Opps Specs Flashcards
-Alternate airport IFR Wx Min
Cannot be A NA. Must have 1 opp nav facility providing nonprec/ prec/ circling.
200 ft HAT or HAA for app to be flown.
1 sm but not less than vis pub for app.
-Straight-in Cat I Non-prec App Proced- All Apts
90 kts or less
1/2 pub CAT A Vis/RVR or higher of below
No lights= 250 HAT 3/8 Vis 2000 RVR
ODALS/MALS/SALS= 250 HAT 3/8 Vis 1600 RVR
MALSR/SSALR/ALSF-1/-2= 250 HAT 1/4 Vis 1600 RVR
DME= 500 HAT 3/4 Vis 4000 RVR
-Special terminal area IFR opps in class G.
As long as (1) apt served by auth inst app proc (2) apt has app Wx source (3) way for PIC to get traffic advisories (4) facilities and services required are available and opp at time of use
Certificate holder can Opp IFR in Class G and designate or use alternate involving terminal area IFR Opps in Class G.
-Straight-in Cat I Prec App Proced- All Apts
90 kts or less
1/2 pub CAT A Vis/RVR or higher of below
No lights/ODALS/MALS/SALS= 200 HAT 3/4 Vis 3500 RVR
MALSR/SSALR/ALSF-1/-2= 200 HAT 1/4 Vis 1600 RVR
MALSR, SSALR w/ TDZ and CL /ALSF-1/-2 w/ TDZ and CL= 200 HAT 1/4 Vis 1600 RVR
-Special En Route IFR Opps in Class G
Authorized to conduct en route IFR in Class G if:
(1) authorized in B050 (2) conducted in accord w/ limits in B032 (3) facilities needed are opp (4)
-IFR Standard Takeoff Min
1/2 statute mile or 1200 RVR, T/D RVR is controlling if reported, then other RVR, then reported vis.
If A/pt has published T/O min, must use published.
When T/O min less than standard, can use authorized Cat I IFR landing min.
-Helicopter Air Ambulance
Authorized to conduct off airport/off heliport takeoff and landing operations provided the site to be used is adequate for the proposed operation.
The flightcrew must satisfactorily complete the
certificate holder’s approved training program prior to commencing HAA flights.
A021 Local Flying Areas
Allows pilots to use minima depicted in §135.609. Must meet the criteria contained in §135.609:
(1) Must not exceed 50 NM from point designated by the certificate holder.
(2) Local flying areas need not be contiguous, any flight outside must be operated non-local IAW §135.609.
(3) May be qualified > 1 local flying area. If not passed a knowledge test on a local flying area in 12 months must use non-local minima in §135.609.
A021 Class G
-Class G HAA VFR ceiling visibility minima relief
Can apply §135.609 HTAWS or NVIS Class G VFR when A/C is either certificated for HTAWS or certificated for NVIS and crew is compliant w/ A050.
initial or recurrent phase in preceding 12 months and meet experience and proficiency requirements outlined in 14 CFR § 61.57.
(VFR) wx mins= non-mountain=local (A021) 800-3/ non-local 1000-3
Prior to HNVGO A/C maintained IAW D093 and preflight NVG IAW ITT Users Manual.
-Definitions and Abbreviations
-Aircraft Authorization
-Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations
Op Specs TOC
-Exemptions and Deviations
GULF- operate IFR to a destination w/o weather required by FAR 135.213 (b) provided: 1) Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi 2) 75 NM of
shoreline. 3) Limit area to 10 NM of existing NWS obs site. 4) departure sites and IFR departure proced listed in General Operations Manual. 5)Offshore- wx at two differant locations IAW FAR 135.213 (a) w/n 40 + 10 NM at either end; not > than 40 NM or NWS location w/n 10 NM of destination IAW FAR 135.213(a).
-Airport Aeronautical Data
certificate holder to obtain, maintain, and distribute current aeronautical data
will provide (A) FAR/AIMS Part 61, 91, and 135 (B) aeronautical charts (C) IFR operations, pertinent navigational en route, terminal area, approach and letdown charts
-Carriage of Hazardous Materials (HazMat)
accept, handle, and carry materials regulated as HazMat including hazardous COMAT(company hazmat material), IAW 49 CFR 171 thru 180 and 14 CFR 121 Z and App O or part 135 subpart K
Exemptions DOT-SP 8697
-Eligible On-Demand Operations
Can conduct
-Actual Weight Program For All Aircraft
authorized to use only actual weights of all passengers and bags or solicited (“asked”) passenger weight plus 10
pounds and actual weight of bags when determining the aircraft weight and balance.
-Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program
-Areas of En Route Operation
Authorized to conduct the en route operations specified in this paragraph only within the areas listed in paragraph B050
Class I navigation including en route IFR operations outside positive radar control, with the area navigation systems specified in paragraph B034.
Conduct Class II navigation in accordance with paragraphs B032 and B036
-En Route Limitations and Provisions
Class I navigation- RNAV may be used if A/C position can be fixed at least once each hour using airway navigation facilities to the degree of accuracy required for ATC.
System must be certificated for IFR Class I nav and flown and authorized IAW B034.
Class II navigation IAW paragraph B036 or B054
-IFR Class I En Route Navigation Using Area Navigation Systems
The certificate holder is authorized to conduct IFR Class I terminal and en route navigation using the following aircraft and RNAV systems for the operations indicated in Table 1 below.
-Class II Navigation Using Multiple Long-Range Navigation Systems (M-LRNS)
Authorized to conduct Class II navigation en route in area approved in B050. At dispatch, two independent approved GPS navigation systems must be operational (we have exemption in GOM B050)
-Authorized Areas of En Route Operations, Limitations and Provisions
Areas we can operate (US, GOM)
Note 3 -conduct VFR Air Taxi Operations over the high seas at the altitude specified in FAR 91.119 and FAR 135.203
Note 4 -Class II using single long range system in GOM
Note 5 -use RNAV direct day/night VFR and IFR
-Class II Navigation Using Single Long-Range Navigation System (S-LRNS)
-Special Flight Permit with Continuous Authorization to Conduct Ferry Flights
Is the certificate holder’s authorization to fly an aircraft that may not meet applicable airworthiness requirements but is capable of safe flight to a base where necessary maintenance or alterations are to be performed. (Maintenance determines whether safe flight is possible)
-HNVGO Maintenance Program
Authorizes aircraft/goggle maint/compliance program and aircraft by tail number that can be flown using NVGs.
-MEL Authorization
Category A -shall be repaired w/in times specified in the “Remarks or Exceptions” column of MEL
Category B -3 calendar days (72 hours)
Category C -10 calendar days (240 hours)
Category D - 120 calendar days(2880 hours)
Can use a continuing authorization-single extension to approve a single, one-time extension category B and C item provided the responsible Flight Standards District Office is notified within 24 hours. No extension A or D.
-Weight and Balance Control Procedures
Must be weighed every Three Years.
-Terminal Instrument Procedures - Helicopter
Authorized to use Standard Instrument Approach Procedures/ Military/ICAO
-Basic Instrument Approach Procedure Authorizations - All Airports
Can conduct approaches from listed table but not circling and RNP.
-Helicopter En Route Descent Areas
Descent area must be entirely over water. Cannot descend below 700 if: 1) obstruction is detected in HEDA. 2) radio altimeter inop. 3) Radar surface mapping inop.
MDA 400ft radio altimeter
-Instrument Approach Operations Using an Area Navigation System
Authorized Aircraft and Equipment, must have approved training program, the pilot must be certified as qualified by check airman or FAA.
Authorizes OSAP procedure and aircraft mins (AW-139 200 Ft. 3/4 NM), specifies required equipment for each aircraft, weather reporting requirements, crewmember qualifications, operating limitations/procedures and missed approach requirements.
-Special Non CFR Part 97 Instrument Approach or Departure Procedures for Rotorcraft Operations.
Authorized Special Instrument Approach Procedures and current amendment dates.