P2; CH1: The system of competences Flashcards
What is a competence?
An area in which institutions adopt both binding and non-binding measures
How the Lisbon Treaty acted towards competences
It provided a sort of constitution (limits and powers) [artt. 2 -> 7]
- Offered greater clarity on the division of competences
- Formalized the conferral of new competences
- Protected National Sovereignty clarifying EU margins of intervention
- Instituted the PRINCIPLE OF REVERSIBILITY (option to return Union competences to Nations, Nations are less conflicting + transititional and dynamic competences division)
How are competences divided in EU law?
EXCLUSIVE: Solely to EU or MS if authorized
SHARED: Both can intervene following the PRINCIPLES of SUBSIDIARITY and PRE-EMPTION
SUPPLEMENTARY/PARALLEL: UE only has to support and coordinate national policies
It says that National Competences are the RULE, while EU Competences cant be presumed and has to be attributed by the Treaties and reconstructed by case law
Centre of Gravity Doctrine and WHY
Every act has to find a legal basis in a Treaty Provision.
BECAUSE doing so:
- justifies and gives constitutional importance to the act
- determines a clear division of competences between EU and MS
- preserves the prerogatives and the rules of the institution concerned
What’s the normative link between EU competences and objectives?
Objectives serve as a parameter to the legitimacy and legality of the act (invalid objective, invalid act)
However, pursuing a legitimate objective doesn’t justify exercising not conferred competences
How is Flexibility in the system of competences innovative?
Thanks to flexibility:
1) It is possible to enact a limited extension of competences through certain special revision procedures requiring unanimity in the Council
2) The Passerelle Clause
(ART. 352 TFEU)
It’s a clause that intervenes in unforeseen issues of EU law.
It plays a residual role and is difficult to enact:
[The Council acts Unanimously, with EP prior approval, whilst the Commission draws attention on National Parliaments]
Can be applied only if:
a) the act pursues objectives set in the Treaties
b) the Treaties haven’t defined the necessary mean of action.
What’s the Passerelle Clause?
It governs the passages:
in specific fields.
Exclusive Competences
(Art.3 TFEU)
Implies that the power to legislate and adopt binding acts belongs only to the Union
In which areas do the Exclusive Competences apply?
1) Customs Unions
2) Definition of internal market competition rules
3) Monetary Policy for countries that adopted the Euro
4) Conservation of marine biological resources
5) Common commercial policy
How can Nations intervene in the Exclusive Competences framework?
Only if authorized or if internal implementations are needed
Why some matters are part of the exclusive competences and some not?
Because the one in the exclusive competence list are there since arbitrary interventions of Members States would frustrate or impede Union’s intervention
Shared Competences
(Art.4 TFEU)
Both EU and MS are allowed to intervene, but theu have to do so following principles of:
- pre-emption
- subsidiarity
In which areas do the Shared Competences apply?
To all those areas where MS and EU have no exclusive competences. It is listed residually for matters such as but not limited to:
- internal market
- economic, social, territorial cohesion
- energy, transport, environment
- freedom, security, justice
Principle of Subsidiarity
- POSSIBILITY to enjoy a certain degree of autonomy at different levels of political authority
- RESPONSABILITY TO LEGISLATE, so that if MS can’t achieve the objectives of the given competence, EU shall intervene
How can EU proceed to intervene in case of MS’s inerzia?
Commission acts doing the COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT in 4 phases:
(EP and Council validate Commission’s proposal and ensure the respect of proportionality and subsidiarity)
1) Commission outlines its general intentions in green or white papers
2) Commission’s approach is verified by both stakeholder consultations and impact assessment process
3) NECESSITY TEST: comparative efficiency analysis of the two scenarios (eu or ms)
4) If the EU scenario prevails, Commission produces an EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM stating the reasons. Recitals.
What is the Pre-emption principle?
Regulatory mechanism for shared competences.
If UNION occupied the field, even partially - Union prevails and MS have to follow Common rules, Doctrine of Primacy and the duty of loyal cooperation
If UNION didn’t occupy the field yet or stopped occupying it - MS prevail
Exceptions to the pre-emption principle
1-Environmental, Climate change and Social policy matters CANNOT BE emptied because occupied minimally by EU
2-In research, tech development, space, cooperation and humanitarian aid the PRE EMPTION PRINCIPLE doesn’t apply
Supplementary Competences
(Art. 5 TFEU)
Economic, Employment and Social policies
They are in the MS realm but EU may support or accompany national measures
What are economic policies based on?
economic policies are based on eurozone coordination, stability and growth in an open-market free competition framework
Economic policy insights
guarda il libro troppa roba
Horizontal limits to conferred competences
EU cannot intervene in the political, constitutional and fundamental structures or functions + MS must decide on their security, freedom and justice matters
(Secondary Law and Commission)
(both vertically and horizontally - ms/ms/eu)
Content and form of action must be proportionate and necessary coherent + when there’s a choice, eu shall find the least onerous one
(result: directives should be preferred over regulations)
External competences
(Art.47 TEU)
EU has legal personality, so:
- has Treaty-making capacity
- may enter International agreements EXCLUSIVELY or ALONGSIDE MEMBER STATES (Mixed Agreements)
Generally, internal exclusive competences and external exclusive competences tend to overlap, since to enhance one you need to have the other to avoid to affect the european framework