Feminist Theories Flashcards
How do feminists view society?
When was the first wave of feminism?
What do feminists mean by ‘malestream’ sociology?
From what viewpoint do feminists examine society?
What are liberals concerned with?
What is reformism?
Briefly explain the following type of change proposed by liberal feminists:
- Laws and policies
Briefly explain the following type of change proposed by liberal feminists:
- Cultural change
Define sex.
Define gender.
Briefly explain the ways in which gender can vary between cultures and over time. Use an example to illustrate your answer.
According to liberal feminists, how are sexists attitudes and stereotypical beliefs transmitted?
What are the two ways through which liberal feminists believe society will progress towards gender equality?
Briefly outline instrumental roles.
Briefly outline expressive roles.
According to Parsons, which ‘roles’ are the domain of men and which of women?
In what way do liberal feminists disagree with Parsons’ view of gender roles?
Why might liberal feminism be seen as a consensus approach?
What aspects of society have liberal feminists highlighted in their research?
Why are liberal feminists accused of being over-optimistic?
Define patriarchy.
Briefly explain the three claims made by radical feminists.
What do radical feminists mean by sexual politics?
How does the example of women not going out alone at night illustrate patriarchal power?
According to radical feminists, in what way does patriarchy construct sexuality? Give an example to illustrate your answer.
Briefly outline the following solution to women’s oppression proposed by radical feminists:
- Separatism
Briefly outline the following solution to women’s oppression proposed by radical feminists:
- Consciousness-raising
Briefly outline the following solution to women’s oppression proposed by radical feminists:
- Political lesbianism
Why do Marxists criticise radical feminists?
What other social factors does radical feminism ignore?
Why does Pollert believe that the concept of patriarchy is of little value?
Why does Somerville think separatism is unlikely?
According to liberal feminists, what evidence is there for patriarchy being in decline?
What types of violence does radical feminism ignore?
According to Marxism feminism, what is the cause of women’s subordination?
Briefly outline the following function that women’s subordination performs:
- Women are a source of cheap, exploitable labour.
Briefly outline the following function that women’s subordination performs:
- Women are a reserve army of labour.
Briefly outline the following function that women’s subordination performs:
- Women reproduce the labour force.
Briefly outline the following function that women’s subordination performs:
- Women absorb anger.
According to Barrett, why must we take non-economic factors into account to understand women’s position in the family?
Briefly explain what Barrett means by the ideology of familism.
In addition to the overthrow of capitalism, what else is required to secure women’s liberation?
According to Mitchell, why would it be hard to overcome patriarchy even after the overthrow of capitalism?
Briefly outline four criticisms of Marxist feminism.
Briefly explain what is meant by patriarchal capitalism.
According to dual systems feminism, how can women’s subordination be understood? Give an example to illustrate this.
According to Walby, how might the interests of patriarchy and capitalism differ? Use an example to illustrate this point.
According to Pollert, how does patriarchy differ from capitalism?
Briefly outline how difference feminism has a different view of women from other feminist perspectives.
Using the example of black women, explain why difference feminists would reject the idea of the family as a source of oppression.
Briefly explain what is meant by essentialism.
What is the problem of taking an essentialist view of women? use an example to illustrate your answer.
What are ‘discourses’?
Using an example, explain how the power to define others gives power over those who are defined.
Why does Butler see the Enlightenment ideals as a form of power/knowledge?
According to Butler, why are Western feminists wrong to claim that the feminist movement represents ‘universal womanhood’?
Why does poststructuralism suggest there is no fixed essence of what it is to be a woman? Give an example to illustrate this point.
According to Butler, what advantage does poststructuralism offer for feminism?
According to Butler, what are the advantages of stressing a diversity of discourses?
In what way does Walby criticise poststructuralist views?
Why is the division of women into subgroups a problem for feminism?
What is Segal’s criticism of poststructuralism feminism?