HEMATOXYLIN is a natural dye derived by extraction from the core or the heartwood of a Mexican tree called
Hematoxylin campechianum
- It is by far the most valuable staining reagent used by the cytologists due to its powerful nuclear and chromatin staining capacity
-It is not a true basic dye
- It is essential that the oxidant be used in correct amount, since excessive oxidation leads to production of other useless compounds. Using the least amount of oxidant will result in satisfactory staining and longer life of the stain.
-Old histologic dye extracted from the female cochineal bug (Coccus cacti)
Cochineal Dyes
-treated w/ alum
Carmine (Dye)
-Widely used powerful chromatin and nuclear stain for fresh material and smear prep.
Cochineal Dyes
Demonstration of GLYCOGEN
Carmine + Aluminum chloride (Best’s Carmine)
Neuropathological studies
Carmine + Picric acid(Picrocarmine)
vegetable dye extracted from certain lichens which are normally colorless
-treated w/ ammonia + air
Blue or Violet colors
- weak acid, soluble in alkali
- used to stain Elastic fibers
- It is now primarily used as an indicator
-known as” Coal Tar Dyes”
______-are derived from the hydro-carbon benzene (C6H6) and are collectively known as _________
SYNTHETIC DYES, Aniline dyes
are substances w/ definite atomic groupings and capable of producing visible color
Chromophores –
- Before a chromogen can properly be called a dye, it must have the property of retaining its color in the tissue. This property is acquired by the addition of an
Dye Classification
Acid dyes, Basic dyes, and Neutral dyes
where the active coloring substance is found in the acid component, and the inactive base, e.g acid fuchsin, is usually the sodium salt of a sulfonate of rosaniline.
Acid Dyes
Where the active coloring substance is found in a basic component that combines with the acid radical
Basic Dyes –
Example of acid dyes
Acid fuchsin Picric acid (fix, differentiate or stain)