Organ File Modes (2020) Flashcards
Organ File
Position: Apply the tips of all four finger into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Identifies the location of organ post ganglionic test points of a visceral condition or an organ that is in distress usually associated with the exhaustion phase of adaptation.
Procedure: PL Organ mode, test body cavity Submode to locate Organ. Test for Priority, SCOPE and treat as indicated.

Visceral Somatic Reaction
Position: Thumb, Index and Ring finger MCP in extension, Thumb pad to Index finger pad andMiddle and Little finger tip into the palm
Purpose: Indicates an organ influence on the muscle skeletal system.
Procedure: Pause Lock the active VSR mode, Priority / Organ / Locate / Local / Priority / SCOPE, Process (identifies the organ) OR VSR / Priority / Time / POP / End Point / Local / Priority / SCOPE

Diaphragm Spinal Division
Position: Thumb, Index and Ring finger MCP in extension, Middle and Little finger tip into the palm
Purpose: Indicates lumbar spinal attachment dysfunction that anchors the diaphragm and relieves vascular constrictions.
Procedure: A versatile mode of location, organ, muscle tissue. A one of a kind mode to identify a portion of a diaphragm dysfunction.

Cranial Region / Cavity
Position: Apply thumb pad to pad of little finger.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissue, organs and acupoints on or in the Cranium.
Procedure: As a Submode to Organ/ locate on or in the cranium and Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue.

Cervical Region / Cavity
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger pad.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissues, organs, and acupoints of the neck.
Procedure: A location mode for the tissues of the anterior cervical region or neck forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the submandibular margin and occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium.

Thoracic Region / Cavity
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissues, organs, and acupoints of the chest.
Procedure: A location mode for the tissues of the anterior thoracic region or chest forward of the coronal plane. The superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium; to the inferior edge of the xyphoid tip and costal cartilage margin.

Lumbar Region / Cavity
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger pad.
Purpose: Using Local, Priority to locate non-spinal soft tissue, organs, vessels and acupoints of the abdomen.
Procedure: A location mode for the lumbar region forward of the coronal plane. The inferior costal cartilage margin, to a line between the anterior superior iliac spines crossing just inferior to the umbilicus.

Pelvic Region / Cavity
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger pad.
Purpose: To process with Local, Priority, SCOPE for tissue of the Pelvis.
Procedure: A location mode for non-spinal tissue of the pelvic region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is line between the anterior superior iliac spines, the inferior boundary is the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone superior margin.