Hand Modes - Complete (2020) Flashcards
High Gain
Position: Full flexion of the fingers and thumb at their MCP joints, maintaining PIP and DIP extention. The finger tips proximate each other but do not touch each other.
Purpose: 1. HG selects the active Master Point Entry #1, #2, or #3
#1-Forehead #2-Umbilicus #3-Saggital Pt. GV-20
2. Clarifies test subject responding to testing, reduces crosstalk
3. Installs the S.C.O.P.E. Files for the Hand Mode language
Procedure: Touch Thumb on the Master Point and fingers around the MP. If weak, hold the contact until strong, Pause Lock. If strong, test a different Master Point for weakness to enter

Bio Electric Integration
Position: Bilateral full contact of patient’s hands, palm and fingers.
Purpose: To merge the asymmetric composition of the body into one global unit and to enhance the energy depth of a query.
Procedure: With patient’s hands together the Dr. will either clasp together both hands of the patient or another bilateral skin contact for ten seconds and then Pause Lock before scanning or testing

Cross Talk
Position: Thumb tip into palmer space between ring and little finger MCP
Purpose: Detects contradiction of patient’s physical gravitation posture with neurological posture resulting in inconsistencies of testing.
Procedure: 1. Check patient’s neurological posture and reposition them to process OR 2. Place your hand on the neurological posture that matches their current posture and Pause Lock to start processing.

Position: Simultaneously apply the four finger pads to the dorsum of the thumb.
Purpose: Indicates that local tissue requires more correction before advancing to the next End Point (Treatment Point) and activates Tissue Files of SCOPE.
Procedure: Scan the SCOPE tissue files for the local tissue in need of correction. Combine Local, Priority, SCOPE to select sequence of local treatment.

Position: Apply the thumb palmer surface simultaneously to the dorsum of the four finger nails.
Purpose: Indicates a remotely located adverse influence upon the local point, needing correction in another region of the body.
Procedure: If positive, it activates the Location Files to show you where to treat.

Position: Little finger fully flexed, pad to the palmer surface of the fifth metacarpal, just proximal to the fifth MCP joint.
Purpose: To open the tissue files or to select the FIRST tissue or condition or product from a series of options saved in Pause Lock.
Procedure: Apply this mode immediately before tissue modes for acquiring only one selection. Apply after locating the End Point to confirm your selected treatment point.

End Point
Position: Thumb tip to the little finger tip. A specific 90 degrees angle of thumb and finger is required.
Purpose: To direct you to location points of treatment. Weakness indicates to treat, strong indicates no treatment is needed.
- *Procedure:** 1. Indicates when you may move to the next treatment point.
2. Local or Remote tests then direct you to the next point of treatment location.
3. Identifies a location ready for treatment.

Change Time
Position: Full extension of the thumb, index and middle fingers, with flexion of the ring and little fingers so the finger tips contact the palm of the hand.
Purpose: To include another time of day significant in the display of a problem.
Procedure: Priority / Time, will select the most significant time for the symptomatic display. To identify the time check for the active meridian, horary terminal point.

Change Posture or Position
Position: Thumb pad to the dorsum of the flexed index finger’s extended PIP joint.
Purpose: Indicates if a change of body posture orientation to gravity or joint position is significant in the display of a problem.
Procedure: Insert POP query to detect other Gravitational Postures or Individual joint Positions to access additional causative factors.

Change Hologram
Position: With the ring and little finger approximated, contact the thumb tip to the two finger tips.
Purpose: A positive test indicates to check other holographs representing the current local point.
Procedure: Check cranium, upper extremity, lower extremity for the same location for additional corrections.

Position: Thumb pad on the dorsum of the index finger DIP joint by slight flexion of the index PIP joint and the thumb joint.
Purpose: Adaptation may block access to Endpoint. Adaptation mechanisms may result in repetitive instability of corrections.
Procedure: If Endpoint fails to open, Adaptation reveals Submodes for Injury Recall, Reactive Tissue, Gait Dysfunction, and Miasm/DNA

Injury Recall
Position: Partially flexed four fingers with finger tips into the palm of the hand. The thumb nail touchs the radial side of the index finger PIP.
Purpose: This screen test identifies neurological memory flashback reactions of each file. Mechanoreceptors, Chemoreceptors, Neuro-Emotional, and bio-Electrical.
Procedure: Hold this mode at local site or Submode to the specific SCOPE File and Time / POP / IRC to clear all time, postures and positions.

Reactive Tissue
Position: Full flexion of the four fingers at the PIP and DIP joints, with full extension of the MCP joints.
Purpose: A screen test to identify a condition of over active tissue robbing energy, causing under active tissue. ie. Reactive muscle syndrome but Reactive can affect ANY tissue ie. Organs.
Procedure: Hold this mode at the positive point of lesion during a weak challenge until clear and strong. This mode may also process to identify the two tissue locations or EndPoint to treat.

Gait Dysfunction
Position: Tuck the ring and little finger tips to the palm, flex index and middle finger to touch the tip of the thumb.
Purpose: Screen test for conditions of ambulation causing instability and inflammation. Test is performed during a static posture to detect conditions not otherwise known until walking or running.
Procedure: Hold the mode at the point of detection until clear and strong or process with EndPoint.

Miasm / DNA
Position: Approximation of the index finger and ring finger nail margins
Purpose: Identifies a genetic propensity towards an emotional-somatic stress induced dysfunction.
Procedure: Upon locating a miasmic response, PL, Electric File, Priority, End Point and treat. Using More Local, or More Remote scan the SCOPE files for archived influences such as Methylation defects, Allergies, Injury Recall, and scar tissue.

Position: Finger nails of flexed index and ring fingers contact the palmer surface of the thumb DIP joint.
Purpose: To transpose the files into numerical values for counting.
Procedure: After the calculation mode, PL, count with the finger tips to the palm and Pause Lock the count. Then More Remote, if positive repeat the count for the second digit, etc of the number.

Position: Thumb tip to radial side of straight PIP joint of the index finger.
Purpose: Indicates time value in seconds.
Procedure: After Seconds mode, Calculation mode will display time elapse in seconds that a procedure will require to satisfy the processing.

Position: Thumb tip to radial side of straight PIP joint of the middle finger.
Purpose: Indicates time value in minutes.
Procedure: After Minutes mode, Calculation mode will display time elapse in minutes that a procedure will require to satisfy the processing

Position: Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of index finger MCP joint.
Purpose: Identifies days as a time increment for calculation.
Procedure: Day Mode, + Product, PL, Calculation Mode, count equals Dosage per Day.
Calculation Mode, + Day Mode = Dosage for days duration.

- *Position:** Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of middle finger MCP joint.
- *Purpose:** Identifies weeks as an increment of time for calculation.
Procedure: Week Mode, + Product, PL , Calculation Mode, count equals Dosage per Week
Calculation Mode, + Week Mode, = Dosage weeks duration.

Position: Thumb IP flexed so thumb tip is adjacent to the radial side of ring finger MCP joint.
Purpose: Identifies months as an increment of time for calculation.
Procedure: After Dosage per day or week, PL, Calculation, Month, PL, count = Dosage for how many months duration.

Location - File #1
Position: Tip of Index finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Submode of the Spine = Cervical spine, Upper extremity = Shoulder, Lower extremity = Hip, Ribs = 1,2,3, or Non-spinal cervical region.
Procedure: Test the submode locations for distress activity.
(See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Location - File #2
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Submode of the Spine = Thoracic spine, Upper extremity = Elbow, Lower extremity = Knee, Ribs = 4,5,6, or non-spinal thoracic region.
Procedure: Test the Submode locations for distress activity
(See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Location - File #3
Position: Tip of ring finger into the center of palm.
Purpose: Submode of the Spine = Lumbar spine, Upper extremity = Wrist, Lower extremity = Ankle, Ribs = 7,8,9, or non-spinal lumbar region.
Procedure: Test the Submode locations for distress activity.
(See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Location - File #4
Position: Tip of little finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Submode of Spine = Sacral / Pelvis, Upper extremity = Hand, Lower extremity = Foot, Ribs = 10,11,12, or non-spinal pelvis region. Submode of Location File 4 = Cranium, C1/2, TMJ, C2/3,
Procedure: Test the Submode locations for distress activity.
(See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Location - File #5
Position: Tips of all four fingers into the palm, thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Submode of Spine = Coccyx, Upper extremity = Finger, Lower extremity = Toe, Ribs = Xyphoid, or non-spinal Perineum region.
Procedure: Test the Submode locations for distress activity.
(See Sub-mode Flow Chart)

Location - Upper Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger DIP on the midline of the palmer surface.
Purpose: The Submode options are the areas of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand or fingers.
Procedure: Continue to submode with the five location files for the UX segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E

Location - Lower Extremity
Position: Apply tip of thumb nail into the index finger PIP on the midline palmer surface.
Purpose: The Submode options are the areas of the hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, foot, or toes.
Procedure: Continue to submode with the five location files for the LX segment. Locate, Touch and Pause Lock. Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E

Location - Ribs
Position: Apply middle finger nail into dorsum of extended index finger Dip joint.
Purpose: Point of treatment is located in the rib cage region.
Procedure: Continue four File submodes, dividing the 12 ribs by four, assigns three ribs per sub-mode; 1,2,3 / 4,5,6 / 7,8,9 / 10,11,12. plus Thumb for Xyphoid. POP for specific location. Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E

Location - Spine
Position: Index finger PIP joint flexed over the thumb dorsum for the index finger pad to contact the radial side of the PIP of the thumb.
Purpose: To identify the spinal column and the attached tissue as the point of treatment.
Procedure: Continue five File submodes to locate the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccyx region of the spine. Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E

Location - Cranial Region
Position: Apply thumb pad to pad of little finger.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissue, organs and acupoints on or in the Cranium.
Procedure: As a Submode to Organ/ locate on or in the cranium and Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue

Location - Cervical Region
Position: Thumb nail into the index finger pad.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissues, organs, and acupoints of the neck.
Procedure: A location mode for the tissues of the anterior cervical region or neck forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is the submandibular margin and occipital condyles; the inferior boundary is the superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium

Location - Thoracic Region
Position: Thumb nail into the middle finger pad.
Purpose: To locate non-spinal tissues, organs, and acupoints of the chest.
Procedure: A location mode for the tissues of the anterior thoracic region or chest forward of the coronal plane. The superior margin of the clavicles and manubrium; to the inferior edge of the xyphoid tip and costal cartilage margin

Location - Lumbar Region
Position: Thumb nail into the ring finger pad.
Purpose: Using Local, Priority to locate non-spinal soft tissue, organs, vessels and acupoints of the abdomen.
Procedure: A location mode for the lumbar region forward of the coronal plane. The inferior costal-cartilage margin, to a line between the anterior superior iliac spines crossing just inferior to the umbilicus

Location - Pelvic Region
Position: Thumb nail into the little finger pad.
Purpose: To process with Local, Priority, SCOPE for tissue of the Pelvis.
Procedure: A location mode for non-spinal tissue of the pelvic region forward of the coronal plane. The superior boundary is line between the anterior superior iliac spines, the inferior boundary is the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone superior margin

Location - Cranium
Position: Apply thumb pad to pad of little finger.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is located in or on the skull.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue.

Location - C1 / Occiput
Position: Apply thumb nail to little finger DIP joint crease on the palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates point of treatment is on C-1 / Occiput or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue.

Location - TMJ Mandible
Position: Apply thumb nail to little finger PIP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: Indicates condition or point of treatment on the mandible, or dyskinetic temporal mandibular fossa.
Procedure: Pause lock positive mode. Determine Priority deviant jaw side and position. Treat as indicated by the Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue. More Remote also recommended.

Location - C2 / C3
Position: Apply thumb nail to the little finger MCP joint crease, palmer midline.
Purpose: To identify point of treatment on C-2 or attached tissue.
Procedure: Treat as indicated by Local / Priority / S.C.O.P.E. tissue.

Structural File
Position: Tip of Index finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a Structural tissue disorder. Histological morphology of each tissue resonates a specific frequency. This frequency has been used to design each tissue mode.
Procedure: Test the Structure modes and treat as indicated.

Chemical File
Position: Tip of middle finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a chemical disorder. Each biochemical substance has a molecular frequency used to design a resonant hand mode.
Procedure: Check chemical submodes for the priority chemical imbalance, treat as indicated or supplement as needed.

Psyche / Stress File
Position: Tip of ring finger into the center of palm.
Purpose: Indicates a stress induced functional disorder. Each mental, emotional and environmental stress has a chemical component or a specific frequency used to design categorical hand modes.
Procedure: Submode for type of stress, desensitize via G14 acupoint or treat as indicated

Electrical File
Position: Tip of little finger into the center of the palm.
Purpose: Indicates a bio-Electrical dysfunction
Procedure: Pause Lock the mode and hold the acupoint, or For microcurrent engage Local, PL, Calculate, and count the amplitude, then engage Remote, PL, Calculate, count the frequency, test for wave form and polarity

Organ File
Position: Apply the tips of all four finger into the palm with the thumb in full extension.
Purpose: Indicates an Organ dysfunction..
Procedure: Pause Lock the mode, Local/Remote, Submode the thumb nail into each finger pad for the body cavity location of the organ. Check the organ reflex points. Priority SCOPE and treat as indicated.

Bone Displacement
Position: Thumb pad to the index finger pad.
Purpose: Indicates malposition of an osseous joint.
Procedure: Realignment may be with mechanical pressure or with muscle reactivation. Adjust to the Priority vector with consideration of Priority posture (Orientation to gravity).

Position: Apply thumb pad on the dorsum of the index finger nail.
Purpose: Displays weak, inhibited, dysfunctional muscle.
Procedure: For Local application challenge for stretch or compression of the axial line of fibers. Remote application requires finding Location and another Priority / Tissue procedure.

Position: Thumb DIP joint to radial side of straight PIP joint of the index finger, fully flexed at the MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates a Golgi Tendon defect.
Procedure: Compress the fibers along the axis of this tendon. Challenge for other angles of significance. With inflammation find the associated disc.

Position: Thumb DIP joint to the radial side of the fully flexed PIP joint of the index finger, also fully flexed at the MCP joint.
Purpose: Indicates a Ligament Golgi defect.
Procedure: Compress the fibers along the axis of the ligament.
Challenge for the other angles of significance.

Spinal Disc #1 Intensity
Position: Thumb tip no nail to the radial side of the index finger DIP.
Purpose: Reveals a slight spinal disc inflammation with neuropathy.
Procedure: Pause Lock and scan the spine to locate. Then Local, Remote, Priority, SCOPE, treat as indicated. OR Release the fixation with associated ligament and restore movement with associated remote muscle.

Spinal Disc #5 Intensity
Position: Slide radial side of the index finger DIP to Thumb DIP.
Purpose: Reveals a moderate spinal disc inflammation with protrusion and neuropathy
Procedure: Submode Local, Remote, Priority SCOPE. Release the fixation with associated ligament and restore movement with associated remote muscle. Ice for ten minutes.

Spinal Disc #10 Intensity
Position: Slide radial side of the index finger DIP to Thumb PIP.
Purpose: Reveals significant disc inflammation with greater protusion and neuropathy.
Procedure: Submode Local, Remote, Priority SCOPE. Release the fixation with associated ligament and restore movement with associated remote muscle. Ice for ten minutes per hour PRN.

Spinal Disc #15 Intensity
Position: Slide radial side of the index finger DIP proximate to Thumb MCP
Purpose: Reveals extreme disc inflammation with extreme disc protrusion with neuropathy.
Procedure: During weakness perform respiratory assist test to determine recovery potential. Treat with Submode Local, Remote, Priority SCOPE. Release the fixation with associated ligament and restore movement with associated remote muscle. Ice for ten minutes per hour PRN.

Position: Thumb nail into the radial side of the index finger distal phalanx.
Purpose: Indicates active nociceptor pain signals.
Procedure: Pause Lock the active signal and process with Local, Priority, SCOPE to identify the Local tissue. Endpoint to locate treatment of Local or Remote Priority.

Neuropathy #1
Position: Tip of thumb nail into index finger pad midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from peripheral entrapment.
Procedure: Submode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as Priority, SCOPE Tissue File indicates.

Neuropathy #2
Position: Tip of thumb nail into index finger middle phalanx palmer midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from spinal nerve root entrapment; subluxation
Procedure: Submode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as Priority, SCOPE Tissue File indicates or adjust the vertebral orientation.

Neuropathy #3
Position: Thumb nail into index finger proximal phalanx palmer midline.
Purpose: Identifies nerve inflammation and dysfunction resulting from Meningeal or Dural torque within the spinal canal.
Procedure: Submode to End Point for Local or Remote treatment location and treat as Priority, SCOPE Tissue File indicates ie. compression of transverse ligament bridging the spinal segment