Organ File Modes Flashcards
Organ File
Position: Apply the tips of all four fingers into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Indicates a visceral-somatic condition is involved.
Procedure: Pause Lock the mode, sub-mode the thumb nail into each finger pad for the body cavity location of the organ. Challenge the organ reflex points. Test for priority tissue and treat as indicated.

Visceral-Somatic Reaction (VSR)
Position: Thumb, index, and ring-finger MCP in extension with middle and little finger tip into palm.
Purpose: Indicates “Visceral-Somatic Reaction”.
Procedure: Pause Lock in V.S.R. mode, Priority / Organ / Locate / Local / Priority and Process.

Diaphragm - Spinal Division
Position: Thumb tip into the partially flexed radial half of the index finger PIP joint, no thumb nail contact.
Purpose: Indicates diaphragm dysfunction of the lumbar spinal attached segments
Procedure: A versatile mode of location, organ, muscle tissue. A one of a kind mode to identify a portion of a diaphragm dysfunction.