Org Structure & Behavior Flashcards
define culture
system of shared meaning ‐ the way we do things around here
define climate
reflection of the way people perceives and describe the characteristics of their environment
ways to create a positive work environment
- Create a shared vision
- Create a sense of community
- Find a nice balance
examples of organizational structure principles
- Differentiation
- Formalization
- Centralization
- Division of labor
- Unity of command
- Span of control
- Departmentalization
Differentiation definition
Complexity; Degree to which units are dissimilar
Formalization definition
Degree to which jobs in the organization are standardized
Centralization definition
- Extent to which decision‐making is concentrated at a single point in the organization
- Problems arise when people try to achieve goals without authority
Division of labor definition
divides work into specific parts
Unity of command definition
Concept that an individual only reports to one supervisor
Span of control definition
How many people a manager effectively controls
Departmentalization definition
- Grouping individuals according to specific tasks
- Share common vocabulary, training, and expertise
Differentiation types
- Horizontal: Degree differentiation based on how many different types of either people or units are included in organization; how many different people are involved
- Vertical: Depth of organization hierarchy; work chart
- Spatial: Degree to which the location of an organization’s units is one place or spread over several locations: degree of how you’re spread over a specific location
Formalization examples
- Rules: Degree to which behavior of members is subject to organizational control
- Procedural specifications: Follow defined techniques in situations, Reduce errors and increase efficiency
- Technical competence: Universal standards for personnel selection /advancement
- Impersonality: Extent to which people are treated as non‐individuals
Division of labor examples
- Narrowing: efficiency, routine
- Enlarging: productivtiy, interchangeable skills
- Example: Pharmacist works as a dispensing only pharmacist OR Pharmacist works different roles for different shifts
Unity of command examples
- Matrix organization: Integrates the activities of different specialists while maintaining specialized organizational departments
- Example: interdisciplinary teams
Span of control examples
Example: Pharmacist supervises two techs, Pharmacist manages the entire store
examples, predictors, and outcomes of organizational behaviors
- Factors related to less job satisfaction
- Job stress
- Job turnover
What are the factors related to less job satisfaction in pharmacy?
- younger
- male
- staff position
- working full time
- high role stress
- negative interpersonal interactions
Strong predictors of job satisfaction in pharmacy
- How closely job expectations are met
- Performing more clinical or non‐distributive work activities
- Higher levels of autonomy
- Good environmental conditions
- Professional commitment
- Working in an independent pharmacy
- Job satisfaction -> positive feelings -> organizational commitment
What can lead to job stress?
- Role stress
- Role conflict
- Role ambiguity
- Role overload
- Work-home conflict
- Burnout
What are reasons why people leave a job?
- job dissatisfaction (role stress, cultural & climate factors)
- personal factors
- market conditions
With respect to internal factors, what can an organization control to avoid job turnover?
- fostering commitment
- improve job satisfaction
- decrease role stress