Action Theories Flashcards
Briefly outline the position of action theories.
Briefly outline the two levels that an adequate sociological explanation involves, using the example of ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’.
- The level of cause:
- The level of meaning:
Briefly outline Weber’s four types of action. Give an example of each type.
- Instrumentally rational action:
- Value-rational action:
- Traditional action:
- Affectual action:
In what way does Weber’s view corect the over-emphasis on structural factors of other perspectives?
Briefly outline three criticisms of Weber.
What is the focus of symbolic interactionism?
According to Mead, how do we create meanings?
Briefly explain what is meant by the interpretive phase. Use an example to illustrate your explanation.
Briefly explain what is meant by ‘taking the role of the other’.
Define ‘significant other’.
Define ‘generalised other’.
According to Mead, what do we need in order for us to function as a member of society?
Briefly outline Blumer’s three key principles.
According to Blumer, why is our action partly predictable?
Briefly outline the following interactionist concept that underpins the labelling theory. Give an example to illustrate these concepts.
- The definition of the situation
Briefly outline the following interactionist concept that underpins the labelling theory. Give an example to illustrate these concepts.
- The looking glass self
Briefly outline the following interactionist concept that underpins the labelling theory. Give an example to illustrate these concepts.
- Career
Briefly explain why labelling theory is regarded as a voluntaristic theory.
Why might labelling theory be seen as deterministic?
What is meant by the dramaturgical model?
According to Goffman, how are we able to present a particular image of ourselves to our audience?
Give five examples of impression management techniques that social actors use.
- - - - -
Use examples to show what Goffman means by the following terms:
- Front stage
- Backstage
How does Goffman’s view of roles differ from that of functionalism?
Briefly explain what Goffman means by role distance. Why might it mean that social actor’s role performances are cynical or calculating?
How does interactionism avoid the determinism of structural theories?
What do critics of interactionist theory say that it ignores?
Briefly outline Reynolds’ criticism of interactionism.
Briefly outline a criticism of Weber’s category of traditional action.
Briefly outline a criticism of Goffman’s dramaturgical analogy.
What is meant in philosophy in ‘phenomenon’?
According to Husserl, how do we impose meaning and order on the world?
Briefly outline what Schutz means by typifications.
Using an example, explain why meanings may be unclear.
Briefly explain how typifications stabilise and clarify meanings. Use an example to illustrate your explanation.
Briefly explain what Schutz means by ‘recipe knowledge’.
Briefly explain what Schutz means by the ‘natural attitude’. Use an example to illustrate your explanation.
Briefly explain Berger and Luckmann’s criticism of Schutz.
According to Garfinkel, how is social order created?
How does Garfinkel’s view differ from that of functionalists such as Parsons?
How does ethnomethodology differ from interactionism?
Briefly explain what Garfinkel means by indexicality.
Why is indexicality a threat to social order?
What is meant by reflexivity?
Why is language vital in achieving reflexivity?
Using an example, briefly explain what a ‘breaching experiment’ is.
According to Garfinkel, in what way do breaching experiments show that social order is not inevitable but an accomplishment?
How do coroners use reflexivity (commonsense knowledge) when classifying deaths as suicides?
According to Garfinkel, what is the effect on humans striving to impose order by seeking patterns?
Briefly outline Garfinkel’s criticism of conventional sociology. How can his criticism be applied to Durkheim’s theory of suicide?
Outline four criticisms of ethnomethodology.
Briefly outline the characteristics of structural theories.
Briefly outline the characteristics of action theories.
Briefly explain what Giddens means by duality of structure.
According to Giddens, what is structuration? Use an example to illustrate this concept.
Briefly outline the following elements of structure for Giddens:
- Rules
- Resources
- Rules:
- Resources:
Briefly explain Giddens’ two reasons why actions tend to reproduce structures.
Briefly explain two ways in which agency can change the structure of society.
According to Archer, why is Giddens wrong to imply that actors can change structures simply by deciding to do so? Use and example to illustrate your answer.
According to Craib, why is structuration theory not really a theory at all?