(Org setup I 3%) Default Locale and language settings Flashcards
Describe the use of Locale settings in Salesforce Identify various personal and organizational language settings
Default Locale
Locale settings control the language, format of date time, address, currency, name, and number of fields
Do user locale settings override org locale?
Yes, in user personal settings under language and time zone settings
Where are locale settings managed from?
Language and Time Zone settings
What are the 3 levels of language supports provided?
fully supported, end user, platform language
what language is applied to new users?
the default languages set on org page
what is a translation work bench?
allows translations to be applied to custom fields, labels ect.
what is a fully supported language?
all salesforce features including user interface, setup, and help, will display in the selected language
what is a end user language?
These languages will have translations for all standard objects fields and pages but not setup and help
what is a platform language?
For these languages, it is possible to provide translations for customizations and standard fields. if translations are not provided labels fall back to English
what languages are available for default or language?
Fully supported ones. others have to be manually enabled.