Oral Pathology Flashcards
physiologic loss of tooth structure from tooth to tooth contact
pathologic form of of attrition, habitual grinding
pathologic loss of tooth structure due to a chemical process
erosion from gastric secretions
pathologic loss of tooth structure from a mechanical process
single enlarged tooth in which the tooth count is normal
gemination (twinning)
enlarged tooth when tooth count reveals missing tooth
deep surface invagination of the crown or root that is lined by enamel, teeth may become necrotic/infected
dens invaginatus (dens in dente)
large pulp chamber with furcation close to the apex, common in Down’s syndrome
tooth enamel on root surface, no attachment to this so there is a pocket
enamel pearl (ectopic enamel)
no teeth
missing 6 or more teeth
syndrome often associated with hypodontia
ectodermal dysplasia
has hyperdontia, hypoplastic clavicles
cleidocranial dysplasia
premalignant colon polyps, osteomas, epidermoid cysts, supernumerary teeth
Gardner’s syndrome
enamel defect of permanent tooth from infection in primary tooth
Turner’s hypoplasia of tooth
hereditary alteration in tooth structure, may be associated with osteogenesis imperfect (Brittle bone disease), obliterated pulp chambers and canals, translucent hue
dentinogenisis imperfecta (hereditary opalescent dentin)
hereditary alteration in tooth structure, pits/grooves in teeth, discolored
amelogenesis imperfecta
may occur after trauma, enlargement of chamber or canal, may look pink if in pulp chamber, tx- endo tx before perforation into periodontal membrane
internal resorption
flat brown lesion, not dependent on sun exposure, lower lip or intra oral, no tx necessary
melanotic macule (oral focal melanosis, oral freckle)
another name for amalgam tattoo
focal argyrosis
intra oral sebaceous (oil) glands, small, bilateral, yellow nodules of buccal mucosa and vermillion after puberty
fordyce’s granules
adrenal cortical insufficiency, too little steroid production, diffuse pigmentation “bronzing” of skin and mucosa
addison’s disease (hypoadrenocorticism)
caused from excessive pituitary gland ACTH production, can lead to weight gain, buffalo humor, moon facies, poor healing, usually from prescribed corticosteroid therapy
Cushing’s syndrome
white, hyperkeratotic, coarse, nodular, wrinkled appearance to hard palate in smokers, inflamed minor salivary glands
Nicotinic stomatits
milky white lesions of buccal mucosa that disappear when stretched
hyperkeratotic line of buccal mucosa along plane of occlusion
linea alba
white plaque that wipes off
pseudomembranous candidiasis
red, atrophic area, midline dorsal tongue, often seen in immunocompromised individuals
central papillary atrophy (median rhomboid glossitis)
fissured areas at corners of mouth, can be seen in severe riboflavin deficiency (vit B2), fungal
angular chelitis
topical tx of fungus
nystatin, clotrimazole
systemic tx of fungus
ketoconazole, fluconazole (diflucan)
areas of redness (atrophy of filiform papillae) surrounded by raised, white border, unknown cause, possible burning
geographic tongue (erythema migrans, benign migratory glossitis)
smooth, pink, firm elevated nodules, most common “tumor” in oral cavity, receive hyperplasia of fibrous conn tissue in response to irritation or trauma
pedunculated, wart like, soft lesion, cause by HPV
what does HPV cause?
Verruca vulgaris (skin warts), condyloma acuminatum (genital warts), cervical cancer, papillomas
fibroma around denture flange, esp poor fitting denture, excise tissue and remake denture
epilus fissuratum (inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia)
papillary lesions under max denture, esp if never removed, tx- excise tissue and remove tissue
papillary hyperplasia of the palate (pseudopapillomatosis)
composed of granulation tissue, vascular appearance, hormonal influence, exuberant tissue from local irritation/trauma
pyogenic granuloma
exophytic lesion in carious teeth in children composed of granulation tissue, not painful, usually in kids before apice is all the way formed, tx- excision, endo
chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp, pulp granuloma)
*multinucleated giant cells present, looks similar to pregnancy tumor
peripheral giant cell granuloma
only on moveable mucosa, lower incidence in smokers, painful recurring, well circumscribed ulcers with erythematous halo
aphthous ulcer
oral herpes
genital herpes
chicken pox and shingles
VZV varicella zoster virus
kaposi’s sarcoma herpes virus, often complication of aids
occurs only on bounden keratinized mucosa (hard palate and attached ginger, vesicles rarely seen, healing 7-10 days
recurrent intra oral HSV
etiology- EBV, white, furrows lines on lateral surface of tongue, may be first manifestation of HIV
oral hairy leukoplakia
vascular neoplasm, multiple bluish purple macules and plaques, seen in HIV, HHV8
kaposi’s sarcoma
caused by coxsackie virus, flu like symptoms, vesicles or ulcers of post oral cavity, nothing to do with herpes
caused by coxsackie virus, vesicles or ulcers of mouth, hands, feet, flu like symptoms
hand foot and mouth disease
cancer, sun exposed skin
basal cell carcinoma
most common oral cancer (95%), sun exposed skin, smoking an alcohol major risks, HPV also risk
squamous cell carcinoma aka epidermoid carcinoma
pigmented tumor
cancer, wrinkled corrugated white lesion at site of placement
smokeless tobacco keratosis - snuff dippers lesion
most common place for squamous cell carcinoma
lateral tongue, floor of mouth
where does squamous cell carcinoma metastasize to 1st?
cervical lymph nodes
autoimmune disease with dry eyes and mouth from inflammation
Sjogren syndrome
this can cause loss of tongue papillae and discomfort, similar appearance in severe deficiencies of riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, cobalamin, iron
cyst. lumen is derived from epithelium produced during tooth development, come from 1 of 2 things- rests of serres, rests of malassez
odontogenic cysts
most common cyst, apex of necrotic tooth, well circumscribed unilocular radiolucency, tx- endo or extraction
radicular cyst (periapical cyst, apical periodontal cyst)
cyst around crown of impacted tooth, unilocular
dentigerous cyst (follicular cyst)
cyst that occurs in place of tooth
primordial cyst
unilocular or mulitlocular - soap bubble, usually in post mand, high recurrence rate, unique epith lining, can be associated with basal cell carcinoma syndrome
odontogenic keratocyst
usually unilocular *between roots of mand PMs, cannot probe b/c cyst in bone
lateral periodontal cyst
cyst between max lat and canine
globulomaxillary cyst
oval radiolucency of midline anterior maxilla, heart shaped due to ant nasal spine
nasopalatine duct cyst
soft tissue cyst, often lifts ala of the nose
nasolabial cyst- nasolacrimal cyst
malignancy of plasma cells, bone pain, punched out radiolucencies*, Bence jones proteins
multiple myeloma
light chain immunoglobulins found in urine
Bence jones proteins
derived from elements of tooth development
odontogenic tumor
most common odontogenic tumor, composed of dentin, enamel, look like little teeth, tx- conservative excision
multilocular radiolucency (soap bubble, honey comb), post mand, high recurrence rate
radiopaque lesion at apex of inflamed or necrotic tooth
Condensing osteitis (focal sclerosing osteomyeltis)
*middle age black females, vital teeth, *no cortical bone expansion, *mixed radiolucent/radiopaque lesion, lower ant teeth
periapical cemental dysplasia (periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia, false cementoma)
thickening and enlarging of the bones, cotton wool
page’s disease (Osteitis deformans)