Law 3 Flashcards
Cochran v Preston
Baltimore ordinance limiting height for fire safety is valid
Attny General v Williams
- SCOTUS holds that giving a person a right of action against a city is an adequate provision for compensation in a takings situation.
Romar Realty v Board of Commission
Overturned a law which sought to establish building heights & lot lines expressly for “aesthetic considerations” because such concerns do not impact health, safety, & welfare of a community.
Inspector of Building, Lowell v Stoklosa
Upheld city ordinance which created sepate areas/zones for business & residential areas.
Zahn v Public Works of LA
Upheld legislation that prohibited business uses in residential areas even if it diminished some of the property’s value and there were business operations existing in the area that had been established prior to the zoning change
Dowsey v Kensington
Found that there is fine line between reasonable use of police powers to restrict lawful use of private property and takings. Determined that the ordinance stepped over the line & deemed unconstitutional.
Welton v Hamilton
Overturned a Chicago ordinance which delegated zoning appeals to another body that had not been elected by the citizens without providing standards for ruling & criteria for judgement which resulted in the body having arbitrary authority.
US v Certain Lands, City of Louisville KY
Overturned a proposed US gov’t action to secure lands through condemnation for purpose of cleaning slums as a provision of the National Industrial Recovery Act. Determined the federal gov’t has no police powers in local land use concerns.
People of Twohy v City of Chicago
Upheld the right for a city to condem slums/blighted areas for public ownership & that levying taxes for said purpose is a legitimate exercise of a governments taxation powers.
Ayres v City of LA
Upheld the right for the LA planning commission to place conditions on a development during the review process. A nexus existed between the development conditions & protection of public interests.
Ficher v Bedminster Township
- NJ Supreme Court. Upholds ordinance establishing large minimum lot sizes. Notes plaintiff could have applied for a variance.
Akron v Chapman
- OH Supreme Court says that the right to continue a non-conforming use falls under Article 4 of US Constitution and Article 1 of OH Const. Due process violated by requiring amortization of nonconforming uses.
Harbisom v City of Buffalo
- NY Appeals Court. Court holds that phasing out non-conforming uses is okay if loss to owner is insubstantial, or if public benefits are greater than detriment to owner. Okay to limit enlargements.
Jenad v Village of Scarsdale
- NY Appeals Court. Court upholds requirement of park land dedication or a fee in lieu. Says its a valid exercise of police power as long as municipality shows schools, parks, playgrounds, etc. will be needed.
Serrano v Priest
- CA SC said CA method of financing public education through property taxes is discriminatory and furthers no compelling state interest. Violation of equal protection due to disparities in tax revenues.
Baker v Town if Milwaukee
- OR Supreme Court. Citizen sues to make existing ZO comply with new comp plan. Court says a comp plan is legislative and town has a duty to implement it through ZO.
Warth v Seldin
- SCOTUS can’t intervene in exclusionary zoning cases if plaintiffs cannot demonstrate how municipal zoning causes direct injury and exclusion
City of Eastlake v Forest City Ent.
- Referendum case. SCOTUS upholds the OH Constitution, which gives the people referendum power over any question municipalities can control by legislation. The people reserved the power unto themselves, so it is not an unlawful delegation of legislative power.
Bove v. Donner-Hanna Coke Corp*
- NY Supreme Court. Nuisance case that claims Bove should have known, based on the area’s geography and transportation connections, that she was building in an industrial location. Coke ovens operation okay. Does establish the idea that owners cannot make unreasonable use of his premises to the material annoyance of neighbors.
San Jose Christian College v City of Morgan Hill
- US District Court. Claim under RLUIPA not successful. RLUIPA is not an exemption from land use regulations. Burden is allowed if it furthers a compelling state interest and is the least restrictive way of furthering that interest. SJCC gave no evidence showing it was burdened, or that Morgan Hill treated churches unequally.
Calvert Cliffs Coordinating Committee v. Atomic Energy Commission**
- SCOTUS overturns an approval for a nuclear power plant due to failure to follow requirements of NEPA. First case to show the teeth in NEPA
Sierra Club v. Morton**
- SCOTUS issues ruling on standing in environmental cases. Sierra Club lost the case, but won the war, as environmental groups only need to find one member with a personal interest in the threatened area to have standing to sue.
Cohen v Des Plaines
- SCOTUS holds that zoning cannot give churches an advantage over commercial uses. Strikes down an ordinance allowing church daycares where commercial ones are not permitted.
City of Erie v. Paps A.M.*
- Freedom of expression not violated by regulations requiring minimal clothing of exotic dancers.
Village of Willowbrook v. Olech*
- An individual can be a “class of one” when claiming violation of the equal protection clause. Violation occurs when government treats one differently from others similarly situated AND there is no rational basis for the difference in treatment, even if there is no ill will or vindictivenes shown on the part of the government.