Oxygen Needs Flashcards
How does Ageing affect Oxygen needs?
Coughing strength decreases
A person is sensitive to a substance. The person’s body reacts with signs and symptoms. What is this?
An allergy
Three Respiratory Function processes
- Air moves in and out of lungs
- O2 and CO2 are exchanged in the alveoli
- The blood carries O2 to the cells and removes CO2 from them
Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs).
Cells do not have enough oxygen
Normal adult respreations
12 to 20 respirations per minute
- Infants and children have faster respreations
rapid breathing
- over 20 Respirations per minute
- pain can signal Tachypnea
slow breathing
-under 12 respirations per minute
lack or absence of breathing
slow, shallow, and sometimes irregular respirations
Faster, deeper respirations
Difficult, labored, or painful breathing
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
Respreations Gradually increase in rate and depth, then slow and shallow
- usually a sign that death is near
- Breathing may stop for 10 to 20 seconds
Breathing deeply and comfortably ONLY when sitting
Biot’s Respreations
rapid and deep respirations followed by 10 to 30 seconds of apnea
Kussmaul Respirations
Very deep and rapid respirations
* often signals a diabetic coma
Mucus from the respiratory system expelled through the mouth
Pulse oximetry (ox)
Measures the oxygen concentration in the arterial blood
-Normal range is 95% to 100%
Breathing is usually easier in which position?
Semi-Fowler’s and Fowler’s positions
Incentive Spirometry
Also called sustained maximal inspiration (SMI)
Breathing exercise that in which you inhale as deeply as possible and holding the breath for at least 3 seconds
Respiratory Hygiene
Displaying good cough etiquette through
- covering nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing
- Using tissues
- Washing hands after coughing or sneezing
Incentive spirometry
a person breaths through a tube
Oxygen is treated as a?
Oxygen sources
Wall outlet
Oxygen tank
Oxygen concentrator
Liquid oxygen system
Common Oxygen devices
Nasal Cannula Simple face mask Partial-rebreather mask Non-rebreather mask Venturi mask
Oxygen flow rates
The amount of oxygen given
*Measured in liters per minute
When blood collects between the chest wall and lungs
The process of inserting an artificial airway
Mechanical ventilation
Using a machine to move air into and out of the lungs is
Pleural effusion
The escape and collection of fluid in the pleural space is
Air in the pleural space
To count respirations, one respiration includes
One inhalation and one exhalation
Heimlich maneuver
abdominal thrusts
You must be especially careful about fire if the resident is receiving
Inserting an artificial airway