ORCO Test 1 Flashcards
What is a worldview?
Perceptual sets that reflect our inclination and experiences. Habitual ways of seeing the world.
What is organizational communication?
The interaction required to direct a group toward a set of common goals?
What is globalization?
What is outsourcing?
When a company chooses to hire people in other countries to do some of their work.
What is trafficking?
Refers to the illegal trade of human beings across borders.
What is multicultural management?
The ability to adapt one’s leadership style to both respond to and make the most persuasive cultural differences is values and practices among a diverse employee population
What is communication technology?
Any type of electronic tool or device that may be used to enhance or enable information sharing or person-to-person interaction.
What is knowledge management?
The ways organizations make use of knowledge as a resource and commodity.
What is identity theft?
Someone steals your identifying information and impersonates you in transactions with various stores and institutions.
What are urgent organizations?
Companies whose main challenge is to shorten the time in which they develop new products and respond to customer demands.
What is an organizational environment?
The sum total of people, institutions, and activities that exist outside of the organization’s boundaries but exert actual or potential influence over the company’s internal operations..
What are boundary spanners?
Company employees who have direct contact with the public.
What are the three functions of boundary spanners?
1) They can access the opinions of people outside of the organization and can use that information to guide organizational decision making
2) Their awareness of subtle trends in the environment can serve as a warning system for environmental jolts.
3) They serve as important representatives of the organization to its environment.
What is the new social contract?
Is the different kind of employment relationship wherein “job security” is fleeting and tied expressly to whether one’s skills fit the organization’s needs at that time.
What are communication networks?
Relationships with trusted coworkers characterized by quick, verbal communication- are the most dynamic source of power in contemporary organizations because of the role they play in responding to a turbulent business environment.
What is the quality of life?
The overall satisfactions and aspirations.
Four approaches to organizational communication?
1) information transfer
2) Transactional process
3) Strategic control
4) A balance of creativity and constriant
What is communication as an information transfer?
Views communication as a metaphoric pipeline through which information flows from one person to another.
What are typical communication problems?
1) information overload
2) Distortion
3) Ambiguity
What three factors can contribute to information overload?
1) Amount, the quantity of info to be processed.
2) Rate, the speed at which the info presents itself
3) Complexity, the amount of work it takes to process the info
What is distortion?
The effects of noise on the receiver’s ability to process the message.
When does ambiguity occur?
When multiple interpretation of a message cloud the sender’s intended message.
What is communication as a transactional process?
Asserts that in human communication, clear distinctions are not made between senders and receivers
What is communication as a strategic control?
Communication is a tool for controlling the environment.