Operative / Cariology Flashcards
What is the best conditioner to clean the tooth’s surface when applying GI adhesive?
PAA (polyAlkenoic acid)
What is a ‘C factor’? What does a high C factor indicate? What is a potential problem with a high C factor?
the ratio of bonded to unbonded (or free surfaces) in a tooth preparation…HIGH C factor = MORE bonded to unbonded restoration surface areas…greater the C factor the greater the potential for bond disruption from polymerization shrinkage…(a class I has highest c factor, a class IV has the lowest
Which surface of a Primary mand first molar will req the least amount of reduction?
What teeth and their surface are LEAST susceptible to class I lesions?
Lingual of Mand Incisiors
Using completmentary colors in adjusting shade of restorations has WHAT EFFECT on VALUE?
Decreases value (making darker)
In relation to resin composites, which mechanical property measures the material’s ability to resist the propagation of a crack?
Fracture toughness (whatever the fuck that means)
Zinc is added to low-copper amalgam for delayed _______ when contaminated with moisture, enhancing ______ properties, and reducing ______ fracture rates
expansion, mechanical, marginal
Pins serve to retain the amalgam, NOT _________ it.
If the remaining dentin thickness is greater than 1.5mm, __________ can be used as cavity liner but for a remaining thickness of 0.5mm or less, __________ should be used, then glass ionomer should be placed.
glass ionomer cement…..calcium hydroxide
In an open sandwich technique, a restorative ___________ or __________ is used in the portion of the restoration near the gingival margin.
Thickness of CaOH liner?
Depth past DEJ of an amalgam prep?
225 bur = ?mm
330 bur = ?mm
Dry Heat Steril
2hrs 320F 160degC
15 psi, 20 min, 120degCel
What [ ] of F- in mg should be in 1 L of h20
0.7-1.2 mg/ mL h2o
How soon after mechanical debridement with a toothbrush you will typically find a mature dental plaque?
4-9 days!
Because WHICH RESTORATIVE MATERIAL?? wear easily, they are unsuitable to for restoring:
Proximal contacts
Stress-bearing areas
silicate cements (never heard of this shit)
WHAT THE FUCK? In which of the following cell layers does the nerve PLEXUS of RASCHKOW reside?
The cell-free layer (love this shit: The nerve plexus of Raschkow is located central to the cell-free zone. It is a plexus of myelinated nerve fibers located between the core of the pulp and the cell-rich zone. Axons of the Raschkow plexus lose their myelin sheath (but not their Schwann cells) as they penetrate the cell-rich and cell-free zones to make synaptic contact with the odontoblast cell body in the pulp or odontoblastic process within the dentinal tubule.)
The plexus of _______ monitors painful sensations as well as mediation of inflammatory events and subsequent tissue repair.
There are two types of nerve fibers that mediate the sensation of pain: _______ - Myelinated neves that conduct rapid and sharp pain sensations
_______ - Thinner, non-myelinated nerves involved in dull aching pain
A-fibers - Myelinated neves that conduct rapid and sharp pain sensations (TYPE A people are more sharp)
C-fibers - Thinner, non-myelinated nerves involved in dull aching pain
The A-fibers (mainly A-_____ type) are located in the PERIPHERY of the pulp, where they are in close association with the odontoblasts and extend fibers to many but not all dentinal tubules.
The ___- fibers typically terminate in the pulp tissue proper, either as free nerve endings or as branches around blood vessels.
Dentinal or smear plugs are composed of:
the debris from the smear layer
LOLLOLOLOLOL: The radiant exposure for a curing light producing 1000 mW of power with a spot size of 2 cm², and an exposure time of 40 seconds _______ mWJ/cm².
20,000 mWJ/cm2
Materials with ______ filler contents exhibit LOWER WATER absorption values than materials with ______ filler content.
HIGHER filler…. lower filler
The most important reason to place a restoration is to
aid in plaque control
________ lesions are lesions that cover two surfaces of a tooth.
A carious lesion that covers three surfaces on a single tooth is known as a _______ lesion.
A lesion known as a ________ lesion is a lesion created from a previous lesion that has been restored and is also known as recurrent caries
A ______ lesion is a lesion that covers one surface of a tooth.
The optimum absorption of energy of camphorquinone is at ____ nm which is why a narrow spectrum of wavelength is required in the polymerization of composites.
465 nm
Fluoride ions can replace the ______ ions during the calcification stage of tooth development, which results in a structure that is more compact and resistant to caries.
__________ (NOT ________) release ALCOHOL as a by-product during their setting reaction.
Condensation silicones (NOT addition silicones)
The rubber dam should be punched ___ mm IN WHICH DIRECTION? to the designated tooth for Class V restorations, enabling the rubber dam to completely cover the area to be isolated and making sub-gingival placement easier if needed.
The lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at ___-___g (which is equivalent to ____ - ____ mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).
Optimal concentration of Fluoride for communal water is _____, but this varies w/ temperature.
Adult lethal dose of F- is ___ - ___ w/ avg of __-__g
2.5-10g avg of 4-5g
The accepted minimal LETHAL dose is __mgF/kg body weight
5mgF/kg body weight