OPMS: Officer Personnel Management System Flashcards
What is covered in OPMS?
Deals w:
- strength management
- accessions
- assignments
Who exercises personnel management authority over AMEDD officers?
Surgeon General
- exception is general officers
OPMS functions
- Accessions
- Assignment process and considerations
- strength management
- professional development
What is included in strength management (accessions)
procurement sources
- direct accessions
- branch transfers
- interservice transfers
- Reserve/guard -> AD
- Financial assistance program
- civilian education delay
What are the AMEDD Corps Branches? (Strength management distribution)
- Medical corps (MC)
- Dental corps (DC)
- Veterinary corps (VC)
- Nurse corps (AN)
- Medical specialist corps (SP)
- Medical service corps (MS)
What drives strength management assignment?
- needs of army
- med dept officer distribution plan
- availability
- professional development needs
- education and training
- other considerations
- personal preferences and compassionate factors
Who is responsible for strength management?
Responsibility of:
- AMEDD branch
- OTSG personnel
- AMEDD personnel Proponent Directorate (APPD)
Goals of strength management?
Adjust accessions, promotions and separations based on gains and losses - to meet army needs
Types of separations?
- voluntary separation incentive (VSI)
- Special separation Bonus (SSB)
- Voluntary early release program (VERP)
- Selective early retirement board (SERB)
- Reduction in force (RIF)
What is included in Officer Education system (OES)?
pre-commissioning - Pre-appointment/pre-commissioning training Primary - BOLC Intermediate - CCC - cpts career course - ILE - intermediate level ed Senipr - SSC/AWC - Senior service college/army war college General/flag officer - General officer training - Advanced civil schooling
What form is OER?
DA Form 67-10X
What form is the academic evaluation report?
DA Form 1059
What form offers a snapshot or resume of assignments and qualifications?
DA form 4037 - ORB
Types of promotion systems?
- 2LT -> 1LT; WO1 -CW2
- no limits - CDR (O5) recommendation
centralized promotions
- numerical limits
- based on qualification criteria
What are the army competitive categories ACC (for centralized boards)
What makes up the “special branches” and what makes them different?
AMEDD (all 6 corps)
- separate promotion boards
- special pays (speciality dependent)
What are the key documents for promotion boards?
DA Photo
Who sits on a promotion board? What regulates them?
Min 5 active duty officers (MAJ and above)
Guided by MOI
How are board announcements ordered?
Below the Zone (BZ) - promoted ahead of peers due to record
Primary zone (PZ) - all officers in a year group are considered
Above the zone (AZ) - previous non-selects
Show case for non-fully qualified