Other Neurodevelopmental Deck (including ID) Flashcards
what is a mnemonic for the Ericksonian stages
what is object permanence
concept from Piaget
a childs ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be seen or heard
what is object permanence
concept from Mahler
psychodynamic term where the object is an “object of your affection”
occurs when the internalization of the relationship with the mother is adequate enough for the child to feel secure in the absence of the mother
before age 1, what emotional states exist in the child
negative–> distress
positive–> satiated
at what age do the primary emotions develop? what are these emotions
age 1
joy, anger, surprise, sadness, shyness, fear
when does the social smile develop
age 1-2 months
when do babies start to laugh out loud
4 months
when do babies start to laugh in response to games
7-9 months
when does stranger anxiety start and peak
starts around 4 months
peaks around 8-10 months
can last up to 18-24 months
separation anxiety starts at 8-10 months and peaks at 14-18 months
at what age do the “moral” or “self conscious” emotions start
age 2
what are two ways that children understand/regulate emotions
- social referencing
- joint attention
what is social referencing
using another person’s response to an ambiguous situation as a guide for one’s own response
by 1 year, infants are acutely sensitive to the emotional cues of other people
by what age does temperament become stable
4 months
impact of temperament on personality is dependent on “goodness of fit”
these characteristics persist throughout adulthood
in what % of cases of ID can you find a genetic etiology
40-50% of cases
list prenatal exposures that can result in ID
maternal DM
congenital rubella
in utero EtOH expposure
list perinatal etiologies of ID
complications of prematurity
intra cerebral hemorrhage
list post natal causes of ID
deprivation, malnutrition
infections, toxins, trauma, inborn errors of metabolism
what is the rate of ASD in ID