What are Capitals? What’s their movement?
a) Money or other financial instruments
b) Transferral of capitals from a MS to another one for investment reason only
What are Payments?
Transferral of money which a contracting party owes to another contracting party due to a contract concluded by the same
Payments as regards Art. 63 TFEU
Within the EU Law framework, all restrictions on payments, between MS or MS and Thirds, shall be prohibited.
Exceptions to Free Movement of Capitals as stipulated in the TFEU: EXTERNAL DIMENSION
1) Third-country restrictions
a) GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS: restrictions allowed if of int. agreements with third countries before a certain date
b) ECONOMIC and MONETARY UNION: restrictions allowed if regards third countries to safeguard against serious difficulties of the economic and monetary union
2)EU Economic sanctions affecting the external capital and payments movements
Exceptions to Free Movement of Capitals as stipulated in the TFEU: INTERNAL DIMENSION
1) Third-country restrictions
a) GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS: restrictions allowed if of int. agreements with third countries before a certain date
b) ECONOMIC and MONETARY UNION: restrictions allowed if regards third countries to safeguard against serious difficulties of the economic and monetary union
2)EU Economic sanctions affecting the external capital and payments movements