EC130 T2 Flashcards
Audio warning: note
The pilot at controls shall wear radio/ ICS headset to monitor the audio warning through ICS.
Continuous Tone:
Intermittent Tone:
- 310 Hz NR less than 360 RPM
- 285 Hz when max takeoff rating exceeded. (After 1.5 sec if power remains in transient, immediately when transient limitation exceeded, immediately when max transient will be exceeded during fast power application)
- Collective pitch- Reduce to maintain NR
- Engine parameters- check
-NR above 410 RPM:
Collective- increase to maintain NR
Apply other procedure
Autorotation: cruise
- Collective pitch- Reduce
- IAS- Vy
- Twist grip- IDLE
- Maneuver into wind on final
70 ft - Cyclic- Flare
20/25 ft - Collective pitch- gradually increase
- Cyclic- Forward less than 10 degree attitude
- Pedal- adjust
- Collective- increase to cushion
After TD - Controls- adjust to control ground run
- Collective- down
- Rotor brake- apply below 170 RPM
Autorotation: Hover- IGE
- Collective- maintain
- Pedals- control yaw
- Collective- increase to cushion
Autorotation: Hover- OGE
- Collective pitch- full down
Nr stops decreasing - Cyclic- forward depending on height
- Autorotation procedure- Apply
Warning: safe auto cannot be guaranteed below the top of HV diagram.
In Flight Relighting:
- Engine start selector- off
- Gene- off
- Fuel pump- on
- Engine start selector- on relight sequence will automatically start when N1 below 10%.
After relighting: - Gene- on
- Fuel pump- off
At least 1000ft needed.
Loss of TR Thrust: Hover- IGE or OGE in HV Diagram
Land immediately
- Twist grip- idle
- Collective- cushion landing
Warning: safe auto cannot be guaranteed below the top of HV diagram.
Loss of TR Thrust: Hover- OGE out of HV Diagram
1. Collective- reduce
2. Cyclic- forward
3. A/S- Vy or higher
4. Collective- adjust to minimize side slip.
5. Land ASA Possible
If go around, carry out autorotation to suitable area
Warning: safe auto cannot be guaranteed below the top of HV diagram.
Loss of TR Thrust: Cruise
- Airspeed- Vy or higher
- Collective- adjust for side slip
Over suitable area for autorotation: - Twist Grip- Idle
- Carry out autorotative procedure
Loss of Tail Rotor Control
- Cyclic and collective- adjust to set airspeed to 70 Kts indicated.
Over suitable area:
Shallow approach with slight left side slip. Running landing. Cushion with collective.
- Landing is easier with RH wind.
- Go around is impossible below 20 Kts.
Smoke Cockpit: not identified
Heat, Demist, ECS- Off, smoke clears: Fly 1. Batt- off 2. Gene- off 3. Avionics- off 4. Vent cabin Smoke clears: 5. All consumers- off 6. Batt- on, check DC 7. Gene- on, check DC Smoke clears? No: LASA Possible Yes: Are DC parameters good:
No: 8. Gene- off
9. Apply gene off line procedure: LASA practicable.
Yes: 8. Avionics- on
9. Minimum consumers on one at a time: continue flight- depending on equipment.
Caution: When EMER SHED is applied VEMD goes off. Apply procedure for failure both screens.
Smoke Cockpit: Identified
- Corresponding system- off
- Ventilate
- Continue flight- depending on system failed.
Note: After DC switched off and on in flight, GOV light remains illuminated until full shutdown of aircraft.
VEMD Failure:
One screen-
Both screens-
One: Off 1 or Off 2- Off
Read info from other screen, 3- parameter engine page automatically displays.
Both: To avoid any over limit max power will be power needed to establish:
- IAS = 100 Kts at 0 Hp- (2 Kts/1000 Ft)
- LASA Practicable
- Carry out no hover landing.
Nr constant at 394 rpm.
Abnormal Nr/N2 Indication:
1. Collective- Maintain TRQ > 10%
Nr reading is given by pointer
2. LASA Practicable
- Nr indication- Check green TRQ > 0%
- Continue flight
- N2 can be read off of VEMD.
- N2 failure may result in loss of EBCAU.
Engine Oil Temp: over limit
- Airspeed- 80 Kts
Temp reduce?
No: LASA Possible
Yes: LASA Practicable- check oil cooler fan.
Low Engine Oil Pressure:
CWP- Check ENG P
Yes: Land Immediately
No: CWP light- test
If illuminates during test:
LASA Practicable.
If no illumination:
Land Immediately
N1 Indicator Failure
- Comply with max TRQ and TOT of 836.
- LASA Practicable
Note: in this case, TOT limitations displayed are starting limitations.
N1 and TRQ:
- Comply with N1 table and TOT limit of 836.
- LASA Practicable
GOV warning can cause loss of N1 and TRQ indications.
TOT indicator Failure:
- Respect N1 and TRQ limits.
- Environmental systems- Off
- On ground do not start.
LASA Practicable
- Current over limit. (Red underline flashing)
- Over voltage. (29.0 V <u></u>
- Unnecessary equipment- Off
- Continue flight
Note: after start is normal high load to recharge battery. Avoid using high load consumers during this time. - U/BUS voltage- Monitor
- Continue flight
Generator: over voltage (>31.5 V)
- Gen- off
- CWP- monitor for BATT TEMP
- GENE procedure case A- apply
- LASA Practicable
U/BUS under voltage: (< 26.0 V)
- GENE procedure- apply.
- U/BUS voltage- Check > 26.0 V
3. GENE procedure case A- apply
4. LASA Practicable
Note: probably generator defect.
Yes: Continue Flight.
ENG FIRE: start up
- Eng start selector- Off
- Emer fuel handle- Aft
- Fuel pump- Off
- Crank- press 10 sec.
- Batt- Off
- RTR brake- apply < 170
- Evacuate
ENG FIRE: Hover, Takeoff, Final
- Land Immediately: No hover powered landing.
2. Apply Eng Fire during starting procedure.
ENG FIRE: Flight
Land Immediately 1. Collective- Lower 2. IAS- Vy 3. Autorotation procedure- Apply 4. Emer fuel shut-off- Aft 5. Fuel Pump- Check off 6. Eng Start Selector- Off After landing: 7. Batt- Off 8. RTR Brake- Apply <170 9. Evacuate
GOV (red): major failure.
During start-
- Flight parameters- Check. EBCAU automatically engages GOV (yellow) illuminates.
- Collective pitch- avoid abrupt changes.
- Maintain N1 > 80%.
- LASA Practicable.
Approach and landing: avoid steep angle.
After landing: slowly lower collective and Eng Start Selector- off.
Note: on Vehicle page: FF and END (yellow). This failure can also result in loss of N1 and TRQ on VEMD.
-Eng Start Selector- Off immediately.
GOV (yellow): Minor Failure
Continuously on-
- Collective- Avoid abrupt power changes.
- IAS- Maintain below VNE power off.
- LASA Practicable.
On ground do not start engine.
Caution: failure can lead to constant Nr of 394. Tail RTR control margin reduced. Avoid hover with left wind or later left hover.
Flashing: governor redundancy failure. Abort start. Cancel Autorotation training.
ENG P: (red)
- Oil Pressure- Check
Low or nil:
- Land Immediately.
- Autorotate
- Eng Shut Down if time.
Normal: LASA Practicable.
TWT GRIP (red):
Twist grip- Turn to flight position.
Continue Flight.
ENG CHIP (yellow):
- Collective pitch- Reduce power.
- LASA Possible
Low power approach and landing. Be prepared for engine loss.
Note: takeoff is prohibited until checked.
MGB P: (red)
Oil pressure less than 1 bar.
- Collective- reduce power.
- LASA Possible
If landing area not suitable reduce to Vy and fly to suitable area.
Note: at low power a max of 55 mins demonstrated on bench test.
MGB TEMP: (yellow)
Oil over 115.
- IAS- set to Vy
- CWP- Monitor
Light extinguishes:
LASA Practicable.
Light not extinguished:
LASA Possible.
MGB CHIP: (yellow)
- Collective- Reduce
- Monitor- MGB P and MGB TEMP
- LASA Possible.
TGB CHIP: (yellow)
Avoid prolonged hovering.
Continue flight.
HYDR and SERVO: (yellow)
Keep aircraft more or less level.
Avoid abrupt maneuvers.
Maintain angel of bank less than 30 degrees.
Maintain IAS below 110 kt or VNE.
LASA Practicable- normal approach and landing.
Note: one hydraulic system is sufficient.
Caution: during high load factor maneuvers, reversibility may be encountered.
HYD 1: LIMIT- may come on.
BATT TEMP: (red)
- BATT- Off
- U bus voltage- Check
Normal: LASA Practicable.
Above Umax:
- BATT- On
- GENE- Off
- Unnecessary equipment- Off
- LASA Practicable
BATT (yellow)
- BATT- Check on
- BATT- on, light goes out
- Continue fight
- Check voltage VEMD
- LASA Practicable
Note: BATT (yellow) comes on with external power.
GENE: (yellow)
- U bus on VEMD- Check
- GENE- Check on
GENE- on,
Case B: Light Extinguishes
-Continue Flight
GENE RESET CB- check not popped.
GENE- RST then On
Case A: Light Still On
Unnecessary equipment- Off
U bus VEMD- Monitor
LASA Practicable.
Warning: Battery fails VEMD goes out and lose NR/N2. Apply procedure for both screen failure. Avoid autorotation m, perform shallow approach with cautious landing.
Note: GENE (yellow) on with external power.
FUEL: (yellow)
Fuel less than: 15.8 gallons.
LASA Possible
Note: 15 mins of fuel at MCP.
Warning: avoid large attitude changes that could lead to flameout.
FUEL P: (yellow)
In Flight:
- Collective- reduce power.
- LASA Possible.
Low power approach and landing.
Warning: Be prepared for flameout.
FUEL FILT: (yellow)
Filter pre-clogged:
Continuously on- level 2 reached.
1. LASA Practicable
2. Monitor VEMD for N1 oscillations. If occur-
Land Immediately.
Warning: bypass leads to contaminated fuel in governor leading to oscillation, limited power or flameout.
Flashing at idle or during start/shutdown: level 1
One flight 3hrs max before maintenance.
Limit: (yellow)
- Main servo reached max load.
- Max RTR head stress reached.
- Extreme longitudinal control position.
High speed:
- Collective- Reduce
- Cyclic- Reduce speed or load factor.
Rearward flight/tailwind:
1. Cyclic- Reduce rearward speed or tailwind component.
Continue Flight
Note: LIMIT (yellow) may appear with HYD 1 Failure.
PITOT: (yellow)
- Monitor airspeed indicator.
2. Continue flight.
HORN: (yellow)
HORN- Check on.
Yes: Aural warning failure.
No: HORN- On
Both: Continue Flight.
DOOR: (yellow)
- Airspeed- 70 kts
- LASA Practicable.
Approach at low rate of descent.
P2 OVHT: (yellow)
Ducts >90 degrees C
- ECS- off
- On VEMD- Check P2
- After 1 min- Check
Light off: Continue Flight
Light on :
4. P2 manual valve- Close
Continue Flight
Note: Demist degraded when P2 cut-off
External visibility issue: LASA Possible.
RTR Brake Inop:
- Aircraft- Into wind.
- Cyclic stick- slightly into wind.
Warning: RTR stop before leaving aircraft.
Bleed valve failure:
- if bleed valve flag remains on at high power setting power is reduced especially in cold WX.
- if flag remains out, at low power engine may surge. Avoid abrupt power changes.
- Bleed valve failure results in GOV (yellow) light.
LASA Practicable
Rotor Limits
170: Brake
320: Min Power Off
375-405: Norm
430: Max Power Off
Low NR warning < 360
High NR warning > 410
Takeoff Power Rating:
- Max airspeed 40 KIAS.
- 30 min continuous with 60 mins cumulated use per flight.
- Heating and Demist authorized up to max TOP.
- 2: Max Continuous.
- 2-10: Takeoff power
10: Max Takeoff power - 4: Max transient (5 sec)
Main Transmission:
- 3: Max Continuous
- 3-100: Takeoff Power
100: Max Takeoff rating
104: Max transient (5 sec)
367-413: Normal
440: Max transient (20 sec)
67: Min stabilized
Delta N1 -4%: Max Continuous
Delta N1 -4% to 0: Takeoff power
Delta N1 +1%: Max transient (20 sec)
Temp Limits:
Min: -40 C
Max: ISA + 35 up to 50 C
Maneuvering Limits:
Do not bring on LIMIT light.
Starting limits:
750 Max Continuous
840 Max transient (10 sec)
TOT Flight Limits:
905: Max Continuous
905-948: Takeoff power
981: Max transient (20 sec)
Eng Oil Temp Limits:
Max 117
Min temp for power application
0 C
During warm up collective must be down engine can be at idle or flight.
Engine Oil P Limits:
Oil pressure have variable limits dependent on N1.
Electrical Limits:
Max volts: 31.5
Max current: 150 A (200 A with mod. OP-3821)
Baggage Limits:
RH: 287 lbs
LH: 342 lbs
62.5 lbs/ft2
Rear: 176 lbs
30 lb/ft2
Cabin Loading limits:
Rear: 1091 lb
Forward: 893 lb
62.5 lb/ft2
Hover Limits:
OAT > 35 C OGE and IGE with relative RH wind from 45-135 is limited to 5 mins for any wind speed above 5 kts.
Economy cruise:
Above 100 ft
IAS = 70 kts at 0 HP - (1kt per 1000 ft).
Set TRQ to 10% less than MCP TRQ.