Chemical File Modes (2020) Flashcards
Chemical File
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a chemical disorder. Each biochemical substance has a molecular frequency used to design a resonant hand mode.
Procedure: Check chemical submodes for the priority chemical imbalance, treat as indicated or supplement as needed.

Position: Thumb pad to the distal pad of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates inadequate amount of a substance.
Procedure: Select an appropriate product, then start the patient on the calculated dosage, or increase previous dosage to clear deficiency.

Position: Thumb pad to the dorsum of the middle finger nail.
Purpose: Indicates too much of a substance in the body.
- *Procedure:** 1. Reduce dosage of current product or
2. Select appropriate counter agent to clear toxicity or
3. Process with Toxicity / Metabolic / Priority / Organ and treat as indicated to clear toxic condition.

Position: All distal finger pads approximated to the distal pad of the thumb.
Purpose: To indicate chemical sensitivities, intolerances and rejection of external or internal substances that initiate inflammatory reactions.
- *Procedure:** Format Chemical File / Introduce product that indicates allergy response / PL.
1. Treat with either the BSI Allergy acupoint protocol or
2. Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy I Ingested
Position: Ulna side of index finger, distal one-half of the distal phalanx (edge of the nail bed) to radial side of middle finger proximal margin of PIP joint.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as oral ingestion.
Procedure: Allergy / #1 / PL Test from vials or food and beverage samples for specific items and treat with BSI allergy protocol or process with Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy II Inhaled
Position: Thumb dorsum proximal to nail. To palmer PIP.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen by nasal inhalation.
Procedure: Allergy / #2 / PL Test from vials, aroma samples or jars of air pollutant samples and treat with BSI allergy protocol, homeopathy or process with Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy III Metabolic
Position: Thumb nail to the middle finger DIP palmer midline.
Purpose: Identifies the source of inflammatory reaction due to faulty metabolic processing.
Procedure: Allergy / #3 / PL Format Priority / Organ and process as BSI indicates to correct the metabolic dysfunction.

Allergy IV Injected
Position: Thumb nail tip onto the PIP radial midline.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as sub-dermal injection into the skin via inoculation, insect sting, animal or snake bite, and scratch or abrasion.
Procedure: Allergy / #4 / PL Test from vials or samples of venoms, microbes, and plants and treat with BSI allergy protocol, homeopathy or process with Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy V Topical
Position: Thumb pad to fully flexed middle finger PIP dorsum.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as topical contact with the skin, transdermal absorption.
Procedure: Allergy / #5 / PL Test from vials or samples of skin products, cometics, bath / shower water, fabrics and laundry products, plants and grasses. Treat with BSI allergy protocol or format Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy VI EMF
Position: Tip of index finger nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: Identifies the reaction to certain electronic frequencies or devices
Procedure: Allergy / #6 / PL the positive test and process with BSI allergy protocol or format with Priority / Electric File / Endpoint.
Inform patient about reducing electronic exposure… LED clocks, computer, cell phone, microwaves, electric blankets, magnets, crystal jewelry. Test work area with gauss meter for hidden power boxes and electrical conduits.

Allergy VII Auto-Immune
Position: Index finger tip on middle finger PIP dorsum.
Purpose: Identifies allergy type reaction of auto immune system rejecting tissues and fluids of your own body.
Procedure: Allergy / #7 / Test with vials or samples for specific tissue or fluid identification. Treat with BSI allergy protocol or format with Priority / Electric File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Allergy VIII Hormonal
Position: Thumb distal pad on middle finger distal nail edge.
Purpose: Identifies allergy reaction to your hormones.
Procedure: Allergy / #8 / PL Test from vials for specific hormone and process with BSI allergy protocol or process with Priority / Electrical File / Endpoint (acupoint).

Kreb’s Cycle
Position: Palmer DIP joint of thumb onto radial aspect of fully flexed PIP joint of middle finger.
Purpose: To identify Ammonia Toxicity from a Kreb’s Cycle defect of Citric Acid and / or Urea Cycle failure
Procedure: After Chemical File / Deficiency / Kreb’s Cycle / Priority, select a product that restores the Kreb’s Cycle productivity OR format with Kreb’s / Metabolism / Priority / Endpoint.

Bacteria Slider
Position: Start with Thumb tip on radial aspect of the middle finger DIP #1-2-3 joint and slide palmer surface of thumb across the radial side of middle finger DIP up to a final position of the Thumb PIP contacting the middle finger DIP.
Purpose: Indicator for bacterial infestation.
Procedure: When indicated as Priority, test for antibacterial remedies. (Topical agents, internal systemic remedies or BSI processing)

Position: Radial corner of middle finger nail onto the thumb pad.
Purpose: Indicator for fungal infections.
- *Procedure:** 1. Chemical File / Fungus / Priority / Deficiency / test antifungal products OR
2. Format Fungus at AOL / Priority / BSI processing

Parasite Slider
Position: Tip of the Index and Middle fingernails on ulnar side #1-2-3 of the Thumb, distal segment. This mode is expanded in its scan by sliding proximal along the entire length of the ulnar side of the Thumb. Then rotate fingers to dorsom/palmer position on Thumb ulnar side and slide proximal to distal to the end of the Thumb.
Purpose: Indicator for various parasitic infestations.
- *Procedure:** 1. Chemical File / Priority / Test anti-parasitic remedies OR
2. Format Parasite at active MP / Priority / BSI processing

Yeast Slider
Position: Tip of the Thumb nail into the Chemical finger pad and the #1-2-3 Index fingernail onto the ulnar side of the Thumb distal phalanx. Expand the scan by sliding the Index finger along the ulnar side of the Thumb to the proximal end of the Thumb.
Purpose: Indicator of Candida yeast overgrowth (acetaldehyde toxicity)
- *Procedure:** 1. Chemical File / Yeast / Toxicity / Priority / SCOPE Chemical deficiency / Calculate dosage
2. Micro current— Chemical File / Yeast / Priority / Electrical File / Calculate frequency / Sine Wave / Neg. Polarity. Treat at the level of C2 with power into the right side and receiving electrode left side of C2.

Lipid Metabolism
Position: Contact tip of thumb and middle finger tip without contacting the nails
Purpose: Indicates fat metabolism defect
Procedure: Chemical File / Lipid / Priority / Product test or Organ / Priority / End Point.

Trace Minerals
Position: Ulnar corner of thumbnail to radial one-third of the middle finger tip.
Purpose: To identify biochemical deficiency of trace minerals.
Procedure: Positive Trace Minerals / Priority / Deficiency / Prioritize products to fulfill the deficiency indicator.

Metal Toxicity
Position: Ulnar corner of thumb nail to ulnar one-third of middle finger tip
Purpose: To identify biochemical defects associated with toxic metals
Procedure: Positive Metal toxicity / Priority / Deficiency / Prioritize products to neutralize the toxic metal (LV Renew Super Ox etc)

Methylation Dysfunction
Position: Tip of the middle fingernail into the joint crease of the MCP joint of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicator for defect of the five cycles of methylation
Procedure: Positive Methylation / Toxicity / Priority / Deficiency Product testing for the missing ingredient causing the cycle defect.

Virus Slider
Position: Tip of Thumb onto the radial side of the middle finger PIP joint #1-2-3 and slide Thumb palmer surface across the radial side of middle finger PIP joint as far as Thumb flexion allows.
Purpose: Indicator for viral infections.
Procedure: Angle of Louis (AOL) or suspected location with Chemical File / Virus Slider / PL a positive test and test antiviral products for therapeutic value.

Position: Tip of Thumb onto the radial side of the middle finger #1-2-3 middle Phalanx and slide the Thumb palmer surface across the middle phalanx as far as Thumb flexion allows.
Purpose: Indicator for imbalance or deficiency of brain chemistry
Procedure: AOL or Cranial test point with Chemical File / Neurotransmitter slider / PL positive test and scan with vials to identify specific Neurotransmitter and then test products for therapeutic value to increase specific Neurotransmitter production.

H. Pylori
Position: Ulnar surface of distal phalanx of the Thumb on middle finger dorsum between the nail and DIP.
Purpose: Identifies the H-Pylori bacteria.
Procedure: AOL or Gastric contact with Chemical File / H-Pylori / PL and test products for therapeutic value.

Lyme Spirochete
Position: Ulna surface of distal phalanx of the thumb on flexed middle finger nail.
Purpose: Identifies the condition of active Lyme spirochete.
Procedure: We recommend testing the five formulations of Dr. Allen Lindsley to match the precise strain of Lyme. Typical treatment is 8-12 weeks.

Gluten Reaction
Position: Ulna surface of the thumb DIP on the flexed middle finger dorsum between nail and DIP
Purpose: Identifies an inflammatory reaction to the consumption of Gluten.
Procedure: Desensitize the body to Gluten and restrict Gluten consumption until all signs of inflammation have subsided. Then reintroduce sample of Gluten to determine degree of continued sensitivity.

Lyme Neurotoxin
Position: Middle finger tip on the Thumb between nail and DIP.
Purpose: Identifies the continuing effects of the Lyme neurotoxin.
Procedure: Test for products that nullify the neurotoxic effect. Great resolution has been obtained with Rutin Plus and Glyco-Lyph by NW.

Hormone Imbalance
Position: Thumb nail into the proximal phalanx of the middle finger palmer side midline.
Purpose: Indicates hormonal imbalance.
Procedure: Chemical File / Hormonal / Deficiency (select deficient hormone) / Priority / Deficiency now test nutrition that promotes specific hormonal productivity.

Blood Brain Barrier Defect
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Positive test indicates compromise of the Blood Brain Barrier and associated with the gut / brain syndrome.
Procedure: Test performed on the Brain Cranial test point / PL / Remote / locate area of remote influence and identify the organ (colon, small intestine, or ICV then process or select product for resolution.

Leaky Gut
Position: Thumb nail under the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Indicates deterioration of the intestinal lining contributing to remote inflammatory conditions of brain, joints and muscles.
Procedure: Scan abdominal area to a precise point and identify intestinal tissue. Process to determine source of intestinal deterioration such as vascular necrosis, chronic inflammation of food allergies, neuropathy etc.

Homeopathic Remedy
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger PIP joint.
Purpose: Identifies a suitable product for resolution of a condition.
Procedure: After positive test / PL / scan a homeopathic kit or a selected group of vial / separate from other vials and test for therapeutic effect.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Position: Ulna side of Thumb pressed onto the radial side of the middle finger distal phalanx.
Purpose: Identifies Herbicide, elemental and parasitic toxicity disruption with production of energy via Mitochondria
Procedure: Test with Toxicity mode for Toxins and parasite. With Deficiency scan for a therapeutic product.

Blood Sugar Dysfunction
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger distal phalanx.
Purpose: Identifies condition of Blood sugar deviation associated with Liver / Pancreas dysfunctions.
Procedure: Process with BSI to restore auto regulation of blood sugar. Test Toxicity mode (High Blood Sugar) or Deficiency mode (Low Blood Sugar) and dietary recommendations.

Metabolic Dysfunction
Position: Thumb nail into the palmer crease of the middle finger DIP.
Purpose: Indicates metabolic functional issues are interfering with normal physiology activities… most relevant to biochemistry and auto immune activity.
Procedure: Chemical File / Metabolic / Priority / Organ / BSI processing

Flower Remedies
Position: Tips of the middle and ring fingers into the palmer depression.
Purpose: Identifies flower remedies as the therapeutic agent.
Procedure: PL Flower Remedy, Chemical Deficiency, Priority, scan vials to select. Test for More Local or Remote, for any additional remedies Test each vial for number of drops into the one formula. Then hold all vials and PL. Succus to match the resonance of the group of selected vials. Now calculate dosage.

Red Blood Cell
Position: Fully flexed Index and Ring fingers with tips into the palm. Thumb, Middle and Little finger in full extension
Purpose: Identifies deficit of Red Blood Cells significant in hypoxia and some forms of anemia.
Procedure: Process for parasitic activity and/or clinical studies for medullary bone disease

Oxygen Deprivation
Position: Index finger with fully flexed DIP and PIP while proximal phalanx is adjacent, parallel and contacting the middle finger in extension.
Purpose: Indicates hypoxia associated with not breathing, anemia, vascular compromise, stroke, blood clot, etc.
Procedure: Whether local or systemic quickly assess for visceral, or vascular compromise and process. Lack of immediate recovery may need Emergency medical intervention.

Position: Index finger with MCP extension and fully flexed DIP and PIP while Index finger phalanx contacts the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Indicates cellular dehydration.
Procedure: Acute distress may require IV hydration but usually substantial water in small amounts over several hours will restore physiology.

Position: Index finger tip on dorsum of middle finger PIP.
Purpose: Indicates an enzyme deficiency.
Procedure: After entering Chemical File / Deficiency / if Enzyme mode is positive , PL, then find the priority enzyme or mixture to restore the normal metabolic function.

pH Imbalance
Position: PIP and DIP in extension while ring finger is flexed so the its distal phalanx contacts the middle finger, middle phalanx midpoint
Purpose: Identifies and imbalance of the pH factor of an organ or tissue.
Procedure: Follow the positive test with Toxicity mode for too high or Deficiency mode for too low