icnresed.