– is a mixture of picric acid and fuchsin for the demonstration of connective tissues.
Acid Fuchsin-Picric Acid (Van Gieson’s Stain)
– is a basic acridine fluorochrome which permits discrimination between dead and living cells
Acridine Orange
– giving fluorescence for DNA and a red fluorescence for RNA.
Acridine Orange
– Is used to demonstrate deposits of calcium salts and possible sites of phosphatase activity.
Acridine Red 3B
– Is a complex, water-soluble phthalocyanin dye, similar to chlorophyll, which stains acid
mucopolysaccharides by forming salts linkages with them.
Alcian Blue
Alcian Blue is a complex, water-soluble phthalocyanin dye, similar to chlorophyll, which stains ________
acid mucopolysaccharides by forming salts linkages with them.
– Is a cytoplasmic stain used for counterstaining of epithelial sections.
Aniline Blue
– Is a plasma stain utilized also for deep staining of acid-fast organisms, for mitochondria, for
differentiation of smooth muscles with the used of picric acid
Basic Fuchsin
– It is main constituents of Feulgen’s (DNA) and Schiff’s reagent for the detection of aldehydes, Van Gieson’s solution for connective tissues, mucin, and for elastic tissue staining.
Basic Fuchsin
– Is used as a contrast stain for Gram’s technique, in acid fast and Papanicolau method, and for
staining diphtheria
Bismarck Brown
– Is usually combined with aluminum chloride to stain glycogen (Best Carmine Solution)
– Mayer’s Carmalum Solution
– Is a mordanted dye acting as a basic dye and staining acidic substances.
– resistant to strong acid dyes
Celestine Blue
– recommended for routine staining of fixed sections, giving a good nuclear definition when used in conjunction with alum hematoxylin.
Celestine blue
– Is best known as an indicator, but may be utilized as a stain for axis cylinders embryos.
Congo Red
– it is used as a 4% aqueaous solution in Kajian’s method of staining elastic tissues, amyloid and
Congo red
– Is a nuclear or chromatin stain used for staining amyloid in frozen sections and platelets in blood .
Crystal Violet
– Crystal Violet + Methyl Violet + Dexterin = Gentian Violet
Crystal violet
– is used for staining blood to differentiates leukocytes
Giemsa Stain
– Gold sublimate
Giemsa Stain
– Is the stained used for metallic impregnation, made up of gold chloride and mercuric chloride
Giemsa stain
– It is used for microscopic study of starch granules
Giemsa stain
– It is used for removal of mercuric fixative artifact pigments
Giemsa stain
– Reagents to alter crystal and methyl violet so that they may retained by certain bacteria and fungi.
Giemsa stain
– Is used for demonstrating mitochondria during intravital staining.
Janus Green B
– It is used as a contrast stain for staining ascaris eggs and erythrocytes, and as a bacterial spore stain.
Malachite Green
– It is also used both as a decolorizer and as a counter stain
Malachite green
– Stains chromatin green in the presence of an acid.
Methyl Green
– It gives false positive reaction with certain secretions as mucin
Methyl green
– is a metachromatic dye formed whenever methylene blue is heated in fixed alkali carbonate
Methylene Violet
coloring nuclei of leukocytes reddish-purple in the presence of methylene blue.
Methylene violet
– Is a basic dye recommended for observing cell granules and vacuoles of phagocytic cell.
Neutral Red
– Used as a substitute for carbol fuchsin in acid-fast staining
Night Blue
– Is an excellent stain for elastic fibers (Tanzer Unna Orcein Method)
– especially recommended in dermatological studies
– a fixative and it is also used to stain fats
Osmium Tetroxide
Fats reduces Osmium tetroxide into_______
Osmium dioxide (Black)
– Contrast stain to acid fuchsin
Picric Acid
– Demonstration of connective tissue – Cytoplasmic stain – Counterstain to violet – Fixative – Decalcifying agent
Picric acid
- Utilized to manufacture paints
Prussian Blue
- Microanatomical color contrast
prussian blue
- Demonstration of circulatory system by injection
Prussian blue
– Used with osmic acid to fix and stain blood and glandular
– Silver Nitrate
Rhodamine B
– Is used in 10% aqueous solution to prepare various dilutions to be used in identification of spirochetes, reticulum and other fiber stains
Rhodamine B
– Is a nuclear stain for fixed tissues, used as a substitute for thionine in fresh frozen tissue sections
Toluidine Blue
– It is recommended for staining of Nissl granules or chromophile bodies
Toluidine Blue
– Is used for demonstration of neuroglia in frozen sections.
Victoria Blue
- Sudan Black
- Sudan Black B
- Sudan IV
- Sudan III
- most sensitive of the oil soluble dyes
Sudan Black
- greater affinity to phospholipids
Sudan Black
- stains Phospholipids and neutral fats
Sudan Black B
- do not stain crystalline cholesterol and free fatty acids
Sudan Black B
- does not color phospholipids, lipid droplets
Sudan IV
- recommended for triglycerides
Sudan IV
good as a fat stain for CNS tissues
Sudan III