Deployment Health Assessment Process Flashcards
What are the pre-deployment healthcare requirements?
Basically anything that would a make someone not deployable or that would be needed to prepare them for deployment
- DNA; immunizations, glasses, hearing aid/batteries, medical warning tags, pregnancy, meds (90 days), behavioral health assessment, HIV,
- prev med brief, med records review, profile review
What do permanent profiles of 3 or 4 require?
They cannot deploy with out MEB (medical evaluation board) and retention by PEB (physical evaluation board)
Pre-deployment health assessment: DD 2795
How soon must part II be completed after part 1 is done?
Part II must be completed w/in 30 days of part 1
Pre-deployment health assessment: DD 2795
When must pre-deployment health assessments be done?
Must be done within 120 days of deployment
- they must be validated with in 60 days
Pre-deployment health assessment: DD 2795
What is the purpose of this assessment?
Determines deployable or not deployable
Identifies referrals needed
DD2975 is completed electronically through medpros, what happens next?
A copy must be placed in the deployment medical record and the permanent medical record
Post-deployment health assessment: PDHA
What is the purpose?
Enhanced post-deployment health screening for all returning service members
Post-deployment health assessment: PDHA
What is included?
- DD 2796 f/u referral
- TB test at 3 and 6 months
- medical threats briefs and handouts
- malaria chemoprophylaxis
Post-deployment health assessment: PDHA
When is it conducted?
Part I: w/in 30 days of part II
Part I: usually dont while still deployed (not requirement)
Part II must be completed w/in 5 days of redeployment and filed in recorded w/in 30 days
What 3 sections are included in the Post-deployment health assessment DD 2796?
General health
Occupational/environmental exposure
Behavioral health
5 step process of occupational/environmental exposure evualutaion?
- was there plausible exposure?
- are there health effects?
- exposure related to health effect or is there latent effect?
- were objective measures taken
- were others affected?
Behavioral health resources?
BH pro’s (preferably those who weren’t deployed with you)
Military employee assistance programs (EAP)
Military one source
Reserve component additions to the PDHA
Release from active duty (REFRAD)/separation physical
Statement of medical examination and duty status
- HIV, HCT/HGB, UA, vision, audiometry, ekg (if needed)
- Over 40 labs prn
Where can reserve component receive follow up medical care?
TAMP - transitional assistance management program
CHCBP - continued health care benefit program
Tricare reserve select
When is the PDHRA : post deployment health reassessment conducted?
90-180 days after redeployment
All other conditions are the same
name pre/post deployment healthcare resources
Psychological health center of excellence (PHCoE)
Military crisis line