Acts Flashcards
Housing and Community Development Act of 1992
Section 202 was expanded to include supply of affordable housing with support services for elderly
Dillon’s Rule
States have no powers other than those assigned by the state
Judge Dillon - 1886
Stewart B McKinney Act 1987
The first legislative response to homelessness
Housing Act of 1949
- Wagner-Ellender-Taft
- First comprehensive housing bill
- 800,000 Units
- Focused on slum clearance and urban renewal
- financing for public housing
Fourteenth Amendment
Private property cannot be taken without due process
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act 1986
Regulates 366 toxic chemicals
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
New Communities Act, permitting funding for new towns
Funding for 6 million subsidized units
Required local government to develop housing plans
Housing Act of 1964
- Relaxed FHA procedures to expedite FHA-insured mortgages
- Section 312 provided federal funds for home rehabilitation
Housing assistance for moderate-income households
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966
Great Society Program
“model cities”
Included historic preservation
Land Ordinance of 1785
Rectangular land survey of Northwest Territory
Land divided into six square mile townships
Coastal Zone Management Act 1972
Established NOAA
Participating state map waterfront and control land uses
Created voluntary national coastal zone management program
Clean Water Act 1972
Used permits to control point source pollution
Set wastewater standards and water quality standards
Section 404 protects wetlands and requires a permit for filling
Fifth Amendement
Prevents government from taking a property without paying just compensation
Farmland Protection Act of 1981
Administered by USDA
Used to minimize federal policy effects on converting farmland to non-agricultural uses
Developed standards for measuring effects
New York State Tenement Housing Law of 1901
Outlawed “dumbbell” tenements
Permitted only 70% of lot coverage
Fair Housing Amendments of 1988
Expanded fair housing to include group homes and halfway homes
Prohibited discrimination based on age or disability
Housing Act of 1937
Created U.S. Housing Authority
Allowed local housing authorities to determine housing needs and construct and operate low-rent housing and engage in slum clearance
Energy Policy Conservation Act 1975
Established CAFE standards
Toxic Substances Control Act 1976
Regulates chemicals and mixtures
Substances must be registered with EPA prior to use or impact
Housing Act of 1954
Focused on slum prevention and urban renewal, rather than just clearance
140,000 new units, slum clearance & urban renewal FUNDING FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING
Housing Act of 1959
Made federal funds available for comprehensive planning at the metropolitan, regional, and state levels
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Fair Housing Act
Prohibited housing discrimination
Title VIII prohibited housing discrimination
Allowed individuals who believed they were victims to file a civil suit or complain to HUD
Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978
Authorized $725M to economically distressed urban areas for rehabilitation of recreation facilities.
Only federal program that supports parks.
Focus on systematic local planning and commitment to operation and maintenance of programs, sites, and facilities
New Jersey Fair Housing Act of 1985
Enacted after Mount Laurel decision
Statewide approached aimed at combating exclusionary zoning and promoting regional fair share affordable housing
Also created a state Council on Affordable Housing
Tax Reform Act of 1986
Established the low income housing tax credit
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Financial institutions are accountable for investments that they finance
Reduced the practice of redlining and opened new investment and greater citizen participation and awareness
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
New accommodations for people with various disabilities
Impact on built environment and building codes
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Process linking air quality and transportation planning
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
Established two of HUD’s most important programs: HOME and HOPE
Increased support for homelessness programs established under the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Empowered local communities in transportation planning, bolstered support for transportation, established transportation enhancements program, and provided new levels of flexibility and certainty in planning and investments
Opened door for non-highway transportation investments
Washington Growth Management Act of 1991
High standard for state-mandated planning with detailed required plan elements
Extensive use of urban growth areas in the state
Bridge between traditional urban growth boundaries and smart growth
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993
Established and funded HUD’s Enterprise Zone and Empowerment Community programs
Designated distressed neighborhoods for package of tax incentives aimed at opening new businesses, provide new jobs, rehab and build new housing, and change lives in urban and rural areas
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century of 1995
Built on legacy of ISTEA
Sought to improve linkage between land use and transportation planning
Provided record levels of guaranteed federal transportation resources
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970
- Created community development corporations
- Established national growth policy
Tennessee P.L. 1101 Comprehensive Growth Policy Act of 1998
Marked emergence of smart growth
Identified ways to deal with strong local control and agricultural interests
Progressive approach to mandating local planning with state review and assistance
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
Provided special protections for religious land uses and placed new burdens on local governments seeking to regulate those uses
Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001
Set of reforms designed to promote the remediation and redevelopment of brownfields
Removed several liability barriers
Authorized record levels of federal support for identification and cleanup of brownfields
Standard City Planning Enabling Act of 1928
Laid foundation for planning in US
Outlined powers of municipal planning commissions and required adoption of master plan by local governing bodies
Enabled regional planning commissions and regional plans
Herbert Hoover under Department of Commerce
Indian Reorganization Act or the Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934
Enacted to conserve and develop Indian lands and resources
Extended the right to form businesses
Granted certain rights of home rule
Provided for vocational education
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1984
Required EPA to develop comprehensive regulatory program for storage of hazardous substances
Requires owners of tanks to prevent, detect, and clean up any releases
Telecommunications Act of 1996
Goal is to increase competition
Streamline installation of cell phone towers
Gave telecom companies pre-emption powers over local regulations as well as eminent domain powers over private property
Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964
Required federal government to provide grant money to local governments for public transit
Available for capital investments and operating costs
Federal government pays up to 80 percent of capital costs and 50 percent of operating costs
Antiquities Act of 1906
First law to provide federal protection for archaeological and historic sites
Allowed areas in the public domain that contained historic landmarks, historic structures, and objects of historic interest to be designated as National Monuments
The Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act of 1935
Predecessor of the National Historic Preservation Act
Required Secretary of the Interior to identify, acquire, and restore qualifying historic sites
Called on federal agencies to consider preservation needs in their programs and plans
National Trust for Historic Preservation Act of 1949
Truman signed legislation to create the National Trust
NTHP is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
Established the National Register of Historic Places
Section 106 - protection of preservation-worthy sites and properties threatened by federal activities
Potentially eligible for designation as significant as designated
Created the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and directs that each state appoint a SHPO
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 - Section 8
Recipients pay only 30 percent of their income towards housing and federal government pays the rest
Main program for housing assistance to low-income households
Emergency Housing Act of 1975
Provided emergency relief for underemployed and unemployed homeowners
Authorized HUD to provide short-term assistance to defray mortgage payments for people temporarily unemployed or underemployed as the result of poor economic conditions
Housing Opportunity Extension Act of 1996
Enacted to evict tenants with drug or alcohol abuse or criminal records from public housing
Designated certain public housing projects or a certain number of units within a project for elderly or disabled individuals and families
Providing funding to Habitat for Humanity and other nonprofit housing developers to expand homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income people
Homestead Act of 1862
160 AC of land with condition that they reside on it for five consecutive years
Much of settled land didn’t receive enough rain to support agriculture
Caused government to take major role in water development in the West
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949
- Guidelines for use and disposal of urban lands including acquisition, and change of use
- Created General Services Administration
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act 1926
Adopted 1926
- published 1924
- Influenced by 1916 zoning ordinance in NYC
- Confirmed states’ authority to delegate police power to municipalities to enact local zoning ordinances
- Drafted and approved under Secretary of Commerce Hoover
Clean Air Act 1963
- Has requirements for areas which have not met clean air ambient standards, known as non-attainment areas
- New sources are only allowed if there is a reduction in pollutants greater than the pollutants contributed by the source
Community Character Act (2002)
- incentive to help states and localities initiate and implement smart growth
- federal government as partner with localities in building great places without intrusive federal mandates
Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000
Requires state, local & Tribal mitigation planning as a condition of FEMA assistance. Requires “local mitigation plan”
- How it was created
- Existing conditions
- Alternatives
- Best actions
- Implementation
- Monitoring, evaluation, updates
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA)
Regulates small scale energy producers of two types:
Small power production facility is a generating facility of 80 MW or less whose primary energy source is renewable (hydro, wind or solar), biomass, waste, or geothermal resources.
Cogeneration facility is a generating facility that sequentially produces electricity and another form of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) in a way that is more efficient than the separate production of both forms of energy