Osteoarthritis Flashcards
What are 7predisposing factors for OA ?
1.Previous trauma.
3. Congenital hip dislocation.
4. Perthes.
5. Osteonecrosis
6. Paget’s.
7. infection
Where is OA usually seen ?
Typically seen in large weight bearing joints (hips, knees and axial skeleton)
Active joints
Is OA typically seen in active joints - give examples ?
what is Primary OA ?
Idiopathic hereditary degenerative change.
What is Secondary OA?
Degenerative changes that are secondary to trauma. Commonly in knees, hips and spine.
List some causes for Secondary OA ?
Inflammatory conditions such as RA/ Gout
Obesity ( Causing increased force on that joint)
Is joint change in OA symmetrical ?
No asymmetrical.
What are the radiographic appearances in OA ?
Loss of joint space (Asymmetrical)
Osteophyte formation ( Bony lumps/ spurs) - Bodies response to increased pressure on the joint.
Subchondral Sclerosis Increase in bone density below the articulating surface.
Subchondral Cysts - Also known as GEODES.
what do Subchondral cysts look like and what causes them ?
Focal rounded peri articular lucencies.
They are caused by increased pressure at the joint forcing synovial fluid to herniate into the subchondral bone.
Describe the Kilgren- Lawrence classification system to describe OA ? (Grades 0-4)
0 Normal
1 Early/minor - Doubtful joint space narrowing with possible osteophytosis.
2 Mild - Minimal joint space narrowing, definite small osteophyte formation.
3 Moderate - Definite joint space narrowing with multiple moderately sized osteophytes.
4 Severe - Marked joint space narrowing, Multiple or large osteophytes, Marked sclerosis and definite bone deformity.
Where is the distribution of Osteoarthritis in the hands and wrist ?
This will be distal interphalangeal joints.
What type of patient usually presents with primary OA ?
Middle aged females.
Where is primary OA predominantly seen ?
What is the distribution of Primary Osteoarthritis?
Distal interphalangeal joints, proximal interphalangeal joints and base of the thumb. It is bilateral and symetrical.
There are a few joints that exhibit erosions with Osteoarthritis, What are these ? -(Clue- letter joints)
4. symphysis pubis.
What other arthropathies can cause GEODES ?
1) Rheumatoid arthritis.
2) Degenerative joint disease.
3) Calcium phosphate dihydrate crystal deposition.
4) Avascular necrosis.