Organisation of eukaryotic genomes Flashcards
How many orders of magnitude between the smallest and largest eukaryotic genome?
How many base pairs in 23 pairs of chromosomes?
6 billion
Approximate length of DNA
2 metres
Approximate number of cells in the human body
10^13 (ten trillion)
Tree of what DNA contains
- protein coding genes
- non coding genes
not transcribed non structural - unique -repetitive structural
What is the dark matter of the eukaryotic genome?
Not transcribed, non-structural, unique DNA
What is the longest gene?
dystrophin 2.2 million bps and takes 16 hours to transcribe
How long is an average coding sequence?
1000 bps
How long is an average gene?
20 000 bps
Most common length of an exon?
37 codons (11bps)
Most common number of exons for a human gene to have?
What percentage of human genes have 2 or more exons?
Which gene has the longest coding sequence?
How many exons does titin have versus dystrophin (if titin has the longest coding sequence evn those dystrophin is the longest gene)?
363 exons - titin
79 exons - dystrophin
Percentage of introns and exons in an average human gene?
95% introns (non-doing DNA)
5% exons (coding DNA)
How are protein coding genes distributed on chromosomes?
What percentage of DNA is transcribed into RNA?
What percentage of DNA is protein coding genes and non coding genes.
protein coding genes = 1%
Non-coding genes = 3%
What types of structure DNA is there that is not transcribed?
What is a centromere?
Region of chromosome that links pair of sister chromatids and where spindle fibres attach via kinetochores during mitosis.
How many centromeres per chromosome?
What percentage of the human genome is made up of centromeres?
How many base pairs long are centromeres?
5 million
Mostly composed of alpha-satellites (171 bp repeats)
Do centromeric regions of the chromosome have genes in them?
few/no genes
What percentage of the human genome is made up of telomeres?
How many bps long?
What kind of repeat?
What overhang?
10 000bps long
TTAGGG repeats
3’ single strand overhang which invades double helix to form a T-loop
Describe the regions on a chromosome which are next to the telomeres
Higher gene density. Genes in these regions have a high chance of being exchanged during genetic recombination.
Optimal place along the chromosome for a selfish gene to go?
Regions next to telomeres (sub-telomeric regions) because they have a higher chance of being exchanged during recombination.
What is satellite DNA?
simple sequence repeats (SSRs) of 1-6bp tandem repeats.
What percentage of the genome is satellite DNA?
What causes simple sequence repeats?
DNA replication errors
What are retrotransposons?
a genetic component that converts RNA back into DNA in reverse transcription so that they can copy and paste themselves in difefrent genomic locations
Three retrotransposons
What percentage of the average gene is transposons?
30% LINEs, SINEs and SSRs
Percentages of eukaryotic genome DNA
4% genes are transcribed in RNA
11% are non transcribed structural DNA
75% are non transcribed non structural DNA