14 CFR 135 subpart D,E, and F Flashcards
- VFR: Minimum altitudes.
(b) A helicopter over a congested area at an altitude less than 300 feet above the surface
VFR: Visibility requirements.
(b) Helicopter under VFR in Class G airspace at an altitude of 1,200 feet or less or w/in the surface areas of Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E airspace designated for an airport unless the visibility is at least—
(1) During the day— 1⁄2 mile; or
(2) At night—1 mile.
-VFR: Helicopter surface reference requirements.
Has visual surface reference or, at night, visual surface light reference, sufficient to safely control the helicopter.
-VFR: Fuel supply.
Helo- first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising fuel consumption, to fly after that for at least 20 minutes.
-VFR: Over-the-top carrying passengers: Operating limitations.
No person, VFR over-the-top carrying passengers, unless- (a) Wx shows at termination- (1) Ability to descend beneath the ceiling under VFR until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival at that point; or (2) IFR app and landing with flight C of C until reaching the initial approach alt over the final app facility, Or (b) conditions allow- (1) Multiengine a/c, descent or continuation of the flight under VFR if its critical engine fails
- Weather reports and forecasts.
(a) Must use approved Wx or if VFR, PIC may, if report not available, use wx info based on own observations or those of other person competent to supply appropriate observations.
(b) For paragraph (a) of this section, wx furnished to pilots to conduct IFR operations at an arpt must be taken at the arpt where those IFR ops are conducted, unless the Admin issues Ops Specs.
- IFR: Operating limitations.
(a) Except para (b), (c) and (d) of this section, no person may operate an a/c IFR outside of controlled airspace or at any airport that does not have an approved standard IAP.
(b) Admin may issue Op Specs.
-IFR: Takeoff limitations.
No person may t/o an a/c under IFR from an arpt where wx conds are at or above takeoff mins but are below IFR landing mins unless there is an alt arpt w/in 1 hour’s flying time (at normal cruising speed, in still air) of the arpt of departure.
- IFR: Destination airport weather minimums.
No person may t/o an a/c under IFR or begin an IFR or o-the-top op unless the wx reports indicate that wx conditions at ETA at the next airport of intended landing will be at or above authorized IFR landing mins.
- Alternate airport weather minimums.
(b) Rotorcraft- ETA ceiling and vis of; (1) for arpt w/ IAP or SIAP 200-1 above approach to be flown; (2) If no approach ceiling and vis allowing descent from MEA, app and landing under VFR.
- IFR: Alternate airport requirements.
(a) Except in para (b) of this section, no ops in IFR unless carrying fuel- (1) 1st arpt of intended landing; (2) to the alt arpt; and (3) fly after that for 30 mins at normal cruise.
(b) Paragraph (a)(2) does not apply if Part 97 of this chapter prescribes a Standard Instrument App Procedure for the first airport of intended landing and, for one hour before and after the ETA wx reports indicate that- (1) The ceiling 1,500 ft above lowest circling MDA; or (2) If no circling ceiling at least 1,500 ft above lowest published min or 2,000 ft above the arpt elev, w/ever is higher; And (3) Vis is forecast three miles, or two miles more than the lowest applicable vis mins, w/ever is greater, for IAP used at the destination airport.
- IFR: Takeoff, approach and landing mins.
(a) Except para (b) of this section, no pilot may begin an IAP unless- (1) Arpt has wx or a wx source approved by the Admin; and (2) wx reported indicates that conditions are at or above the IFR landing mins.
(b) Eligible on-demand op may begin an IAP to an arpt that does not have a wx reporting facility if- (1) The alt arpt has wx facility; and (2) Latest wx report includes a current local altimeter setting. If no altimeter is available, the pilot may use setting provided by the facility on the approach chart for the destination arpt.
(c) If pilot has begun the final approach segment and receives worse wx……
(i) At arpts w/ straight-in IAP, a pilot may takeoff IFR when reported wx conditions used in (a)(1) are equal to or better than the lowest straight-in mins if- (1) Winds allow straight-in approach to the rwy served by the instrument approach; (2) Facilities which the landing mins are predicated are operational.
- Airport requirements.
(a) May not use airport unless it is adequate for the proposed operation.
(b) No pilot carrying pax at night may t/off or land on an arpt unless- (1) wind direction is determined from an illuminated wind direction indicator or local ground comms or, for takeoff the pilot’s observations; and (2) the limits of the area to be used for landing or takeoff are clearly shown- (ii) For helicopters, by boundary or runway marker lights or reflective material.
- Pilot in command qualifications.
(b) Not serve as PIC under VFR w/out (1) commercial pilot certificate w/ appropriate category, class and type rating; and (2) 500 hours time as a pilot, 100 hours of cross-country and 25 hours night; and (4) For helo ops VFR over-the-top, instrument rating, or an ATP.
(c) Not serve, as PIC IFR unless- (1)commercial pilot certificate w/ appropriate category, class and type; and (2) 1,200 hrs as pilot, 500 hrs of cross country, 100 hrs of night, and 75 hrs of actual or simulated instruments at 50 hrs in actual flight; and (4) Helicopter instrument rating, or an ATP w/ a category and class rating.
- Second in command qualifications.
(a) Except in (b), no person serve as SIC unless that person holds a commercial pilot certificate w/ appropriate category and class ratings and an instrument rating. For IFR, must meet the recent instrument experience of part 61.
(b) A second in command of a helicopter operated under VFR, other than over-the-top, must have at least a commercial pilot certificate with an appropriate aircraft category and class rating.
- Pilot qualifications: Recent experience.
(a) Not serve as PIC carrying pax unless w/in preceding 90 days- (1) 3 t/offs and landings (2) Night- 1 hour before and after sunset, 3 t/offs and landings all as the sole manipulator of controls in the same cat, class and type in which that person is to serve. If comply w/ paragraph (a)(2) need not comply w/ (a)(1).
Sections 135.263- 135.273 prescribe flight time and duty period limitations, and rest requirements for ops under this part as follows:
(a) 135.263 applies to all ops under this subpart.
(c) 135.267 and 135.269 apply to any operation that’s not scheduled.
(d) Section 135.271 contains special daily flight time limits for HEMES.
- Flight time limitations and rest requirements: All certificate holders.
(a) Can only be assigned to accept flight time when 135.263 through 135.271.
(b) Cannot be assigned any duty during any required rest period.
(c) Transportation time, not local in character, that is required is not considered part of a rest period.
(d) A crewmember is not considered to be assigned flight time in excess of flight time limitations, if the flight assigned normally terminates within the limitations, but due to circumstances such as adverse weather conditions are not at the time of departure expected to reach their destination within the planned flight time.
- Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled one- and two-pilot crews.
(a) May not assign nor accept if crewmember’s total time will exceed- (1) 500 hrs calendar quarter, (2) 800 hrs in any two consecutive calendar quarters, (3) 1,400 calendar year.
(b) Except (c), during 24 consecutive hours the total flight time may not exceed- (1) 8 hours one pilot; or (2) 10 hours two pilots.
(c) All flight time must take place during a regularly assigned duty period of no more than 14 hrs
(e) When exceeded the daily flight time limitations because of circumstances such as adverse weather the rest period required is- (1) 11 hrs of rest if exceeded by 30 mins or less; (2) 12 hrs if more than 30 to 60 mins; and (3) 16 hrs if exceeded by more than 60 mins.
(f) 13 rest periods of 24 consecutive hours in each calendar quarter
- Helicopter hospital emergency medical evacuation service (HEMES).
(a) Not assigned nor accept if total commercial flight time in will exceed- (1) 500 hrs in any quarter; (2) 800 hrs in any two consecutive quarters; (3) 1,400 hours in any year.
(b) Not assigned nor accept assignment at hospital unless provided 10 hours of rest immediately preceding reporting.
(c) Only 8 hours of flight time during a 24 hr period unless an emergency medical evacuation prolonged. Each crewmember that exceeds 8 hrs flight time must be relieved immediately upon the completion of that emergency medical evacuation operation.
(d) Each crewmember must receive 8 consecutive hrs rest during 24 hr HEMES assignment. Crewmember must be relieved if they cannot receive 8 consecutive hrs of rest during 24 consecutive hr HEMES assignment.
(e) A HEMES assignment may not exceed 72 hrs.
(f) An adequate place of rest must be provided at.
(g) No certificate holder may assign any other duties to a flight crewmember during a HEMES assignment.
(h) Each pilots’ rest period after assignment-(1) 12 hrs for an assignment of less than 48 hrs. (2) 16 hrs for more than 48 hrs.
(i) Each flight crewmember msut get 13 rest periods of 24 hrs in each quarter.