Child Specific Notes: Deck 1 (Neurodev, SCZ, Mood) Flashcards
Name four psychological tests of intelligence
- WPPSI–> Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
- WISC–> Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
- WAIS–> Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale
- WIAT–> Weschler Individual Achievement Test
What does the WPPSI test for?
verbal and performance intelligence
what is the age range within which the WPPSI is validated?
2.5 years - 7.5 years roughly
what does the WISC test for?
verbal comprehension
visual spatial
fluid reasoning
working memory
processing speed
what is the age range within which the WISC is validated?
ages 6-16
what does the WAIS test for?
verbal and performance intelligence
verbal–> working memory and verbal comprehension
performance–> perceptual organization, processing speed
what is the age range within which the WAIS is validated?
ages 16-90 years
what does the WIAT test for?
areas of academic schoolwork–> reading, writing, math, oral language
what is the age range within which the WIAT is validated?
ages 4-19 years
beyond the WPPSI, WIAT, WAIS and WISC, list three other tests for IQ
- Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale –> can be used starting age 2
- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children–> 2-12 years old
- Kaufmann Adolescent and Adults Intelligence Test–> 11-85 years old
for what ages is the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test validated?
starting at age 2
what is the age range within which the Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children is validated?
ages 2-12 years
what is the age range within which the Kaufmann Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test is validated?
ages 11-85 years
list two adaptive functioning scales that can be used in assessment
- Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale (VABS)
- Adaptive Behaivour Assessment System (ABAS II)
what is the age range within which the VABS is validated?
what does it test for?
birth to adulthood
maladaptive behaviours
what is the age range within which the ABAS is validated?
birth to 89 years old
teacher/parent/caregiver reports
conceptual (reading, writing, math)
practical (ADLs, iADLs, school org)
list four behaviour rating scales you can use in assessment
- Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC)–> can be used in the full range of ID and can be used to assess med response and treatment effects
- Behaviour Problem Inventory (BPI)
- Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC)–> can be used in the full range of ID, and daily monitoring forms are available
- Reiss Scales for Children’s Dual Diagnoses (RSCDD)–> psychiatric comorbidities vs norms w ID
what might you consider using to treat OCD in down syndrome
maybe memantine
what is the most common genetic disorder associated wtih ASD
Fragile X
how does intellectual functioning change over time in Fragile X
there is an intellectual functional decline in puberty
why might you consider acamprosate when treating someone with fragile X
open label trials show benefit of acamprosate in ADHD and language in fragile X–> this is the med of choice in fragile X and AUD
what medication has been shown to improve secondary language outcomes in those with Fragile X + ASD
sertraline–> in early childhood
what % of those with Prader Willi have ADHD
are there any medications that have been shown to reduce food intake in prader willi
no–> must be environmental tx