Organisation of the skeleton structure and function Flashcards
What is the diaphysis?
the shaft or central part of a long bone.
What is the epiphysis?
the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft.
What are long bones divided into
Divided into epiphyses, metaphysis and diaphysis
What happens to the epiphyses after puberty in adults?
The epiphyses becomes fused with the metaphyses
What is the bone mainly composed of and what type of collagen is it predominantly
Over 90% of bone is composed of matrix, which is predominantly Type 1 collagen together with other non-collagenous proteins.
What is unmineralised bone matrix called?
Unmineralised bone matrix is called osteoid
What are the bone cells?
The bone cells are osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts.
What are the 2 types of bone at a microanatomical level?
At a microanatomic level, there are two types of bone; cortical bone and cancellous(also known as trabecular) bone.
What are the 2 forms that bone can exist as?
Woven and lamellar
What is a woven bone and how does it look like under polarised light?
This is an immature form of bone that is produced when bone is formed rapidly eg in the neonate or in the early stages of fracture repair
In woven bone, the collagen fibres are randomly arranged, and this can be seen under polarized light
What is woven bone subsequently remodelled into?
This is subsequently remodelled into lamellar bone, which is stronger.
what is lamellar bone composed of?
Lamellar bone is composed of sheets or lamellae of parallel collagen.
What is cortical bone composed of and what is it known as?
Cortical bone is composed of long parallel columns, known as osteons
What are the osteons made up of and what do they surround?
made up of concentric rings of bone, the lamellae, surrounding a central Haversian canal
What does the haversian canal contain?
contains blood and lymphatic vessels
What are osteocytes and what do they have to connect with other osteocytes?
Osteocytes are terminally differentiated osteoblasts, and have a cell body and cell processes that connect with other osteocytes.
Where are the cell processes located?
The cell processes are in canaliculi.
What is cortical bone covered by and what does it consist of?
Cortical bone, in turn is covered by periosteum. This consists of fibrous connective tissue.
What is the medullary cavity composed of?
The medullary cavity or center of bones is composed of cancellous bone, with intervening marrow.
What is cancellous bone composed of?
Cancellous bone is composed of a network of bony plates or struts called trabeculae
What do cancellous bone connect with?
These connect with each other and to the endosteum of cortical bone.
In adults, What is the space between trabeculae filled with?
In adults, the spaces between the trabeculae are filled with either haemopoetic bone marrow or adipose tissue.
What do osteoblasts synthesize?
These cells synthesise bone matrix ie they make bone
Where do osteoblasts lie?
On the surface of the bone