Fundamentals Of Property Accountability Flashcards
Regs covering fundamentals of property accountability
AR 735-5
AR 710-2
DA PAM 710-2-1
What is accountability?
The obligation of a person to keep records of property, documents, or funds. These records show identification of data, gains, losses, dues out/in, and balances on hand or in use
Can property accountability be delegated?
No it is an officially assigned obligation
- financial liability can be assessed agains people who fail at it
What is an accountability officer?
Person officially appointed on orders to maintain a formal set of accounting records of property or funds. May or may not have physical possession of the property/funds
What are the types of accountable officer?
- Transportation officer
- accountable for property entrusted to him/her for shipment - Stock record officer
- accountable for supplies being held for issue from time of receipt until issued, shipped, or dropped from accountability - Property book officer
- accountable for property at the using unit level on receipt and until subsequently turned in, used (consumed) or dropped form accountability
Are accountable officers hand receipt holders?
How are accountability officer’s appointed?
- Appointed in writing
- Appointed by CDR or head of activity for whom the property records are being maintaine
Requirements for being accountable officer?
- DOD commissioned/warrant officer (ARNG must be federally recognized)
- DOD civilian employee determined to be properly qualified
- DOD enlisted person SGT+ when appointment is approved by MACOM cdr, major subordinate command commander, or head of HQDA agency
What is the definition of responsibility?
Obligation of an individual to ensure GOV property and funds entrusted to possession, command or supervision are properly used and cared for, and that proper custody, safekeeping and disposition are provided
Types of responsiblity
- Command
- Supervisory
- Direct
- Custodial
- Personal
What is the command responsibility for accountability?
Obligation of a CDR to ensure all GOV property w/in his/her command is properly used and cared for, and that proper custody, safekeeping and disposition are provided
- inherent in command
- cannot be delegated
What is supervisory responsibility?
Obligation of a supervisor to ensure all GOV property w/in his/her command is properly used and cared for, and that proper custody, safekeeping and disposition are provided
- inherent in supervisory positions
- cannot be delegated
What is direct responsibility?
Obligation of person to ensure all gov property for which he/she is receipted, is properly used and card for, and that proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition are provided
- results form signing for the property
What is custodial responsiblity?
Obligation of an individual for property in storage awaiting issue or turn-in to exercise resonable and prudent actions to properly care for, and ensure proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition of the property are provided
- results form assignment as supply sergeant, supply custodian, supply clerk, or warehouse person
What is personal responsiblity?
Obligation of a person to exercise reasonable and prudent actions to properly use, care for, safeguard and dispose of gov property issued, acquired for, or converted to use w or w/o receipt
What constitutes “Real” property?
What constitutes personal property?
Anything that is not real property
- capital equipment
- nonexpendable/consumable supplies
- expendable/consumable supplies
Types of personal property?
Expendable (ARC-X)
Durable (ARC-D)
nonexpendable (ARC-N)
What is expendable property?
Personal Property that is used up in use
What is durable property?
Personal Property that is not consumed in use, does not require property book accountability, but because of its unique characteristics require control when issued to user
What is non-expendable property?
Personal property that is not consumed and retains its identity during use
Requires formal accountability throughout the life of the item
Classes of supply?
Class I: subsistence (food) Class II: clothing, equipment, tents, tools Class III: petroleum items Class IV: fortification/barrier materials ClassV: ammo Class VI: personal demand items (booze) Class VII: major end items Class VIII: med supply Class IX: repair parts Class X: agriculture
What is the purpose of command supply discipline program (CSDP)
CSDP is to:
- Establish supply discipline as regulator guidance
- Standardize supply. Discipline requirements
- Provide responsible personnel w single listing of all existing supply discipline requirements
- Make the Army more efficient regarding time spent monitoring subordinates actions
How does CSDP achieve its purpose?
- Ensure compliance w DA supply policy and procedures
- Determine adequacy of established DA supply policy and procedures
- ID supply problems to permit timely corrective action w/in the COC
Fundamentals of CSDP enforcement?
Leadership: biggest aspect Command emphasis: enforcing Training: for all subordinates Administrative measures: AR 735-5 Disciplinary measures: deterrence and corrective action
What does ar 735-5 cover?
AR 735-5 provides procedures for various administrative measures for accounting for lost, damaged and destroyed property
What system is used to manage supply chains?
GCSS-Army - replaced STAMIS
What are the types of property books?
Organization: property authorized by MTOE or TDA
Installation: all property not listed in authorization documents (office and barracks furniture, computers etc)
List the form Numbers for receipts?
Property book DA 3328 Hand or sub hand receipt DA 2062 Temp hand receipt DA 3161 Equipment receipts DA 3749 Change documents DA 3161
When do you use hand receipt?
Whenever property book or durable items are issued
Signature established direct responsibility
How many times can an item be subhand receipted?
No restriction - but should not exceed CDR to supervisor to user
What is a component hand receipt?
The record of responsibility for items listed on it
- record that validates all component shortages less expendable consumable between the primary hand receipt holder and the “user”
What is a hand receipt (shortage) annex?
- List of components missing from an end item
Who validates the shortage annex for non-expendable items?
Expendable/durable items?
Non-expendable: PBO
Expendable/durable: CDR
Can hand receipts (DA 3161) be used between units?
Not unless approval is first obtained from appropriate authority
When should you use a “temporary” hand receipt DA 3161?
When items are issued from 1-30 days
- within 5 days of expiration notify the holder, if they still need the item give them a hand receipt
What is a DA 3749?
Property issued to same person on a recurring basis
- weapons
- gas masks
- night vision
24hr limit
What is the CDR doing during an inventory?
Ensuring property
- Accounting is complete/accurate
- is on-hand and serviceable
- is safeguarded
What happens when the hand receipt holder is replaced?
All property is inventoried by outgoing and incoming PHRH
Timelines for change of hand receipt holder inventory?
- 30 days to conduct joint inventory (primary hand receipt)
- max of 2 extensions (15 days each) granted by next higher CDR
What to do during post inventory reconciliation?
- Verify property is accounted for in platoon/section
- ensure properly subhand receipted
- validate shortage annexes
- complete AAR and present to CDR
How often are inventories conducted?
Annual: 100% inventory should be conducted annually
cyclic inventory conducted in one of 3 manners
- monthly 10%
- quarterly 25%
- semiannually 50%
How often are sensitive and unclassified CCI be inventoried?
What is CIIC?
Controlled item Inventory Code
1-0, N, P, Q, R, or Y (night vision)
- shown in the army master data file (AMDF)
How often are weapons inventoried?
Serial number inventory conducted
- monthly RA
- quarterly USAR, ARNG
Who conducts the weapon inventory?
The responsible officer, NCO, warrant or DOD civilian
- wont be same person back to back
- armorer will not do it
Types of property book adjustments?
- Administrative adjustment report (minor adjustments)
- damage statement
- memo for loss of durable hand tools
- cash sales provisions
- statement of charges/cash collections voucher (DD 362)
- financial liability investigation of property loss (FLIPL) DD 200
What adverse personnel actions can result from failure to maintain property
- oral/written reprimand
- MOS reclass
- BAR to reenlist
- Adverse actions against civilians
- suspension of favorable actions