Organisations, Movements And Members Flashcards
According to Troeltsch, what is a church?
According to Troelsch, what is a sect?
According to Niebuhr, what is a denomination and how does it differ from both a church and a sect?
What is a sect?
What are the characteristics of leaders of cults?
How are churches and sects similar in the way they see themselves?
How does wider society see churches and denominations?
How does wider society see sects and cults?
According to Bruce, why do some of the definitions of religious organisations not fit today’s reality?
Briefly explain and give examples of Wallis’ three categories of NRMs:
- World-rejecting
- World-accommodating
- World-affirming
Give three criticisms of Wallis’ classification.
Briefly explain Stark and Bainbridge’s two kinds of organisation:
- Sects
- Cults
According to Stark and Bainbridge, what benefits do sects offer their followers?
According to Stark and Bainbridge, what benefits do cults offer their followers?
Briefly explain and give examples of Stark and Bainbridge’s three types of cults.
- Audience cults
- Client cults
- Cultic movements
Why are marginal groups in society more likely to join sects?
Explain what Weber means by a ‘theodicy of disprivilege’.
According to Wallis, why do some well-educated, young, middle-class whites join sects?
Define relative deprivation.
Why might middle-class people feel spiritually deprived?
According to Stark and Bainbridge, why do world-rejecting sects appeal to the deprived?
According to Stark and Bainbridge, why are the privileged more likely to join world-accepting churches?
According to Wilson, why do sects emerge in periods of rapid social change? Give an example.
According to Bruce, why do people join sects in response to secularisation?
Briefly explain the reasons for the growth in world rejecting NRMs.
Briefly explain the reasons for the growth in world-affirming NRMs.
Define schism.
Briefly explain Neibuhr’s three reasons for sects being short lived.
The second generation:
The ‘Protestant ethic’ effect:
Death of the leader:
According to Wilson, what patterns do conversionist sects follow?
According to Wilson, what patterns do Adventist sects follow?
Give three examples of established sects.
According to Wilson, why is it becoming more difficult for sects to keep themselves separate?
What is the positive effect of globalisation for some sects?
Give four examples of New Age beliefs.
Briefly outline the two common themes of New Age beliefs identified by Heelas:
- Self-spirituality
- Detraditionalisation
What are meta-narratives?
Why have people lost faith in professionals such as scientists and doctors?
According to Bruce, why is the growth of the New Age a feature of modern society?
Why are New Age activities attractive to Westerners?
Briefly explain the four ways in which Heelas links the New Age and modernity:
- A source of identity
- Consumer culture
Briefly explain the four ways in which Heelas links the New Age and modernity:
- Rapid social change
- Decline of organised religion
Summarise the ways in which women can be seen as more religious than men.
Briefly outline Miller and Hoffman’s three main reasons for women’s higher levels of religiosity.
According to Bruce, what was the reason for women’s higher religiosity in the past?
Briefly outline two reasons why religion remains attractive to some women.
Why are women more often associated with ‘nature’?
According to Bruce, how does women’s experience of child-rearing make them more likely to be attracted to New Age movements?
Briefly explain the role conflict that women in paid work suffer from.
Briefly explain what Woodhead means by ‘the individual sphere’.
According to Brown, why do ‘self’ religions attract women?
Why might women be attracted to fundamentalism?
Briefly explain the class differences in the types of religion the appeal to women identified by Bruce.
Briefly explain the three forms of deprivation suffered by women:
- Organismic deprivation
- Ethical deprivation
- Social deprivation
- Organismic deprivation:
- Ethical deprivation:
- Social deprivation:
In what ways is Pentecostalism a patriarchal religion?
According to Brusco, why is Pentecostalism attractive to women despite it patriarchal features?
Why has religious participation declined among women in the UK?
Why do women reject traditional religions?
Briefly outline the following explanations given for ethnic differences in religiosity:
- Cultural defence
- Cultural transition
Briefly outline Voas and Crockett’s three explanations for age differences in religiosity.
- The ageing effect:
- The period or cohort effect:
- Secularisation
According to Voas and Crockett, which of the above is the main reason for age differences in religiosity?
Using and example, explain what Arweck and Beckford mean by the virtual collapse of religious socialisation.