ORCOM FINAL Flashcards
What are the 5 key changes in organizing that took place in the late 20th century?
1) Development of flatter organization
2) Birth of the customer/supplier revolution
3) The new global demand for increased participation
4) New models of collaboration between (and among) managers and workers
5) Change from top-down communication to team/group and network based models.
What is the multiple stakeholder model?
Implies increased participation in decision making. Organizations should be concerned with many different individuals and groups and not just shareholders and stockholders.
What are the 4 steps for increasing workplace democracy and shared decision making among multiple stakeholders?
1) Create workplace where every member thinks/acts like an owner.
2) reintegrate the management of work with the doing of work.
3) Widely distribute quality info
4) Allow social structure to grow from bottom to top rather than be reinforced by the top.
What are teams?
Groups of employees with representation of a variety of functional areas within the organization that help maximize the cross-functional exchange of information.
What are the 4 categories of teams?
1) Project teams
2) Work teams
3) quality improvement teams
4) Virtual teams
What are project teams?
Teams that help coordinate the successful completion of a particular project.
What are work teams?
Groups that are responsible for an entire work process that delivers a product or service to a customer (Differ in degrees of empowerment)
What are quality-improvement teams?
Originated in USA and adapted as quality circles. Designed as cross-functional (involves members from different areas). They work collaboratively to improve quality of product, service, profit, or cost.
What are virtual teams?
Involves using technology to address the need for international and cross-cultural organizations. Challenged can revolve around differences in culture, religions, work customs, constantly changing technology and language barriers.
What are the influences for virtual teams?
- Individualism vs collectivism
- Power distance
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Task/relationship orientation
What is consensus?
Suggests that “all of us are smarter than one of us.”
What are the 5 communicative dimensions of teamwork?
1) Norms
2) Roles
3) Decision-making processes
4) Manage conflict and consensus
5) Cultural diversity
What are norms?
Informational roles that designate acceptable behavior in the group
What are roles?
Team members tend to adapt predictable communicator roles. These include: task, tension-releaser, socio-emotional, and central negative (information provider)
What are decision-making processes?
Groups tend to make better decisions than individuals- especially when they are complex decisions involving challenging issues (also involves negative challenges like group-think)
What is managing conflict and consensus?
The interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition of goals, arms, and values and who see the other parties as potentially interfering with the realization of those goals.
What are the four phases of negotiation related to intercultural teams as it pertains to cultural diversity?
1) Developing relationships with others
2) Exchanging information about topics under negotiation
3) Recognizing multicultural techniques of persuasion
4) Emphasizing the role of concession
List the three models of emotional intelligence?
- Ability model
- Mixed model
- Trait model
What is the ability model?
Defined by the ability to perceive, understand, manage and use emotions to facilitate thinking.
What is the mixed model?
Proposes that there are a wide range of skills and competencies that give power to a person’s skill
What is the trait model?
Has to do with emotional self-perception and how the individuals perceives their own emotional skills and ability.
What are the five different elements of emotional intelligence?
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social skills
What is self-awareness?
The ability to recognize your own motivation, emotion and mood
What is self-regulation?
Having control over your mood and emotion.