Oral and dental health Flashcards
What are th symptoms of assymptomatic oral cancers?
Granular (50%) or smooth surface (33%) texture Elevation in 20% of cases No ulceration No bleeding and Not indurated (soft on palpation)
Is incidence of oral cancer increasing or decreasing?
there has been a 4 fold increase in the last 30 years
Where in the UK is oral cancer incidence the greatest?
Incidence in scotland is 2.5 times greater than england
Oral cancer is more common in men or women?
Much more common in men 2:1 ratio
What type of oral cancer has the greatest and worst 5 year survival?
Lip has a very good 5 year survival and hypopharynx has the worst
What is the average 5 year survival for oral cancer?
50%. The further back in the mouth the worse the prognosis
Where are the most common locations for oral cancer in the UK?
Tongue and floor of mouth
Where is the most common site for oral cancer in India?
Buccal mucosa of the cheek
Is deprivation a risk factor for oral cancer?
Yes. More evident in males than females
Most oral cancer occurs in people over 50 but incidence in younger people is increasing T or F?
What are the causes of oral cancers?
Tobacco and alcohol
Diet deffieient in nutrients
HPV is a rising cause of oropharngeal cancer
Candida is often present alongside oral cancers
Drugs used to treat syphilis may cause oral cancer
What are some of the most common carcingoegens found in cigarettes (there are over 4000)
Carbon monoxide, arsnic, formaldehyde, cyanide, benzene, toluene and acrolein
Are you at a greater risk of oral cancer if you roll your own cigarettes?
Probably as you don’t use a filter and it is becoming more common and economical to roll your own
Do eCigs carry the same risk of oral cancer as smoking tocacco?
No- there are far fewer carcinogens but the research is not long term
What is Hookah?
Smoking mainly in Arab world but also in London bars. Can be combined with sugar.
Inhaled deeper but toxins are not dissolved in the water
Which ethnic groups chew tobacco and what are the risks?
Sub mucus fibrosis which increases risk of mouth cancer
Alcohol guidelines?
14 units per week for men and women
What is considered binge drinking?
Consumption of >8 units at once for men and 6 units for women
Smoking 20 a day will increase your risk of oral cancer by 10% but what if you drink as well?
Increases risk by 24%
Are alcohol mouth washes safe?
Yes probably but the evidence is mixed
What dietary factors can increase your risk of oral cancer and why?
Low in Vitamin A, C and Iron.
This causes atrophy of the oral mucosa and therefore it becomes more susceptible to local carcinogens
Does oral sex increase your risk of oral cancer?
Yes- HPV virus
Prevalence increases with age and the number of sexual partners.
Should we vaccinate guys? Would the vaccine prevent oral infection.
What are the signs of oral cancer?
Any subtle change. Especially red and white colour changes. Swelling and ulcerated areas. Exposed areas of necrotic bone Atrophy
How long should mouth trauma take to heal?
~10-14 days
If it has not healed after this then something is wrong and it should be referred
Where should you refer to if you suspect oral cancer?
Max fax unit
Dental hospital