NCOER Flashcards
AR 623-3
DA PAM 623-3
What is the primary function of the NCOER?
Provide key info for HQDA to use in making critical personnel management decisions
NCOER forms by rank?
2166-9-1 SGT - direct -
2166-9 -2 SSG-MSG - organizational
2166-9-3 CSM/SGM - strategic
Rater vs sr rater on NCOER?
Rater = performance
Senior rater = potential
Levels of leadership and their role?
Direct - refine ability to apply competencies at proficient level
Organizational - apply competencies to increasingly complex situations
Strategic - shape military -> change over extended time
Leadership requirements model?
- character
- presence
- intellect
- leads
- develops
- achieves
Attributes at the direct level
- creates a climate that embraces army values; character is aligned w army expectations
- demonstrates good presence and confidence across expected duties of the position
- conceptual capabilities, interpersonal tact and domain knowledge
Attributes at the organizational level
- behaviors that are clear outward expression that aligns w army expectations
- excellent presence, confidence and resilience in expected duties and unexpected situations
- conceptual capabilities, interpersonal tact and domain knowledge are effe tive for ops at btn or below
Attributes at the strategic level
- sense of responsibility for army profession, character of absolute integrity
- manages complexity and anticipates transitions at strategic level
- excels at complex thinking, deep understanding of history, world situation, dynamics of organization
Compegtencies at the direct level
- troop leading procedures and TTPs at unit level
- builds environment of teamwork
- directs tasks at squad level and below
Compegtencies at the organizational level
- competence in resolving complex situations
- proactive in developing others, coach mentor teach subordinates
- lead decentralized ops and ill structured problems; manages resources to accomplish mission
Compegtencies at the strategic level
- vision for ops at strategic level
- creates systems and adopts policies supporting personal and professional growth across organization., steward of profession
- aligns efforts among organizations to achieve mission goals
Where are NCOERS managed?
EES - evaluation entry system
When does counseling need to be done (NCOER)
- W/in 30 days of rating period
- then quarterly
Who gets NCOER counceling form 2166-9-1A
- CPL that dont get NCOER keep counseling for one year
Initial counseling should cover
- rater/senior rater support form and rating chain
- establish duty description
- ID areas of speical emphasis
- Draft performance goals and expectations
- draft major performance obj
- document initial and provide copy of counseling to rated NCO
What does the rated NCO provide for part IV of the support form?
Rated NCO provides goals and expectations
What is covered in part V of NCOER
Attributes and competencies
Rater requirements?
- Senior to rated
- Immediate supervisor of rated
- Minimum 90 days
Raters roles and responsiblitites
- Provide support form
- discuss duty description w/in 30 days
- provide quarterly counseling
- verify APFT and height/weight data
- provide objective and comprehensive eval of performance
Senior rater requirements
- in direct line of supervision
- min 60 days
- must prepare fair and accurate portrayal
- ensures required counseling
- forwards NCOER to supplementary reviewer
- forwards to HQDA w/in 60 days
Senior rater grade requirements
minimum of
SSG/(P) - E8/GS9
SFC/(P) - E-9/GS9
MSG-CSM - Senior to rater/GS9
Senior raters roles and responsibilities
Primary is eval potential and overwatch performance eval, mentoring
- obtain rated NCO’s signature
How many can the senior rater mark as most qualified?
Limited to 24% for SSG-CSM
What does most qualified -not qualified actually mean?
Most qualified: top 24%, promote ahead of peers
Highly qualified: promote w peers
Qualified: promote if able
Not qualified: recommend separation
When is Supplementary reviewer required
Mandatory for all NCOERs having senior rator in rank of 2/1LT, WO1-CW2 or SFC-1SG/MSG
Who qualifies for supplementary reviewer?
Direct line of supervision
Cpt+, CW3+, SGM/CSM, MSG in CSM position
Senior in pay grade/date of rank
No minimum time requirement
Supplementary reviewer role
Ensure compliance w NCOER process
Ensure accurate, clear, consistent, fair
What are the rated NCO’s responsibilities?
Verify admin data/APFT/Ht/WT, counseling
Perform duties and seek guidance
Maintain personal working copy of DA form 2166-9-1A
Types of NCOERs and their codes
02 - annual report 03 - change of rater 05 - relief for cause 06 - depart TDY/special duty/change of station 08 - senior rater option 09 - complete the record 10 - extended annual 19 - HRC directed
Non-rated codes?
A - AWOL, desertion, unsat participant C - confinement D - temp disability retirement list (TDRL) E - leave in excess of 30 days F - under arrest G - healing w duty (WTU) H - healing (WTU) I - in transit between duty station, PTDY, TDY M - missing in action P - patient or con leave Q - Lack of rater qualification R - new recruiter program S - student at mil/civilian school T - on TDY, Special duty, Temp change of station <90 calendar days W - POW Z - non of the above
What is covered in the duty description?
- Principal duty title
- Duty MOSC
- Daily duties and scope
- Areas of special emphasis
- Appointed duties
What criteria are used for SGT (direct level) NCOER?
Met standard - did not meet standard
Go, no go
What criteria are used for (ORGANIZATIONAL level) NCOER?
Far exceeded
Did not meet
Unconstrained rater tendency
What criteria are used for strategic level NCOER?
Rater - Narrative format
Notes for writing bullet comments?
Select accomplishment to address
Write What
Add How
Refine w additional info
Good and bad bullets need?
Quantitive and substantiated comments
When writing bullets they start and end with?
Start with o
End with NO period
What is the rater tendency label?
The rater annotates how many NCO’s he/she rates and where they rated them on the far exceeds - did not meet scale
- gives weight or takes away weight from what they say
What does the Senior rater write on SGT NCOER?
Most qual - not qual - not limited to 24%
5 lines of narrative text
2 duty assignments and one broadening assignment
What does the Senior rater write on SSG-CSM NCOER?
Most qual - not qual limited to 24%
Narrative comments
Duty assignments and broadening assignment
How do you find recommended duty positions?
DA PAM 623-3 Table 3-9 page 42