Other Flashcards
The New Oregon Model
Steven Ames
- Where are we now?
- Where are we going?
- Where do we want to be?
- How do we get there?
- Are we getting there? (Evaluation)
V Zone
COASTAL. Highest risk of flooding. CE, V-1 - V-30 Flood Insurance Required.
A Zone
High risk of flooding. AE, AH, AO, AR A-# (known elevation). Flood Insurance Required.
B & X Zone (Shaded)
100-500 year flood zone. Flood insurance not required.
B & X Zone (Unshaded)
Above 500 year flood zone. Flood insurance not required.
D Zone
Management by objective. Peter Drucker - The Practice of Management
George T. Doran
Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
Assignable – specify who will do it.
Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
Herbert A. Simon. Administrative Behavior. “Bounded Rationalism”
Aaron Wildavsky
The Politics of the Budgetary Process (1964).
Welwyn, UK
Ebenezer Howard and Louis de Soissons. Garden City.
Promontory Point, Utah
- Connection between Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad marking completion of first transcontinental railway.
RA Greenbelt Cities
Arthurdale, WV Greenbelt, MD Greendale, WI Greenhills, OH Greenbrook, NJ (never built)
McMillan Plan
- The Report of the Senate Park Commission. Updated L’Enfant Plan for Washington DC’s parks and monuments. Never formally adopted.
Public Lands Commission
- Gifford Pinchot. T Roosevelt appoints to oversee Public Lands Commission tasked with policy recommendations for conserving natural resources.
NY Congestion Committee and 1909 Exhibit
- New York Congestion Exhibit highlighting tenement housing issues. Considered first city planning exhibition. Led by Benjamin Marsh
Model T
- Affordable car.
Benjamin Marsh
NY Congestion Exhibit. Social reformer.
Benton McKaye
Proposed the Appalachain Trail
Country Club Plaza
- First auto-oriented shopping center. Kensas City, Missouri.
Elisabeth Herlihy
Comprehensive planning in Boston. First woman to join ACPI and considered expert planner.
Regional Planning Association of America founded 1923. Clarence Stein, Henry Wright, Lewis Mumford, Alexander Bing, Benton McKaye
1933-1944. George Norris. Built 16 hydroelectric dams.
First Multi-State Planning COmmission
- WA, OR, ID & MT
1940’s Architecture and planning group in the Bay area
First Planned Unit Development
- Prince George County, MD
Samuel Cullers
- First African American to earn graduate degree in urban planning
Reston, VA
- Robert Simon Jr., planned residential community based on Garden City movement. Laid out 7 guiding principals of the community.
- Planners for Equal Opportunity. Focused on increasing racial diversity and social awareness within the profession
St. Louis. Demolished in 1972. Highlighted failures of high-density public housing
Planners Network
- Chester Hartman. Carried on PEO activities and focuses on social issues
Autonomous Car
1995 Carnegie Mellon begins testing of autonomous vehicles
- FAICP program started
DARPA Challenge
- Contest to develop autonomous vehicles in a race
Donald Shoup
- The High Cost of Free Parking
Giambattista Nolli
- The Nolli map of Rome is first to use eagle eye view of city
Power Center
Large, multi-anchor shopping center between 250,000-600,000 SF
real estate investment trusts
Lifestyle Center
Mixed Use High End mall
Longest River
Missouri River (2540 miles)
How many rivers?
250,000 (3.5 million miles)
PM10 vs PM2.5
Particulate Matter (size)
PM10 - dust, mold
PM2.5 - metal dust, combustion particles, organic compounds
National Ambient Air Quality Standards of the Clean Air Act
Sulfur Dioxide PM10 PM2.5 Carbon Monoxide Ozone Nitrogen Dioxide Lead
Types of Wetlands
Marine - direct to ocean
Estuarine - connected to ocean
Riverine - freshwater
Lacustrine - wetland between two uplands with no forest (Lacking Lacustrine)
Palustrine - wetland between two uplands with forest
Horizontal vs Vertical equity
Horizontal - same treatment for all (level tax)
Vertical - differential treatment (progressive tax)
Bearing Capacity of Soil Types (PSF)
Bedrock - 12,000 Sedimentary Rock - 4,000 Gravel - 3,000 Sand, silt, clay sand/gravel - 2,000 Clay - 1,500
Parking Generation
Apartment - 1.5/unit Condo - 1.7/unit Retail - 3/1000 SF Hotel - 1/room Lounge - 10/1000 SF Office - 3/1000 SF Restaurant - 10/1000 SF Industrial - .5-1/1000 SF
Types of Streams
Perennial Stream - annual Intermittent Stream - seasonal Ephemeral Stream - rain fed Arroyo - seasonal in desert Slough - slow moving within a wetland
Richard Babcock
- The Zoning Game.
Critique of zoning legal framework. Recommends: - More specific procedures
- Criteria to evaluate reasonableness of decisions
- State level administration to review local zoning decisions
Underground Injection Control Wells
Class I - Industrial & Municipal Waste
Class II - Oil and Gas Related Waste
Class III - Mining
Class IV - Shallow hazardous and radioactive (Banned in 1984)
Class V - Injection into or above aquifer of greywater Largest class of injection well
Class VI - Carbon Dioxide
St. Lawrence Seaway
- Permits shipping from the Great Lakes (Canada & N. US) to Atlantic Ocean
Panama Canal
Edward Bellamy
Looking Backward:2000-1887. 1888 Utopian socialist book sparking rise of socialism clubs in US.
Birth of a Nation
- One of the very first widespread popular films in U.S. Portrayed KKK as heroic.
Cash out parking
Paying for commuters who chose not to use up parking. Rewards non-drivers for the portion that is subsidized for drivers.
Statistical Process Control
Method of measuring quality based on pre-defined control limits
Pareto Chart
Bar graph with line representing cumulative totals
100th Meridian
Longitudinal line that separates East & West U.S. Also a Isohyet line thet separates rainfall from east and west (desert).
Contour showing equal precipitation
Conflict Points in Roundabout vs. 4 way
8 vs 32
Strong Towns
Charles Marohn. Creating financial stability and resiliency through good infill and design rather than new growth.
Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Lester Brown
Lost Generation - WWI Veterans Greatest Generation - WWII Veterans Silent Generation - Born during-WWII Baby Boomers - 1940's-1960's Generation X - 1960's - 1980's Millennial / Gen Y "echo boom" - 1980's-2000 Gen Z - Post 2000
Victor Gruen
Advocated for mixed-use. designer of the first outdoor pedestrian mall in the United States, the Kalamazoo Mall. Also designed Southdale Mall in Edina, Minnesota.
Gruen’s book The heart of our cities: The urban crisis: diagnosis and cure was a big influence on Walt Disney’s city planning ambitions and his ideas for the original EPCOT.
Section 106 of Historic Preservation Act
Requires federal actions to consider impact of actions of historic and cultural resources