BSI Modes - Complete Flashcards
High Gain
Position: Full flexion of the fingers and thumb at their MCP joints, maintaining PIP and DIP extension. The finger tips proximate each other but do not touch.
Purpose: Twofold; “logging in” clarifies test subject and installation of S.C.O.P.E. files establishes parameters for body language.
Procedure: Touch around the Master Point. If weak, hold to process. If strong, hold until momentary weakness, Pause Lock.

Bilateral Integration
Position: Full contact of both hands, palm and fingers.
Purpose: To merge the asymmetric energy composition of the body into one global unit and tends to enhance the depth of a query.
Procedure: Dr. will clasp together both hands of patient and Pause Lock or the doctor will clasp his own hands together while touching the patient midline and Pause Lock.

Structural File
Position: Tip of Index finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a Structural tissue disorder
Procedure: Test the Structure modes and treat as indicated

Bone Displacement
Position: Thumb pad to the index finger pad.
Purpose: Indicates malposition of osseous joint.
Procedure: Realignment may be with mechanical pressure or with muscle reactivation. Adjust to the priority vector with consideration of priority posture

Position: Thumb palmer surface DIP to the index finger palmer surface of DIP.
Purpose: Indicates trauma to the bone surface. If a fracture is suspected, perform the tuning fork, tap test and respiratory assist test. If vibration on the bone cause weakness and inspiratory assist fails to restore strength, the fracture test is a positive. X-RAY the Local / Periosteum indicator.
Procedure: Process with Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue and treat as indicated. Micro- current with 411 micro-amps at 0.6Hz, 91.0Hz, & 9.0Hz

Soft Tissue Displacement
Position: Thumb tip to the index finger tip, no nail contact.
Purpose: Indicates malposition of any soft tissue.
Procedure: Using mechanical pressure, adjust to the priority vector of correction.

Position: Apply thumb pad on the dorsum of the index finger nail.
Purpose: Display’s weak, dysfunctional muscle.
Procedure: For Local application challenge for stretch or compression of the axil line of fibers. Remote application requires another Priority Tissue procedure.

Position: Thumb DIP joint to radial side of straight PIP joint of the index finger, fully flexed at the MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates a Golgi Tendon defect.
Procedure: Compress the fibers along the axis of this tendon. Challenge for other angles of significance.

Position: Thumb DIP joint to the radial side of the fully flexed PIP joint of the index finger, also fully flexed at the MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates a Ligament Golgi defect.
Procedure: Compress the fibers along the ligament axis. Challenge for the other angles of significance.

Position: Place the thumb pad on the radial side of the fully flexed DIP joint of the index finger.
Purpose: Indicates extrusion or displacement of the cartilaginous pad of tissue between bones.
Procedure: This requires a manipulation of the meniscus margin and muscle balancing.

Position: Place the ulna side of the thumb DIP to the radial side of the fully flexed DIP joint of the index finger.
Purpose: Displays fascia restrictions and connective tissue proliferation.
Procedure: Process as indicated with location and tissue modes.
Check for Adaptation.
Deeply stretch the tissue with fiber manipulation.

Scar Tissue
Position: Place the ulna side of the thumb DIP to the ulna side of the fully flexed DIP joint of the index finger.
Purpose: Indicates post traumatic tissue repair with contractures of tissue.
Procedure: Process as indicated with Local vectors of force. Consider probable Adaptation series of Injury Recall, Secondary therapy with special penetrating oils or micro-current may soften the scar.

Position: Fully flexed index finger is angled across the ulna aspect of the middle phalanx of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicates inflammation of the bursa sac around a joint.
Procedure: Process with Local / Priority / Bursa / vector / compression

Position: Fully flexed index finger is cradled into the ulna aspect of the thumb.
Purpose: General indicator of tissue inflammation.
Procedure: Process with Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue and treat as indicated. If inflammation mode persists after treatment, test for and apply ice 10 minutes per hour as needed.

Vascular Deficit
Position: Apply the index finger distal phalanx dorsum, flat against the ulna aspect of the thumb so the index DIP aligns with the thumb DIP.
Purpose: Indicates circulatory compromise by arterial constriction or occlusion.
Procedure: Respiratory Assist Test to screen for conservative care potential. Locate release point along inguinal fossa up and over the iliac crest.
Left side for any site below diaphragm
Right side for any site above diaphragm

Position: Apply flexed index finger and nail tip into thumb distal margin of PIP joint ulna side.
Purpose: Indicates neurogenic vascular reduction to the muscle.
Procedure: Locate the Priority, Neuro-Vascular location point, then touch lightly for 10-15 seconds, or End Point.

Position: The tip of the index finger nail into the joint crease, ulna side of the DIP of the thumb.
Purpose: Deficient lymph drainage for the muscle involved.
Procedure: Locate the Priority Neuro-lymphatic point and vigorously rub lightly for ten to twenty seconds.

Position: Place index finger nail tip on ulna side of thumb, perpendicular to the thumb, exactly in the line with the proximal margin of the thumb nail.
Purpose: To determine the need for Cryotherapy for the reduction of inflammation and swelling.
Procedure: For maximum results, apply frozen gel pack wrapped in a paper towel, directly to the bare skin for no more than 10 minutes, once per hour.

Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the index finger distal phalanx
Purpose: Indicates active nociceptor pain signals.
Procedure: Pause Lock the active signal and process with Local / Priority to identify the Local tissue.
Endpoint to locate treatment of Local / Priority tissue.

Neuritis 1
Position: Tip of thumb nail to index finger pad midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from peripheral entrapment.
Procedure: Sub-mode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as the Priority, Tissue File indicates.

Neuritis 2 (Neuropathy)
Position: Tip of thumb nail to index finger middle phalanx midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from spinal nerve root entrapment; subluxation.
Procedure: Sub-mode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as the Priority, Tissue File indicates or adjust the vertebral orientation.

Neuritis 3 (Dural Torque)
Position: Tip of thumb nail to index finger proximal phalanx midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from Meningeal or Dural torque within the spinal canal.
Procedure: Sub-mode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as Priority, Tissue File indicates usually supporting compression of transverse ligaments bridging the spinal segment.

ROM Fixation
Position: Closed fist position with the index finger full extension and abduction with the thumb relaxed over the middle finger.
Purpose: Identifies restriction of singular or compound dynamics of joint movement.
Procedure: Determine plane of fixation, locate ligament parallel to the plane of fixation and correct the ligament…OR process for Priority Electrical point.

Spinal Disc (Intensity 1)
Position: Palmer thumb tip to the radial side of the index finger DIP.
Purpose: Reveals a slight spinal disc inflammation with neuropathy.
Procedure: Sub-mode for Local / Remote / Priority / S.C.O.P.E. Consider that you must release the fixation, restore normal muscle performance and treat with ice.

Spinal Disc (Intensity 5)
Position: Thumb palmer DIP to the radial side of the index finger DIP.
Purpose: Reveals a moderate spinal disc inflammation with protrusion and neuropathy.
Procedure: Sub-mode for Local / Remote / Priority / S.C.O.P.E. Consider that you must release the fixation, restore normal muscle performance and treat with ice.

Spinal Disc (Intensity 10)
Position: Thumb palmer PIP to radial side of the index finger DIP.
Purpose: Reveals an extreme disc inflammation with substantial protrusion and neuropathy.
Procedure: During weakness test, apply the respiratory assist test to determine the recovery potential. Follow Location and Tissue protocol.

Spinal Disc (Intensity 15)
Position: Thumb palmer MCP to the index finger pad.
Purpose: Reveals an extreme disc inflammation with substantial protrusion and neuropathy.
Procedure: During weakness test, apply the respiratory assist test to determine the recovery potential. Follow Location and Tissue protocol.

Position: Insert the distal phalanx of the thumb between the PIP joints of the middle and index finger.
Purpose: Identifies the presence of physiological swelling.
Procedure: Process with Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue and treat as indicated. May be trauma initiated, but if not primary considerations should be VSR (Viscero- Somatic Reflex) Kidney, Adrenal, Thyroid, Heart, or Vascular Constriction

Chemical File
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a chemical disorder.
Procedure: Check chemical sub-modes for the priority chemical imbalance, treat as indicated.

Position: Thumb pad to the dorsum of the middle finger nail.
Purpose: Indicates too much of a substance in the body.
Procedure: 1. Reduce dosage of current product, or 2. Select appropriate counter agent to clear toxicity, or 3. Process with Toxicity / Metabolic / Priority / Organ and treat as indicated to clear toxic condition

Position: Thumb pad to the distal pad of the middle finger
Purpose: Indicates inadequate amount of a substance
Procedure: Select an appropriate product, then start the patient on the calculated dosage, or increase previous dosage to clear deficiency.

Position: All distal finger pads approximated to the distal pad of the thumb.
Purpose: To indicate chemical sensitivities, intolerances and rejection of external or internal substances that initiate inflammatory reactions.
Procedure: Format Chemical File / Introduce product that indicates allergy response / Pause Lock 2. Treat with either the BSI Allergy acupoint protocol or 3. Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint).

Ingested Allergy
Position: Ulna side of index finger, distal one-half of the distal phalanx (edge of the nail bed) to radial side of middle finger distal margin of PIP joint.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as oral ingestion.
Procedure: Allergy / #1 / PL Test from vials or food and beverage samples for specific items and treat with BSI allergy protocol or process with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint).

Inhaled Allergy
Position: Thumb dorsum proximal to nail. To Palmer PIP
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen by nasal inhalation.
Procedure: Allergy / #2 / PL Test from vials, aroma samples, or jars of air pollutant samples and treat with BSI allergy protocol, homeopathy or process with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint)

Metabolic Allergy
Position: Thumb nail to the middle finger DIP palmer midline.
Purpose: Identifies the source of inflammatory reaction due to faulty metabolic processing.
Procedure: Allergy / #3 / PL Format with Priority / Organ and process as BSI indicates to correct the metabolic dysfunction.

Injected Allergy
Position: Thumb nail tip onto the PIP radial midline.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as sub-dermal injection into the skin via inoculation, insect sting, animal or snake bite, and scratch or abrasion.
Procedure: Allergy / #4 / PL Test from vials or samples of venoms, microbes, and plants and treat with BSI allergy protocol, homeopathy or process with Priority / Electric File / End Point

Topical Allergy
Position: Thumb pad to fully flexed middle finger PIP dorsum.
Purpose: Identifies the entrance of allergen as topical contact with the skin, transdermal absorption.
Procedure: Allergy / #5 / PL Test from vials or samples of skin products, cosmetics, bath / shower water, fabrics and laundry products, plants and grasses, etc. Treat with BSI allergy protocol or format with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint)

Electronic Allergy
Position: Tip of index finger nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: Identifies the reaction to certain electronic frequencies or devices.
Procedure: Allergy / #6 / PL the positive test and process with BSI allergy protocol or format with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint) Inform patient about reducing electronic exposure…LED clocks, computer, cell phone, microwaves, electric blankets, magnets, crystal jewelry, Test work area with gauss meter for hidden power boxes and electrical conduits.

Auto Immune Allergy
Position: Index finger tip on middle finger PIP dorsum.
Purpose: Identifies allergy type reaction of auto immune system rejecting tissues and fluids of your own body.
Procedure: Allergy / #7 / PL Test with vials or samples for specific tissue or fluid identification. Treat with BSI allergy protocol or format with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint)

Hormone Allergy
Position: Thumb distal pad on middle finger distal nail edge.
Purpose: Identifies allergy reaction to your hormones.
Procedure: Allergy / #8 / PL Test from vials for specific hormone and process with BSI allergy protocol or process with Priority / Electric File / End Point (acupoint)

Trace Minerals
Position: Ulnar corner of thumbnail to radial one-third of the middle finger tip.
Purpose: To identify biochemical deficiency of trace minerals.
Procedure: Positive Trace Minerals / Priority / Deficiency / Prioritize products to fulfill the deficiency indicator.

Metal Toxicity
Position: Ulnar corner of thumb nail to ulnar one-third of middle finger tip
Purpose: To identify biochemical defects associated with toxic metals
Procedure: Positive Metal toxicity / Priority / Deficiency / Prioritize products to neutralize the toxic metal (LV Renew, Super Ox etc.)

Lyme Neurotoxin
Position: Thumb tip on the ulna corner of the middle finger tip.
Purpose: Identifies the continuing effects of the Lyme neurotoxin.
Procedure: Test for products that nullify the neurotoxic effect. Great resolution has been obtained with Rutin Plus and Glyco-Lyph by NW.
Lyme Spirochete
Position: Ulna surface of distal phalanx of the thumb on the base of the nail of fully flexed chemical finger.
Purpose: Identifies the condition of active Lyme spirochete.
Procedure: We commend testing the five formulations of Dr. Allen Lindsley to match the precise strain of Lyme. Typical treatment is 8-12 weeks.
H Pylori Toxin
Position: Ulnar surface of Thumb distal phalanx on middle finger dorsum between the nail and DIP.
Purpose: Identifies the H. Pylori bacteria.
Procedure: AOL (Angle of Louis) or Gastric contact with Chemical File / H. Pylori / PL and test products for therapeutic value.

Gluten Reaction
Position: Ulna surface of the thumb DIP on the nail of the fully flexed middle finger.
Purpose: Identifies the inflammatory reaction to the consumption of Gluten.
Procedure: Desensitize the body and restrict Gluten consumption until all signs of inflammation have subsided. Then reintroduce sample of Gluten to determine degree of continued sensitivity.

Position: Tip of the middle fingernail onto the joint crease on the ulnar side of the MCP joint of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicator for vitamin deficiency.
Procedure: After entering the Chemical Deficiency / if Vitamins mode is positive, PL< then find the priority vitamin product.

Methylation Dysfunction
Position: Tip of the middle fingernail into the joint crease of the MCP joint of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicator for defect of the five cycles of methylation.
Procedure: Positive Methylation / Toxicity / Priority / Deficiency Product testing for the missing ingredient causing the cycle defect.

Lipid Dysfunction
Position: Contact tip of thumb and middle finger tip without contacting the nails.
Purpose: Indicates fat metabolism defect.
Procedure: Chemical File / Lipid Dysfunction / Priority / Product test or Organ / Priority / End Point.

Blood Sugar - Liver
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger distal phalanx.
Purpose: Identifies condition of Blood sugar deviation and associated organ being the Liver.
Procedure: Process with BSI to restore auto regulation of blood sugar. Follow with testing Toxicity mode (High Blood Sugar) or Deficiency mode (Low Blood Sugar) and consider further dietary recommendations.

Blood Sugar - Pancreas
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger DIP joint.
Purpose: Identifies condition of Blood sugar deviation and associated organ being the Pancreas.
Procedure: Process with BSI to restore auto regulation of blood sugar. Follow with testing Toxicity mode (High Blood Sugar) or Deficiency mode (Low Blood Sugar) and consider further dietary recommendations.

Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger PIP joint.
Purpose: Identifies a suitable product for resolution of a condition
Procedure: After positive test / PL / scan a homeopathic kit or a selected group of vials / separate from other vials and test for therapeutic effect.

Position: Distal portion of thumb pad to the radial pad of the proximal pad of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates the need for herbal supplementation.
Procedure: After entering the Chemical Deficiency, if Herbs mode is positive, PL, then find the priority herbal product.

Blood Brain Barrier
Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Positive test indicates compromise of the Blood Brain Barrier and associated with the gut / brain syndrome.
Procedure: Test performed on the Brain Cranial test point / PL / Remote / locate area of remote influence and identify the organ (colon, small intestine, or ICV then process or select product for resolution.

Position: Thumb nail into the proximal phalanx of the middle finger palmer side midline.
Purpose: Indicates hormonal imbalance.
Procedure: Chemical File / Hormonal / Deficiency (select deficient hormone) / Priority / Deficiency now test nutrition that promotes hormonal productivity.

Position: Tip of thumb nail onto the middle finger PIP joint palmer crease midline.
Purpose: Indicator for mineral deficiency.
Procedure: After entering the Chemical Deficiency / Minerals mode is positive, PL, then find the priority mineral product.

Metabolic Dysfunction
Position: Thumb nail into the palmer crease of the middle finger DIP.
Purpose: Indicates metabolic functional issues are interfering with normal physiology activities…most relevant to biochemistry and auto immune activity.
Procedure: Chemical File / Metabolic Dysfunction / Priority / Organ / BSI processing

Leaky Gut
Position: Thumb nail under the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Indicates deterioration of the intestinal lining contributing to remote inflammatory conditions of brain, joints, and muscles.
Procedure: Scan abdominal area to a precise point and identify intestinal tissue. Process to determine source of intestinal deterioration such as vascular necrosis, chronic inflammation of food allergies, neuropathy, etc.

Position: Radial corner of middle finger nail onto the thumb pad.
Purpose: Indicator for fungal infections.
Procedure: 1. Chemical File / Fungus / Priority / Deficiency / test antifungal products OR
2. Format Fungus at AOL (Angle of Louis) / Priority / BSI processing

Position: Tip of the thumb nail into the pad of the middle finger and the index fingernail on the ulnar side of the thumb distal phalanx. Expand the scan by sliding the index finger along the ulnar side of the thumb to the proximal end of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicator of Candida yeast overgrowth (acetaldehyde toxicity)
Procedure: 1. Chemical File / Yeast / Toxicity / Priority/ Deficiency/ Calculate dosage
2. Chemical File / Yeast / Priority / Electrical File / Calculate frequency / Wave form / Polarity and treat at the level of C2 with power into the right side and receiving electrode on the same level left side.

Position: Tip of the index and middle fingernails on ulnar side of the thumb, distal segment. This mode is expanded in its scan by sliding proximal along the entire length of the ulnar side of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicator for parasitic infestations.
Procedure: 1. Chemical File / Priority / Test anti-parasitic remedies OR
2. Format Parasite at AOL (Angle of Louis) / Priority / BSI processing

Position: Start with thumb tip on radial aspect of the middle finger DIP joint and slide palmer surface of thumb across the radial side of middle finger DIP up to a final position of the thumb MCP contacting the middle finger DIP.
Purpose: Indicator for bacterial infestation.
Procedure: When indicated as Priority, test for antibacterial remedies. (Topical agents, internal systemic remedies or BSI processing)

Position: Tip of thumb onto the radial side of the middle finger middle phalanx and slide the thumb palmer surface across the middle phalanx as far as thumb flexion allows.
Purpose: Indicator for imbalance or deficiency of brain chemistry.
Procedure: AOL (Angle of Louis) or Cranial test point with Chemical File / Neurotransmitter slider / PL positive test and scan with vials to identify specific neurotransmitter and then test products for therapeutic value to increase specific neurotransmitter production.

Position: Tip of thumb onto the radial side of the middle finger PIP joint and slide thumb palmer surface across the radial side of middle finger PIP joint as far as thumb flexion allows.
Purpose: Indicator for viral infections.
Procedure: AOL (Angle of Louis) or suspected location with Chemical File / Virus Slider / PL positive test and test antiviral products testing for therapeutic value.

Kreb’s Dysfunction
Position: Palmer IP joint of thumb onto radial aspect of fully flexed PIP joint of
middle finger
Purpose: To identify Ammonia Toxicity from a Kreb’s Cycle defect of Citric Acid and /
or Urea Cycle failure.
Procedure: After being directed to Chemical File / Deficiency / Kreb’s Cycle / Priority,
select a product that restores the Kreb’s Cycle productivity OR format with Kreb’s /
Metabolism / Priority / End Point

Oxygen Deprivation
Position: Index finger with fully flexed DIP and PIP while proximal phalanx is
adjacent, parallel and contacting the middle finger in extension
Purpose: Indicates hypoxia associated with not breathing, anemia, vascular
compromise, stroke, blood clot, etc.
Procedure: Whether local or systemic quickly assess for visceral, or vascular
compromise and process. Lack of immediate recovery may need EMS.

Position: Index finger with MCP extension and fully flexed DIP and PIP while index
finger phalanx contacts the middle finger proximal phalanx.
Purpose: Indicates cellular dehydration.
Procedure: Acute distress may require IV hydration but usually substantial water in
small amounts over several hours will restore physiology. Test type of water ingested.

Position: Index finger tip on dorsum of middle finger PIP.
Purpose: Indicates an enzyme deficiency.
Procedure: After entering Chemical File / Deficiency / if Enzyme mode is positive,
PL, then find the priority enzyme or mixture to restore the normal metabolic function.

Position: Tip of the thumb nail into the radial one-third of the palmer PIP crease.
Purpose: Identifies homeopathy as the therapeutic agent.
Procedure: After entering the Homeopathy / Chemical Deficiency / PL / Priority / test homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic - Acute
Position: The dorsum of the thumb nail against the ulnar aspect of the proximal phalanx of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates the need for a shorter duration, high potency homeopathic.
Procedure: Acute mode/ PL, then check high potency test kits for the priority remedy.

Homeopathic - Chronic
Position: The dorsum of the thumb nail against the ulnar aspect of the middle phalanx of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates the need for a medium duration, medium potency homeopathic.
Procedure: Chronic mode / PL, then check medium potency test kits for the priority remedy.

Homeopathic - Constitutional
Position: The dorsum of the thumb nail against the ulnar aspect of the distal phalanx of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates the need for a longer duration, low potency homeopathic.
Procedure: Constitutional / PL, then check low potency test kits for the priority remedy.

Organ File
Position: Apply the tips of all four fingers into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Indicates a visceral-somatic condition is involved.
Procedure: Pause Lock the mode, sub-mode the thumb nail into each finger pad for the body cavity location of the organ. Challenge the organ reflex points. Test for priority tissue and treat as indicated.

Visceral-Somatic Reaction (VSR)
Position: Thumb, index, and ring-finger MCP in extension with middle and little finger tip into palm.
Purpose: Indicates “Visceral-Somatic Reaction”.
Procedure: Pause Lock in V.S.R. mode, Priority / Organ / Locate / Local / Priority and Process.

Diaphragm - Spinal Division
Position: Thumb tip into the partially flexed radial half of the index finger PIP joint, no thumb nail contact.
Purpose: Indicates diaphragm dysfunction of the lumbar spinal attached segments
Procedure: A versatile mode of location, organ, muscle tissue. A one of a kind mode to identify a portion of a diaphragm dysfunction.

Psyche-Stress File
Position: Tip of ring finger into the center of palm.
Purpose: Indicates a stress induced functional disorder.
Procedure: Sub-mode for type of stress, determine the level of stress dysfunction with: Phase One MP #1 at Glabella Phase Two MP #2 at Umbilicus Phase Three MP #3 at Cranium GV 20 Treat End Point as indicated.

Mental Stress
Position: Thumb pad on the ring finger pad.
Purpose: Indicates mental stress associated with dysfunction or fatigue.
Procedure: 1. Sub-mode to MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, to determine level of stress, with End Point treat as indicated. Then recommend recreation, relaxation, meditation, and vacation. 2. Sub-mode Priority / Chemical File / Flower Essence, select as many as necessary to resolve stress induced dysfunctions.

Emotional Stress
Position: Thumb pad on dorsum of the ring finger nail.
Purpose: Indicates emotional stress is associated with dysfunction.
Procedure: 1. Sub-mode to MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, to determine level of stress, with End Point treat as indicated or… 2. Sub-mode Priority / Electric File, & Locate series of points to clear or… 3. Sub-mode Priority / Chemical File / Flower Essence, select as many as necessary to resolve stress induced dysfunction.

Hypoxia Stress
Position: Tip of thumb pad onto the ring finger dorsum of 2nd phalanx.
Purpose: Identifies bio-stress anxiety associated with oxygen deprivation as with asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, and blood disorders of Anemia, Lyme Disease and Leukemia.
Procedure: Observe, examine, and test all components of respiration especially diaphragm divisions, and reactions to emotions and allergies, not forgetting to test for diseases.

Humidity Stress
Position: Thumb pad applied to the radial side of PIP.
Purpose: Detects the bio-stress of extremes or changes of the environmental humidity.
Procedure: Pause Lock the positive Humidity challenge, format for Local / Locations then End Point to treat as indicated.

Thermal Stress
Position: Tip of thumb nail into the radial side of PIP.
Purpose: Displays the environmental stress of extremes or alternating changes of the temperature.
Procedure:1. Pause Lock the positive challenge, Format for Local / Thermal / Locations / Priority / End Point to treat as indicated. 2. For heat consider testing Dehydration or Allergy 5 3. First Aid as needed.

Barometric Stress
Position: Ulnar corner of thumb nail tip into the ulnar side of the ring finger PIP.
Purpose: Displays the bio-stress of extremes or changes of the environmental barometric pressure.
Procedure: Pause Lock the positive Barometric challenge, format for Local / Locations / End Point to treat as indicated.

Flower Remedy
Position: Tips of the middle and ring fingers into the palmer depression.
Purpose: Identifies flower remedies as the therapeutic agent.
Procedure: Pause Lock Flower Remedy / Chemical Deficiency / Priority / scan vials to select, test for More Local or Remote, if positive scan for additional remedies until the Local or Remote is no longer active. This may involve 2-4 selections. Test each vial for number of drops into the one formula. Then succus to match the resonance of the selected vials. Now calculate dosage.

Position: Approximation of the index finger and ring finger margins.
Purpose: Identifies the emotional-somatic connection in tissue dysfunctions. Also implies a genetic propensity towards this type of stress induced dysfunction.
Procedure: Upon locating a positive miasmic response, Pause Lock / Electric File / Priority / End Point and treat. Using Local or Remote continue to scan the S.C.O.P.E. files for elements of archived influences such as Methylation defects, Allergies, Injury Recall, and scar tissue.

Electrical File
Position: Tip of little finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a bio-electric dysfunction. Formats locking in the Electric File
Procedure: Pause Lock the mode and hold the point, or to use a micro-current instrument, engage Local / PL / Calculate / count the amplitude / then engage Remote / Calculate / count the frequency / test for the wave form and polarity.

Square Wave
Position: Thumb DIP radial crease on the little finger DIP radial crease.
Purpose: Indicates that electronic reproduction of the therapeutic current must be a square wave pattern.
Procedure: Select the square or standard wave form when setting up for electronic therapy.

Sine Wave
Position: Thumb DIP radial crease on the little PIP radial crease,
Purpose: Indicates that electronic reproduction of the therapeutic current must be in a sine wave pattern.
Procedure: Select the sine or gentle wave form when setting up for electronic therapy.

Negative Polarity (Tonification)
Position: Thumb pad on the dorsum of the little finger PIP.
Purpose: An indicator or format for negative polarity. Applied to the skin, it will tonify internal circuits. Applied with a needle, it will sedate tissue.
Procedure: Select the negative polarity setting when preparing to tonify with surface electronic therapy.

Positive Polarity (Sedation)
Position: Thumb pad on the dorsum of the little finger PIP.
Purpose: An indicator or format for positive polarity.
Procedure: Select the positive polarity setting when preparing to sedate with surface electronic therapy.

Overactive Tissue
Position: Place thumb and finger tips on the surface of the area of assessment
Purpose: To discover or enter an overactive circuit for processing.
Procedure: After entering the Electrical File / PL / touch examination area with the finger tips and test / Process

Underactive Tissue
Position: Place the flat hand surface on the area of assessment.
Purpose: To discover or enter an underactive circuit for processing.
Procedure: After entering the Electrical File / PL / touch examination area with the flat hand and test / process

Position: Simultaneously apply the index and middle finger pads to the dorsum of the thumb nail.
Purpose: Indicates that local tissue requires more correction before advancing to the next End Point.
Procedure: Apply the tissue files for the local tissues in need of correction. Combining Local / Priority, selects most significant tissue of the Local End Point.

Position: Apply the thumb pad simultaneously to the dorsum of the index and middle finger nails.
Purpose: Indicates a remotely located adverse influence upon the local point, needing correction in another region of the body. This mode converts the files to Location Files.
Procedure: If positive, it activates the location files to show you where to treat.

Posture or Position (POP)
Position: Thumb pad to the dorsum of the flexed index finger’s extended PIP joint.
Purpose: This mode indicates if a change of body posture or joint position is significant in the display of a problem.
Procedure: Insert POP query to detect other Gravitational Postures or individual joint positions to access additional causative factors.

Position: Little finger fully flexed, pad to the palmer surface of the fifth metacarpal, just proximal to the fifth MCP joint.
Purpose: To open the tissue files and to select the most significant tissue or condition or product from installed options.
Procedure: Apply this mode immediately before tissue modes for acquiring only one selection. Apply after locating the End Point to confirm treatment point.

End Point
Position: Thumb tip to the little finger tip. A specific angle of thumb and finger is required of 90 degrees.
Purpose: To direct you to location points of treatment
Procedure: Three applications: 1. Indicates when to move to the next treatment 2. Activates the Location Files leading to the next point of treatment. 3. Identifies a location for treatment; weakness indicates to treat, strong indicates no treatment is needed. Local or Remote tests may follow to direct you to your options.

Change Hologram
Position: With the ring and little finger approximated, insert the thumb nail into the palmer crease of the two adjacent DIP.
Purpose: Upon completing a correction with or without remote influence indicators, a positive test indicates to check other holographs of the local point.
Procedure: Check modes for cranium, upper extremity, lower extremity for the same location in the indicated holographic display for additional corrections.

Adaptation Triad
Position: Thumb pad on the dorsum of the index finger DIP joint by slight flexion of the index PIP joint and the thumb joint.
Purpose: This is a composite test – the Reactive Tissue, The Adaptation, and the Injury Recall tests. This is a huge test to cover many of instabilities resulting from adaptation mechanisms.
Procedure: You may hold this mode at the point of lesion until clear or process the endpoint.

Injury Recall
Position: Partially flexed four fingers with finger tips into the palm of the hand. The thumb nail touch’s the radial side of the index finger PIP.
Purpose: This screen test identifies neurological memory flashback reactions of each file. Mechanoreceptors, Chemoreceptors, Neuro-Emotional, and Bio-Electrical.
Procedure: Hold this mode at the Master Point or at the local site until the weak indicator muscle is strong in all seven postures.

Reactive Tissue
Position: Full flexion of the four fingers at the PIP and DIP joints, with full extension of the MCP joints.
Purpose: A screen test to identify a condition of over active tissue robbing energy, causing under active tissue, i.e. Reactive muscle syndrome.
Procedure: Hold this mode at the positive point of lesion during a weak challenge until clear and strong. This mode used at the site of the reactive tissue will identify the tissue locations of End Point to process.

Gait Dysfunction
Position: Tuck the ring and little finger tips to the palm, flex index and middle finger to touch the tip of the thumb as if holding a golf ball.
Purpose: Screen test for conditions of ambulation dysfunctions causing instability and inflammation. Test is performed during a static posture to detect conditions not otherwise known until the movement of walking or running is initiated.
Procedure: Hold the mode at the point of detection until clear and strong or process with End Point.

Change Time
Position: Full extension of the thumb, index and middle fingers, with flexion of the ring and little fingers so the finger tips contact the palm of the hand.
Purpose: This will indicate if a time factor is significant in the displace of a problem.
Procedure: Priority / Time, will select the most significant time of the CC display. The test for the active meridian, ting or horary point.

Position: Finger nails of flexed index and ring fingers contact the palmer surface of the thumb DIP joint.
Purpose: To transpose the files into numerical values for counting.
Procedure: After the calculation mode, PL, count with the finger tips to the palm.

Position: Thumb tip to radial side of straight PIP joint of the index finger.
Purpose: Indicates time value in seconds.
Procedure: Positive indication plus calculation will display time elapse in seconds that a procedure will require, to satisfy the processing.

Position: Thumb tip to radial side of straight PIP joint of the middle finger
Purpose: Indicates time value in minutes.
Procedure: Positive indication plus calculation will display time elapse in minutes that a procedure will require, to satisfy the processing.

Position: Thumb tip to radial side of straight PIP joint of the ring finger
Purpose: Indicates time value in hours.
Procedure: Positive indication plus calculation will display time elapse in hours that a procedure will require, to satisfy the processing.

Position: Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of index finger MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates days as a time increment for calculation.
Procedure: Day / + Product / PL / Calculate / count = Dosage per Day, then + Day / Calculate = Dosage for how many days duration.

Position: Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of middle finger MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates weeks as a time increment for calculation.
Procedure: Day / + Product / PL / Calculate / count = Dosage per Week, then + Day / Calculate = Dosage for how many weeks duration.

Position: Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of ring finger MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates months as a time increment for calculation.
Procedure: Day / + Product / PL / Calculate / count = Dosage per Month, then + Day / Calculate = Dosage for how many month duration.

Location File 1
Position: Tip of Index finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of the spine, upper extremity, lower extremity, rib, or cervical region.
Procedure: Test the sub-mode locations for activity. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Upper Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger DIP on the midline of the palmer surface.
Purpose: The location of the point of treatment is in the region of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, or fingers.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode with the four location files for the Upper Extremity Segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Lower Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger PIP on the midline palmer surface.
Purpose: The location of the point of treatment is in the region of the hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, foot, or toes.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode with the four location files for the Lower Extremity segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply middle finger nail into dorsum of extended index finger DIP joint
Purpose: Point of treatment is located in the rib cage region.
Procedure: Continue four location sub-modes, dividing the 12 ribs by four, assigns three ribs per sub-mode; 1/2/3, 4/5/6, 7/8/9, 10/11/12. Test the body posture reflex or Cranial Index for a more specific location. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Index finger PIP joint flexed over the thumb dorsum for the index finger pad to contact the radial side of the PIP of the thumb.
Purpose: To identify the spinal column and the attached tissue as the point of treatment.
Procedure: Continue to sub-mode to locate the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral region of the spine. Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Cervical Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the neck
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the anterior cervical region or neck forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the submandibular margin and occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium

Cervical Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the neck.
Procedure: An anatomical location for the tissues of the posterior cervical region or neck behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the transverse plane of the occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the T-1 vertebra.

Location File 2
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of spinal or non-spinal thoracic region.
Procedure: Test reflexes and tissues of the thoracic region, between clavicles and diaphragm. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Thoracic Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the chest.
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the anterior thoracic region or chest forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium; the inferior boundary is the xyphoid tip and costal cartilage margin.

Thoracic Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the thoracic region.
Procedure: An anatomical location mode for the tissues of the posterior thoracic region or chest behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the superior margin of the superior margin of the T-1 vertebra.

Location File 3
Position: Tip of ring finger into the center of palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location of spinal or non-spinal lumbar region.
Procedure: Test reflexes and tissue of the lumbar region, between the diaphragm and the iliac crests. (See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Lumbar Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the abdominal region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical lumbar region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the costal cartilage margin; the inferior boundary is a line between the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS) crossing just inferior to the umbilicus.

Lumbar Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the lumbar region
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical lumbar region behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the costal cartilage margin, the inferior boundary is the iliac crests.

Location File 4
Position: Tip of little finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a location in the pelvis, TMJ, C1/2, C2/3, cranium.
Procedure: Scan sub-mode locations for the Local distressed Tissue. (See Sub- mode Flow Chart)

Position: Apply thumb pad to little finger pad.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is located in or on the skull.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply thumb nail to little finger DIP joint crease on the palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is on C-1 / Occiput or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Position: Apply thumb nail to littler finger PIP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates condition or point of treatment on the mandible, or functional displacement of the mandible fossa.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue. Priority / Tissue file is also recommended

Position: Apply thumb nail to the little finger MCP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: To identify point of treatment on C-2 or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.

Pelvic Region - Anterior
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger tip.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and acupoints of the anterior pelvic region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical pelvic region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is a line between the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS); the inferior boundary is the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone superior margin.

Pelvic Region - Posterior
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger pad.
Purpose: To locate soft tissues and acupoints of the posterior pelvic region.
Procedure: A location mode for the anatomical pelvic region behind the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the iliac crests; the inferior boundary is the gluteal folds, not including the femur.

Change Hologram
Position: With the ring and little finger approximated, insert the thumb nail into the palmer crease of the two adjacent DIP.
Purpose: Upon completing a correction with or without remote influence indicators, a positive test indicates to check other holographs of the local point.
Procedure: Check modes for cranium, upper extremity, lower extremity, for the same location in the indicated holographic display for additional corrections.

Location 5
Position: Apply the tips of all fingers into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Indicate point or treatment is on the coccyx.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E.