Chromatin Flashcards
Decondensed, transcriptionally active form of chromatin
Condensed, transcriptionally inactive form of chromatin
Histone octamer
8 protein complex made up of two copies of histone proteins H2A, H2B, H3 and H4
basic repeating unit of eukaryotic chromatin, usually consisting of approximately 147bp DNA sequence wrapped around histone proteins
147 bp of DNA to wrap twice around a nucleosome
linker histone that links nucleosomes
Histone code
a hypothesis suggesting that DNA transcription is regulated by post translational modifications to histone proteins and tails
What histone promotes condensation of DNA? (heterochromatin)
linker histone alters the path of DNA as it exits the nucleosome and this is believed to help it be more compact
30nm fibre
helical formation of nucleosomes each composed of a particle wrapped by 147 bp DNA sequence and linked by a linker histone
what charge are histone tails
positively charged
Whya re histone tails positively charged?
they contain lots of basic residues (lysine and arginine)
histone acetylation associated with
increase in gene expression
Why does acetylation of histones decrease condensation of DNA? (promotes euchromatin)
Addition of acetyl groups to histone tails neutralises their positive charge and therefore decreases their attraction to the negative backbone of DNA, making DNA less compact
What are the basic residues of histones?
K(lysine) and R(arginine)
acetyl group
Different combinations of histone marks result in
different condensation states
differential recruitment of other proteins
trimethylation to 4th lysine of H3 histone
Chromatin Accessibility Profile
just remember its a thing lol
Three components of epigenetic inheritance
- Histone code
- RNA and protein made by parent cell
- DNA methylation
How does the cell epigenetically regulate DNA transcription?
moderates chromatin condensation state
What are the two main states of chromatin?
heterochromatin (30nm fibre)
euchromatin (11nm fibre)
Is histone code heritable?
Yes, it can be inherited by cells and even organisms
DNA methylation
methylation of CpG islands which are typically located in or near gene promoters results in gene silencing
enzyme that carries out DNA methylation
DNA methyltransferases