Manage Training At Platoon Level 1 Flashcards
What is the PL’s role in company training?
- support the cdr’s training mission
- keep plt training proficiencies current and to standard
- develop platoon training plans that support the company
- ID and request platoon training resource requirements
- record platoon and squad training proficiencies
- develop innovative and challenging training for the platoon and soldiers
What are the manuals for army training doctrine?
ADP 7-0
FM 7-0
Platoon training is based on achieving what 3 prodiciencies?
Platoon and squad battle tasks
Weapons qual
Collective live fire tasks
Where are task standards found for training?
Training and evaluaion outlines (T/EO) Includes:
Task standards for - individual/collective tasks - MET’s - batle tasks - collective live fire tasks Are
Where are weapons qual standardsfound?
The weapons Training circular (TC)
It is said that the operations process is the training process. What is the operations process?
Assess - plan
Assess - prepare
Assess - execute
All in a circle around the CDR
What is platoon training battle rhythm?
A deliberate cycle of activities that help keep platoon training battle focused and on track
Doing the routine things routinely
Examples for PL’s of platoon training battle rhythm?
- attending company training mission
- conducting platoon training meeting
- conducting PCC/PCI
- dialogues w company cdr
- dialogues w SQL
- maintaining leader books
What are some web based training resources
ATMS - army training management system
- enables the rest
ATN: army training network
CATS: combined arms training strategies
DTMS: digital training management system
What is the purpose of conducting training mission analysis?
Purpose is to determine what:
- platoon battle tasks to train
- weapons proficiency requirements
- collective live fire tasks
- OE to replicate
- when must plt be proficient
Mission analysis helps determine what the platoon must train to support the company
What to look at when analyzing company training guidance/company unit training plan (UTP)?
- training mission statement
- cdr’s intent
- concept for command-directed training
- concept for command-support training
- long range training calendar
What goes into constructing platoon battle tasks?
- based on company MET determine collective tasks support this
- these become platoon battle tasks
- squads do same as platoon
- ensure SQL nest their battle tasks and individual tasks w platoon battle tasks
What good are platoon battle tasks?
They provide battle focus (you cant train everything)
If you ID platoon weapons system proficiency requirements it will help you
- drive weapon qual requirements
- ammo forecasting
- range requirements
Where do you get the NLT date for platoon proficiency?
It is listed in the companies training mission statement
Once the PL and PSG complete the mission analysis they?
Backbrief cdr on:
- platoon battle tasks to train
- weapons proficiency requirements
- verified the collective live-fire tasks to train
- the OE to repilcate
- when the PLT must be proficient
CDR approves/modifies these
Do platoons and squads construct a UTP?
No, but the do:
- determine plt and squad training events and obj
- ID planning req and training resources
- develop evaluation plan(s) for each event
What do plt training meetings provide?
They allow the plt to synchronize planning events
- ID resources
- ID shortcomings
- Gather info from subordinate ldrs
- discuss preparation for training
- solicit ideas for future training req
Examples of small unit training techniques?
- lane training
- hip pocket training
- sergeants time training (STT)
- training models (like 8 step training model)
When identifying planning requirements and training resources remember to:
- look at available daiys
- NLT date
- classes of supply needed
- TADSS available
- need to be live? Maybe constructive and virutal
- external support needed
What is involved in issuing platoon training plan and guidance?
- Plan ensures subordinate ldrs understand expected outcomes
- post training calendar
- issue operations order
What process is used to conduct platoon training events?
The operations process
What are the step used to conduct platoon training events?
- Develop plan (OPORD)
- Finalize plans
- Execute training events
- Evaluate training obj
- Conduct aar
- Ensure close-out of site/materials
How fancy should your opord for each training event be?
As fancy as you want
- can be handwritten
- still use 5 paragraph format
But get CDR to approve it
Each training event also needs? (No one outranks general safety)
DD form 2977 - deliberate risk assessment worksheet
What should be done during the finalizing of training events (Pre-execution checks)
- Conduct site recon
- Conduct rehearsals
- Lock-in resources
- Lock-in training sites
- Publish OPORD -> SQL
- Draw equipment/supplies
When you execute training events make sure you
- execute tactical scenario
- supervise training standards
- ensure evaluators are where they need to be
- conduct AAR when needed
- integrate risk management
- maintain accountability of soldiers and sensitive items
What is covered in AAR?
- What was supposed to happen
- What did happen
- Evaluate performance against army standard
- ID observe strengths and weaknesses
- ID opportunities and improve performance
What is the purpose of AAR?
Get the soldiers to recognize for themselves what went right/wrong and how to improve performance
What if the standard isnt met?
Keep training
- train to standard not to time (unless its cold and rainy then fuck it…)
What to do at ENDEX?
- accountability MWE
- post op PMCS
- turn in supply
- close out w range control
- give soldiers recovery time (equipment)
- final inspections
PL records training performance
Who evaluates training?
Who assesses training?
Evaluators evaluate
Cdrs assess
How do you report training results?
IAW company commanders guidance and unit SOP
- PL’s report evals and observations
- CDR assess and reports the ability of the company to accomplish the mission
When you record training results you are also?
Helping leaders adjust TACSOPs improve procedures