Oral Pathology Test 3 Flashcards
Dissolution of the intercellular bridges of the prickle cell layer of epithelium
Minor aphthous ulcer cause
Acquired immune response
Immune response to a foreign substance based on memory of a past exposure to the same substance
Active immunity
Immunity based on antibodies developed in response to Antigen (natural and acquired)
Agents that can be added to vaccine to modify immune system
Antigen that produces hypersensitive or allergic reaction
Hypersensitivity acquired through exposure to particular allergen that elicits an exaggerated reaction on reexposure to same allergen
Sever immediate type of hypersensitivity in which a exaggerated immunologic reaction occurs on reexposure to foreign protein or other substance after sensitization results in hives, itching, swelling, vascular collapse, shock and death
Protein molecule or immunoglobulin that is secreted by plasma cells and reacts with a specific antigen (IgA, IgD,IgE, IgG, and IgM)
Antibody titer
Level of antibody in blood that can be measured by diagnostic laboratory test
Substance that is able to induce a specific immune response
Ability to reduce virulence of a pathogenic microorganism but still keep it viable (done in the development of vaccines)
Antibody that reacts against a tissue constituent of one’s own body
Autoimmune disease
Immunopathologic condition characterized by tissue trauma caused by a immune response against tissue constituents of one’s own body
B-cell lymphocytes
Type of lymphocytes that develops in lymphoid tissue other than the thymus and can later differentiate into a plasma cell that produces antibody, the main initiator of humoral immunity
Cell mediated immunity
Type of immunity in which the major role is played by T cell lymphocytes
Connective tissue disease
Category of autoimmune diseases with connective tissue as the primary target of the pathology
Proteins produced by various cell types for the purpose of intercellular communication or signaling; immunologic cytokines are involved as biochemical mediators in the immune response
Delayed hypersensitivity
Reaction that takes time to develop after T cell lymphocytes are previously introduced to an antigen to either directly caused damage to the tissue cells or recruit other cells that cause the damage
Dendritic cell
Type of WBC that acts as an antigen presenting cell on the skin and mucosa
Alteration in taste
Humoral immunity
Type of immunity where both B cell lymphocytes and antibodies they produce as plasma cells play a predominant role
Altered state of reactivity which the body reacts to a forge in agent such as an allergen with an exaggerated immune response; 4 types I - IV
Decreased salivary flow that results in xerostomia
Immune complex
Combination of an antibody and antigen, producing a complex that can initiate a hypersensitivity/ allergic reaction
Induction of active immunity, such as when pathogenic microorganism used to induce active immunity is encountered after vaccination
Type oof immunopathologic condition that involves a compromised or absent immune system involving WBC and their products
Proteins that when they are secreted by plasma cells, serve as antibodies designed to respond to a specific antigen
Substance that alters immune response by augmenting or reducing the ability of the immune system to produce antibodies PSA or sensitized cells that are recognized and react with the antigen that initiated their production
Family of glycoproteins that have immunoregulatory, antineoplastic, and antiviral activity; one of the cytokines
Langerhns cell
Specialized dendritic cell found in the skin and mucosa that is involved in the immune response
LE cell
Mature neutrophil with a phagocytized spherical inclusion derived from another neutrophil; marker of autoimmune diseases
WBC involved in the immune response that have 3 major subsets ; B-cell lymphocyte, T- cell lymphocyte, natural killer cell
Lymphoid tissue
Tissue composed of lymphocytes; supported by mesh work of CT; Tonsillar tissue, lymph nodes, lymphatic organs
Subset of cytokines produced by B or T cell lymphocytes in contact with anti gents that serve as biochemical mediators in a immune response
Large tissue bound mononuclear phagocyte derived from monocytes circulation in the blood; CN become mobile when stimulated by inflammation and interact with lymphocytes in immune response as well as during inflammation
Subset of cytokines primarily produced by monocytes or macrophages that serve as biochemical mediations in the immune response
Inflammation of mucosal tissue due to a disease process
Natural killer cell
Type of lymphocyte that is part of the initial innate immune response, unknown mechinsums is able to directly destroy cells recognized as foreign
Nikolsky sign
Diagnostic sign where by superficial epithelium separates easily from the basal layer on extertion of firm, sliding manual pressure with fingers or a tongue blade
Passive immunity
Type of immunity that uses antibodies produced by another person to protect an individual against infections disease ( natural and acquired )
Plasma cell
Cell derived from B- cell lymphocyte that produces antibodies in response to the presence of antigen
Symptom of severe itching due to a disease process possibly a hypersensitivity reaction or allergy
Rheumatoid factor
Antibody that binds to certain antibodies found in the serum oof patients with rheumatoid arthritis and CT diseases (Sjogren syndrome ; current assays test for IgM class rheumatoid factor
Schirmer test
Test that measures lacrimal gland flow by placing special filter paper strips inside the lower eyelid for 5 minutes
Serum sickness
Classic example of type 3 hypersensitivity that involves a drug allergy to antitoxin serum from horses
Group of signs and symptoms that occur together
Fibrous adhesion between the eyeball and conjunctiva
T- cell lymphocyte
Lymphocyte that matures in the thymus and is mainly responsible for initiating cell- mediated immunity as well as modulating humoral immunity
Organ consisting of lymphoid tissue located high in the chest, which. Is large in an infant and gradually shrinks in size in adulthood ; site of T cell lymphocyte maturation
Dryness of the mucous membranes, including oral cavity; caused by hyposalivation or decreased salivary flow
What are Apthous ulcers?
Painful with unclear cause
Trauma is the most common precipitating factor ( emotional stress or certain foods, systemic diseases)
Most common in professional school students
Reasons for recurrent apthous ulcers (canker sores, Aphthous stomatitis)
Trauma, Perceived food associations, Menstration, Systemic diseases, Tabasco cessation, and stress
What are minor aphthous ulcers?
- Erythematous halo surrounded in yellowish- white fibrin surface up to 1 cm in diameter
- most common ulcerated lesion in the mouth usually more anterior
-very painful
Heals inn 7-10 days