Globalisation, Modernity and Postmodernity Flashcards
Briefly outline what is meant by modernist theories.
Briefly outline the following characteristics of modern society:
- The nation-state
- Capitalism
Briefly outline the following characteristics of modern society:
- Rationality, science and technology
- Individualism
Define globalisation.
Briefly outline how the following changes have helped to bring about globalisation:
- Technological changes
- Economic changes
Briefly outline how the following changes have helped to bring about globalisation:
- Political changes
- Changes in culture and identity
Briefly outline the features of postmodernity.
In postmodern society, how do we define ourselves?
According to postmodernists, what is anti-foundationalism?
Briefly outline the two consequences of anti-foundationalism.
Give an example to show why postmodernist reject meta-narratives such as Marxism.
Briefly explain what is meant by a relativist position.
According to Lyotard, what form does knowledge take in postmodern society?
According to Baudrillard, what is postmodern society based on?
Briefly explain what Baudrillard means by simulacra. Give an example.
Briefly explain what Baudrillard means by hyper-reality.
Briefly explain why Baudrillard is critical of television.
According to postmodernists, why has culture become fragmented and unstable?
In postmodern society, why do people lose faith in meta-narratives?
According to postmodernists, why is it easy to change our identity in postmodern society?
According to Baudrillard, why have we lost the power to improve society?
Briefly outline Philo and Miller’s four criticisms of postmodernism.
Briefly explain why Lyotard’s theory is self-defeating.
According to Best and Kellner, why is postmodern society a weak theory?
Briefly outline Harvey’s reasons for rejecting the pessimism of postmodernism.
What does Foucault mean by a discource?
Using an example, explain how discourses can be a form of domination.
Briefly explain how the idea of discourses suggests that truth is relative.
According to Foucault, why can there be no progress?
Briefly outline how theories of late modernity differ from postmodernism.
Briefly explain ‘disembedding’.
Briefly explain ‘reflexivity’.
Give an example of a military risk.
Give an example of an economic risk.
Give an example of an environmental risk.
According to Giddens, is it possible to deal with risks?
According to Beck, what dangers were present in the past?
According to Beck, what dangers are present today?
Explain what Beck means by reflexive modernisation.
Give an example of how we are more ‘risk conscious’ in late modernity. Why might our knowledge of risk be distorted?
Briefly explain why Beck disagrees with postmodernism’s rejections of the Enlightenment project.
Briefly outline a criticism of the concept of reflexivity.
According to Rustin, what is the source of risk?
What is Hirst’s criticism of Beck?
Briefly outline the positive aspects of theories of late modernity.
In what ways do Marxists agree with Beck and Giddens?
In what ways do Marxists disagree with Beck and Giddens?
How do Marxists see postmodernity?
Accordign to Harvey, when did postmordernity arise?
What does Harvey mean by flexible accumulation?
Briefly outline two ways in which changes to production have brought about the cultural characteristics of postmodernity.
Briefly outline the changes to consumption brought about by flexible accumulation.
Why does Jameson see postmodernity as a more developed form of capitalism?
What is meant by the compression of time and space?
According to Harvey and Jameson, what political changes have occurred due to flexible accumulation?
According to Best and Kellner, in what two ways do Marixists differ from postmodernists?
Briefly outline Marx’s view of how the Enlightenment project would be achieved.
Why and in what way have Marxist theories of postmodernity abandoned this view?
What is the strength of Marxist theories of postmodernity?