Location Modes Flashcards
Location 1
Position: Tip of Index finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of the spine, upper extremity, lower extremity, rib, or cervical region.
Procedure: Test the sub-mode locations for activity. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Upper Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger DIP on the midline of the palmer surface.
Purpose: The location of the point of treatment is in the region of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, or fingers.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode with the four location files for the Upper Extremity Segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Lower Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger PIP on the midline palmer surface.
Purpose: The location of the point of treatment is in the region of the hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, foot, or toes.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode with the four location files for the Lower Extremity segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply middle finger nail into dorsum of extended index finger DIP joint
Purpose: Point of treatment is located in the rib cage region.
Procedure: Continue four location sub-modes, dividing the 12 ribs by four, assigns three ribs per sub-mode; 1/2/3, 4/5/6, 7/8/9, 10/11/12. Test the body posture reflex or Cranial Index for a more specific location. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Index finger PIP joint flexed over the thumb dorsum for the index finger pad to contact the radial side of the PIP of the thumb.
Purpose: To identify the spinal column and the attached tissue as the point of treatment.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode to locate the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral region of the spine. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Cervical Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the neck
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the anterior cervical region or neck forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the submandibular margin and occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium

Cervical Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the neck.
Procedure: An anatomical location for the tissues of the posterior cervical region or neck behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the transverse plane of the occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the T-1 vertebra.

Location 2
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of spinal or non-spinal thoracic region.
Procedure: Test reflexes and tissues of the thoracic region, between clavicles and diaphragm. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Thoracic Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the chest.
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the anterior thoracic region or chest forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium; the inferior boundary is the xyphoid tip and costal cartilage margin.

Thoracic Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the thoracic region.
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the posterior thoracic region or chest behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the superior margin of the superior margin of the T-1 vertebra.

Location 3
Position: Tip of ring finger into the center of palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of spinal or non-spinal lumbar region.
Procedure: Test reflexes and tissue of the lumbar region, between the diaphragm and the iliac crests. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Lumbar Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the abdominal region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical lumbar region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the costal cartilage margin; the inferior boundary is a line between the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS) crossing just inferior to the umbilicus.

Lumbar Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the lumbar region
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical lumbar region behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the costal cartilage margin, the inferior boundary is the iliac crests.

Location 4
Position: Tip of little finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location in the pelvis, TMJ, C1/2, C2/3, cranium.
Procedure: Scan sub-mode locations for the Local distressed Tissue. (See Sub- mode Flow Chart)

Position: Apply thumb pad to little finger pad.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is located in or on the skull.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply thumb nail to little finger DIP joint crease on the palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is on C-1 / Occiput or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply thumb nail to littler finger PIP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates condition or point of treatment on the mandible, or functional displacement of the mandible fossa.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue. Priority / Tissue file is also recommended

Position: Apply thumb nail to the little finger MCP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: To identify point of treatment on C-2 or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Pelvic Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the anterior pelvic region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical pelvic region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is a line between the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS); the inferior boundary is the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone superior margin.

Pelvic Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the posterior pelvic region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical pelvic region behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the iliac crests; the inferior boundary is the gluteal folds, not including the femur.

Change Hologram
Position: With the ring and little finger approximated, insert the thumb nail into the palmer crease of the two adjacent DIP.
Purpose: Upon completing a correction with or without remote influence indicators, a positive test indicates to check other holographs of the local point.
Procedure: Check modes for cranium, upper extremity, lower extremity, for the same location in the indicated holographic display for additional corrections.

Location 5
Position: Apply the tips of all fingers into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Indicate point or treatment is on the coccyx.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.